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CVS commit: pkgsrc/misc/libreoffice

Module Name:    pkgsrc
Committed By:   ryoon
Date:           Sat Jun  1 01:32:15 UTC 2024

Modified Files:
        pkgsrc/misc/libreoffice: Makefile distinfo
Added Files:
        pkgsrc/misc/libreoffice/patches: patch-icu75-1 patch-icu75-2
Removed Files:

Log Message:
imisc/libreoffice: Update to

* Fix build with ICU 75.

Bugs fixed compared to 24.2.3 RC1:

 1. tdf#129701 Skip empty cells option does not work for the last column in
    Calc Text Import dialog [Laurent Balland]
 2. tdf#153306 Cursor leftovers keep being displayed when using Skia Vulkan/
    Metal [Patrick Luby]
 3. tdf#154581 Paragraph language and character formatting (bold, italic) lost
    when pasting HTML [Michael Stahl]
 4. tdf#157411 Loss of font size on round trip from Writer ODF to Writer-web
    HTML, affects direct formatting less so styled paragraphs [Michael Stahl]
 5. tdf#158549 Copy / Paste from gDocs loses the style formatting [Michael
 6. tdf#159625 Can NOT un-check [allow to split paragraph] [Julien Nabet]
 7. tdf#159903 Paragraph style indent settings not working correctly [Michael
 8. tdf#160431 Inverts webp file image when inserted [Noel Grandin]
 9. tdf#160590 Impress crashes with skia Metal enabled, skia raster software
    rendering works (MacOS Monterey (12.7.4) w/Intel HD Graphics 6000) [Patrick
10. tdf#160700 Regression: broken cross-reference to empty element of numbered
    list after saving [Mike Kaganski]
11. tdf#160714 Exporting ODP file to PDF in Impress does not export PDF figures
    correctly [Patrick Luby]
12. tdf#160765 EDITING: Insert comment - Copy - Paste Comments - Undo - Show
    comment -> LO crash [Andreas Heinisch]
13. tdf#160827 Crash on opening certain .docx files [Julien Nabet]
14. tdf#160831 Some contour lines appears in images [Patrick Luby]
Bugs fixed compared to 24.2.2 RC1:

 1. cid#1594402 unchecked dynamic_cast [Caol??n McNamara]
 2. ofz#67540 negative offset [Caol??n McNamara]
 3. ofz#67563 infinite loop [Caol??n McNamara]
 4. ofz#67708 ignore oversized colspans [Caol??n McNamara]
 5. ofz#67854 UNKNOWN READ [Caol??n McNamara]
 6. tdf#63259 It should be possible to use shift + F3 case change (cycle case),
    when cursor is at the beginning or end of a word and not only in the middle
    [Oliver Specht]
 7. tdf#81012 FORMATTING: Wrong chapter title in running header/footer after
    the first page of endnotes [Mike Kaganski]
 8. tdf#92768 support hiding title objects [Julien Nabet]
 9. tdf#93352 UI. RTL: Horizontal scrolling for right-to-left Sheet moves in
    opposite direction (macOS and Linux) [Patrick Luby]
10. tdf#103068 New Database Wizard gets confused between ODBC and JDBC
    connection if you backup twice to step 1. [Mike Kaganski]
11. tdf#108057 Primary key should default to AutoValue=Yes when type is integer
    [Mike Kaganski]
12. tdf#109272 Wrong cursor position when deleting a selection in Show Changes
    mode [Mike Kaganski]
13. tdf#129905 Cannot turn off section boundaries with Options-Application
    Colors [Justin Luth]
14. tdf#142133 Hyperlinks cannot be clicked / interacted with in PDF export of
    RTF or DOCX files (comment 9) [Xisco Fauli]
15. tdf#154072 crash / no effect when clicking some dropdown buttons when
    toolbar overflows [Caol??n McNamara]
16. tdf#154209 Using "Update entry from selection" button in "Edit Index Entry"
    switches to "Insert" mode [Heiko Tietze]
17. tdf#154715 "Edit Fields" for cross-reference fields should open on the
    type, format, and selection of the inserted field [Caol??n McNamara]
18. tdf#156156 Add Help button to sidebar [St??phane Guillou]
19. tdf#156655 Long text in merged cells not painted [Tibor Nagy]
20. tdf#157258 "Always autocorrect to" deletes the word instead of replacing
    (affects extensions like Grammalecte, LanguageTool, Antidote) [Caol??n
21. tdf#157480 Testing Mail Merge Email settings fails with
    ssl.SSLCertVerificationError [Caol??n McNamara]
22. tdf#157587 Tabbed UI: Cannot scroll through all Style Preview options with
    up/down arrow button [Caol??n McNamara]
23. tdf#158556 DOCX Document That Opens/Loads Extremely Slowly [Noel Grandin]
24. tdf#158773 FILEOPEN PPTX Slow loading of file with lots of unused master
    pages [Noel Grandin]
25. tdf#158801 CRASH: after pressing return a few times [Miklos Vajna]
26. tdf#158986 FILEOPEN: RTF: Extra page break [Miklos Vajna]
27. tdf#159094 FILESAVE PDF Tagged PDF export of media file fails to create PDF
    [Tibor Nagy]
28. tdf#159326 Command-F assigned to both Edit > Find and Edit > Find and
    Replace menu items in Calc [Patrick Luby]
29. tdf#159498 Items in Template Manager's "Manage" dropdown should be
    left-aligned (gtk3) [Caol??n McNamara]
30. tdf#159529 Excessive memory consumption in v24.2 [Patrick Luby]
31. tdf#159790 jdbcDriverOOo extension causes hang on LibreOffice macOS Arm,
    requiring force kill [Patrick Luby]
32. tdf#159805 Printing line style dotted lines (horizontal) turns into dashes.
    [Noel Grandin]
33. tdf#159918 A11Y sidebar: Tabs used in TOC create warning [Samuel Mehrbrodt]
34. tdf#159927 Applied date/time language not detected in insert header/footer
    dialog [Justin Luth]
35. tdf#160028 Type to select currency in split button dropdown does not work
    for gtk3 [Caol??n McNamara]
36. tdf#160057 Document Calc's separate Footer and Header tabs if "Same content
    on first page" is off [St??phane Guillou]
37. tdf#160122 The Options dialog that opens from the Solver dialog could be a
    bit taller to fit all options [Rafael Lima]
38. tdf#160139 Header and footer gets removed in Writer and cannot be restored
    after pasting some text from a shape (steps in comment 2) [Miklos Vajna]
39. tdf#160159 Spellchecking dialog's main textfield background color does not
    update on light/dark mode switching (Linux) [Caol??n McNamara]
40. tdf#160162 Hyperlink to Draw page does not update after change in page
    position, since LO 6.4 [Hossein]
41. tdf#160192 CRASH when trying to overwrite file in read-only directory when
    its lock file exists [Julien Nabet]
42. tdf#160222 LibreOffice 7.6.5 - SF_Session RunApplication crash for unknown
    reason [Jean-Pierre Ledure]
43. tdf#160225 "Duplicate Sheet" Causes Axis Label to Appear in Chart [Julien
44. tdf#160260 Draw PDF import shows message "This PDF file is encrypted and
    can't be opened." if Windows account contains special character [Mike
45. tdf#160278 XTextRange.setString("?") or any other 32-bit Unicode character
    breaks the range [Mike Kaganski]
46. tdf#160301 FILEOPEN: DOC: DOCVARIABLE fields with missing content [Oliver
47. tdf#160306 Formatting decimals can result in wrong rounding [Mike Kaganski]
48. tdf#160342 Unwanted spaces in the printout [Aron Budea]
49. tdf#160351 The label in the Bibliography formatting menu has been
    mislabeled for many years. [Mike Kaganski, Julien Nabet]
50. tdf#160365 Writer: unable to turn off "text boundaries" for frames / tables
    [Justin Luth]
51. tdf#160368 Crash on save after deleting sheet [Caol??n McNamara]
52. tdf#160369 Group anchored to cell below hidden row moves to next cell at
    save (+ visual left behind, so seems unselectable) [Regina Henschel]
53. tdf#160373 Broken SVG import with fill=none and clippaths [Xisco Fauli]
54. tdf#160386 All <switch> translations overlap in imported SVG [Xisco Fauli]
55. tdf#160390 Hang on export of a specific document to HTML [Mike Kaganski]
56. tdf#160392 Print dialog preview's measurement are black on dark background
    in dark mode (gtk3) [Caol??n McNamara]
57. tdf#160399 Print Preview freezes with whole row merged in large spreadsheet
    [Noel Grandin]
58. tdf#160421 A flipped extruded custom shape is wrongly illuminated [Regina
59. tdf#160430 Rotated text is partially cut off on Windows with Skia disabled
    [Mike Kaganski]
60. tdf#160436 Vertically oriented rotated text is partially cut off on Windows
    with Skia disabled [Mike Kaganski]
61. tdf#160444 Crash on closing the 3D-Effects Window [Patrick Luby]
62. tdf#160467 [NEWHELP] CSS issue with Help pages for prism code colorize
    [Juan Jos?? Gonz??lez]
63. tdf#160478 The Like LO Basic operator does not work correctly if there are
    certain characters in the string being tested. [Mike Kaganski]
64. tdf#160526 An as-character object sitting in a line alone hides, when
    shifted outside of page boundaries, instead of moving to the next page
    [Mike Kaganski]
65. tdf#160549 large objects with complex header&footer may cause loop [Mike

To generate a diff of this commit:
cvs rdiff -u -r1.332 -r1.333 pkgsrc/misc/libreoffice/Makefile
cvs rdiff -u -r1.151 -r1.152 pkgsrc/misc/libreoffice/distinfo
cvs rdiff -u -r1.1 -r0 \
cvs rdiff -u -r0 -r1.1 pkgsrc/misc/libreoffice/patches/patch-icu75-1 \

Please note that diffs are not public domain; they are subject to the
copyright notices on the relevant files.

Modified files:

Index: pkgsrc/misc/libreoffice/Makefile
diff -u pkgsrc/misc/libreoffice/Makefile:1.332 pkgsrc/misc/libreoffice/Makefile:1.333
--- pkgsrc/misc/libreoffice/Makefile:1.332      Wed May 29 16:33:38 2024
+++ pkgsrc/misc/libreoffice/Makefile    Sat Jun  1 01:32:15 2024
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.332 2024/05/29 16:33:38 adam Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.333 2024/06/01 01:32:15 ryoon Exp $
-VERREL=                24.2.2
+VERREL=                24.2.3
 VERRC=         2
 VER=           ${VERREL}.${VERRC}
 DISTNAME=      libreoffice-${VER}
 CATEGORIES=    misc
 EXTRACT_SUFX=  .tar.xz
@@ -113,11 +112,11 @@ MORE_DISTFILES= \ \ \ \
-       mariadb-connector-c-3.3.7-src.tar.gz \
+       mariadb-connector-c-3.3.8-src.tar.gz \ \
        368f114c078f94214a308a74c7e991bc-crosextrafonts-20130214.tar.gz \
        language-subtag-registry-2021-08-06.tar.bz2 \
-       postgresql-13.11.tar.bz2 \
+       postgresql-13.14.tar.bz2 \
        graphite2-minimal-1.3.14.tgz \ \
        EmojiOneColor-SVGinOT-1.3.tar.gz \

Index: pkgsrc/misc/libreoffice/distinfo
diff -u pkgsrc/misc/libreoffice/distinfo:1.151 pkgsrc/misc/libreoffice/distinfo:1.152
--- pkgsrc/misc/libreoffice/distinfo:1.151      Sat Apr 13 12:16:10 2024
+++ pkgsrc/misc/libreoffice/distinfo    Sat Jun  1 01:32:15 2024
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.151 2024/04/13 12:16:10 ryoon Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.152 2024/06/01 01:32:15 ryoon Exp $
 BLAKE2s (libreoffice/0168229624cfac409e766913506961a8-ucpp-1.3.2.tar.gz) = 0e0a0ae1eb07e5058749dc1726bc59971c723b4b16c57d83f24b6ac6ddd96d71
 SHA512 (libreoffice/0168229624cfac409e766913506961a8-ucpp-1.3.2.tar.gz) = 
@@ -168,21 +168,21 @@ Size (libreoffice/liberation-narrow-font
 BLAKE2s (libreoffice/libre-hebrew-1.0.tar.gz) = 0cf1aade1aa45f923b05b4c0c2378ad8fe954b6b56913ef8b263403696853679
 SHA512 (libreoffice/libre-hebrew-1.0.tar.gz) = 609c8ef29a1eab9b027ea04abf14949e9a204cf826fb0a792dadd8a83fc49ac9610a0b3a2bd4b8988e615688c63d0ec08a89436134980b2a9667e8966a75a795
 Size (libreoffice/libre-hebrew-1.0.tar.gz) = 531276 bytes
-BLAKE2s (libreoffice/libreoffice- = 3e834a5a67295a79d5741ce23e6ceb3ab9c32d24abf988cf737e2a6901609be0
-SHA512 (libreoffice/libreoffice- = a05b8ea123b687dc27b9e9919814581efc155a075d797d1ddf2e2565dd029f82e09efe52b0c4082dde6156704023b6262c91ef356e6f4794250dfd133759cb29
-Size (libreoffice/libreoffice- = 280611816 bytes
-BLAKE2s (libreoffice/libreoffice-dictionaries- = 1c2009e12fbdc1af3fe028171d2eae63e32199409d2a2e96714614e3ead98e44
-SHA512 (libreoffice/libreoffice-dictionaries- = 7e9bcc58f6830a4d66893df13bd5995ab2774d331659b1812dc7400a218ed917812c109569f1902ccc060055690283301405bc1867629e9ec45a4362333053ba
-Size (libreoffice/libreoffice-dictionaries- = 53873712 bytes
-BLAKE2s (libreoffice/libreoffice-translations- = 11eb565d889d16bab78b6aec2cc672a465da124bd6973e2af1952365f8efc9e8
-SHA512 (libreoffice/libreoffice-translations- = a9e824dd55f1bb950f16beaa328f0544ca3e3863cfca496aa8dc768f22ef8e5fb3c750862bbe2eacd048f936912558729188e4616b2f3af572c685450935b25f
-Size (libreoffice/libreoffice-translations- = 220659976 bytes
+BLAKE2s (libreoffice/libreoffice- = 36d22c4948ef009c40fdddb12d0f54dc0263a3d8284e1c79cd1ece0b04636cec
+SHA512 (libreoffice/libreoffice- = c0313a5f1ea0a860b40debf6bc75bc792ffb152d76fa1372e8e4574eca5c4a8a33748e74636a09e01dab1ae21e08261856c7c11b82080e6e8d6c2dd1a166782b
+Size (libreoffice/libreoffice- = 280246948 bytes
+BLAKE2s (libreoffice/libreoffice-dictionaries- = 826e8c845a88c7623d0a71aa0d9fc87bce11f7f257927d0d3e4659fedca303b9
+SHA512 (libreoffice/libreoffice-dictionaries- = 32f20bdec3cbaa6ef9c633ace19e1db37f826548f9d46c4437899187ebc2c87cc40715c4ebd2285b9ed2a149a4934ebab123baa008e49f16846d45cbab1aa612
+Size (libreoffice/libreoffice-dictionaries- = 53999868 bytes
+BLAKE2s (libreoffice/libreoffice-translations- = 822afb42941a9a89899d2154d7391e18046690bc7e5b4344369f38f3bf25a7f9
+SHA512 (libreoffice/libreoffice-translations- = c5f22392fe4ec86203fe0181b829937997202d775cf4add8ea5ee95e66b29d0047d02c8758dc8d2b97d636f3a19d0c2b9d4399a0de019ba07318530382a8c904
+Size (libreoffice/libreoffice-translations- = 219887020 bytes
 BLAKE2s (libreoffice/lxml-4.1.1.tgz) = 8ab1ddfc30f21c433da04723d9092cd4e938cd5a5380310e8089e959a690d294
 SHA512 (libreoffice/lxml-4.1.1.tgz) = 9542e5206f9b2f9e072c52ef8e6cf44d1aaae8ae3e7ca7e820c1fac12e716503308ccb3cebc52155b4c93799f3ebca247781fc491524d004378bd26f5cddb9d1
 Size (libreoffice/lxml-4.1.1.tgz) = 2380804 bytes
-BLAKE2s (libreoffice/mariadb-connector-c-3.3.7-src.tar.gz) = 3d202d331c24631d385355d82fd8a903ae5d042ff935ea79dcd5d0851f7ed4d9
-SHA512 (libreoffice/mariadb-connector-c-3.3.7-src.tar.gz) = d3755b607d2a165e2030042defefe41abb54132ed67e34afd2948d532634ca0ab338f0e47f01be1b910b054d73f652558cc923a325f73a009685723e8c8b3d96
-Size (libreoffice/mariadb-connector-c-3.3.7-src.tar.gz) = 1393100 bytes
+BLAKE2s (libreoffice/mariadb-connector-c-3.3.8-src.tar.gz) = b0025395403ec35ba3db598a72eebf7266cd00e68e6d82dbc255b7f2a3fcf907
+SHA512 (libreoffice/mariadb-connector-c-3.3.8-src.tar.gz) = d2630bda8deb28696842a6b5dd308060a8b9a83a04dfb3ed908387f53af4108510c6f536aaecc4a3c9a035c7be91b98229d6c480366a3579b6be2c5a8d85ff56
+Size (libreoffice/mariadb-connector-c-3.3.8-src.tar.gz) = 1393368 bytes
 BLAKE2s (libreoffice/noto-fonts-20171024.tar.gz) = 7040883157f6119abaa00388f2775693bd9e7f6b52ccf88dcbc38d578316f636
 SHA512 (libreoffice/noto-fonts-20171024.tar.gz) = 3888c5f19d85f9ae25413a064a27f01b87e09ba07b40f721b20e563bad3289a5c435686744dc3b52980625a24f82fa0b4b38046b4db971afc50a0cb3a757c179
 Size (libreoffice/noto-fonts-20171024.tar.gz) = 6646182 bytes
@@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ Size (libreoffice/odfvalidator-0.9.0-RC2
 BLAKE2s (libreoffice/pdfium-6179.tar.bz2) = 324d5f1d60e096b102ca11d8218c6b094b70efb0307d8b15b3a17baca7a4fffb
 SHA512 (libreoffice/pdfium-6179.tar.bz2) = 10d266786bd7f59e96db4da8c468b4491794c01da2d17b066cae3ba6f2803523d58ef545b1540749dcdd2e78f5a6b84404fd10f47bf04d04345feddd2ffaa386
 Size (libreoffice/pdfium-6179.tar.bz2) = 9907097 bytes
-BLAKE2s (libreoffice/postgresql-13.11.tar.bz2) = 86ba5fbcbff8ce9c1848cd71dbdb6766ef0db89df33628b7eb369c6fa0357711
-SHA512 (libreoffice/postgresql-13.11.tar.bz2) = 30c60de44f9a33470ea9cd0c9757de23341bf1f5b9f3e8ee2c5b303d6709d08e9aea0f6ae597e344f610a577809860c7921596fe63034b6c2e3fa488e3040987
-Size (libreoffice/postgresql-13.11.tar.bz2) = 21519655 bytes
+BLAKE2s (libreoffice/postgresql-13.14.tar.bz2) = 51cde2d961c227a23f6728b98c333acb1c270dc1b73e5680316eb7a1d7a48002
+SHA512 (libreoffice/postgresql-13.14.tar.bz2) = 25d545de69d6ac16b044e09939678af97b6574c71d47d98f95f0ef9ad11ff65e864e503ddff119d73fbb3c61e648e31219982d60da7fc2382ba10e0bfc370aa5
+Size (libreoffice/postgresql-13.14.tar.bz2) = 21584146 bytes
 BLAKE2s (libreoffice/skia-m116-2ddcf183eb260f63698aa74d1bb380f247ad7ccd.tar.xz) = 09bfe711c63ec9efd8ddbf292f7c47ab2edc095dbf0a4f8c44671fab17d7520d
 SHA512 (libreoffice/skia-m116-2ddcf183eb260f63698aa74d1bb380f247ad7ccd.tar.xz) = 
 Size (libreoffice/skia-m116-2ddcf183eb260f63698aa74d1bb380f247ad7ccd.tar.xz) = 10868024 bytes
@@ -221,8 +221,9 @@ SHA1 (patch-external_pdfium_pkgsrc.patch
 SHA1 ( = c2f76786b56bb13f488d953e66b72c7c9a1cff47
 SHA1 ( = 721162b8c2f99dcdd735c96ee833df5374e1ed7c
 SHA1 (patch-external_skia_netbsd.patch.0) = 70d61c86d3e69e6dee1602bca8b860de4cc2405d
-SHA1 (patch-i18npool_source_breakiterator_data_line.txt) = 0efa71868b804342837475e8eb85276cb5bd2993
 SHA1 (patch-i18nutil_source_utility_unicode.cxx) = d60f5b5089c4358f4081648466662753393e4990
+SHA1 (patch-icu75-1) = 48f933859f25453b87779196dec81bf7438d75de
+SHA1 (patch-icu75-2) = 8eae198f00a89a9ee5deb58485aca0cdfab62e10
 SHA1 (patch-include_comphelper_errcode.hxx) = 38dfb91874aadec0c2f329b7ed09738d34b13d72
 SHA1 (patch-include_svx_strings.hrc) = 995efd0ce93c5493d1df50ad28cbabed773dbc33
 SHA1 ( = 46b6948287c8d2354d9b9fd2fab7d685580650ee

Added files:

Index: pkgsrc/misc/libreoffice/patches/patch-icu75-1
diff -u /dev/null pkgsrc/misc/libreoffice/patches/patch-icu75-1:1.1
--- /dev/null   Sat Jun  1 01:32:15 2024
+++ pkgsrc/misc/libreoffice/patches/patch-icu75-1       Sat Jun  1 01:32:15 2024
@@ -0,0 +1,632 @@
+From fb94cc0d1348140d03c2826771c57255ff74a94a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jonathan Clark <>
+Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2024 16:42:39 -0600
+Subject: [PATCH] tdf#49885 Reviewed BreakIterator customizations
+This change completes the review of BreakIterator rule customizations,
+and adds unit tests for relevant customizations.
+Change-Id: I06678fcccfc48d020aac64dd9f58ff36a763af30
+Tested-by: Jenkins
+Reviewed-by: Eike Rathke <>
+ i18npool/qa/cppunit/test_breakiterator.cxx | 559 +++++++++++++++++++
+ i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/README  | 612 ++++-----------------
+ 2 files changed, 668 insertions(+), 503 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/i18npool/qa/cppunit/test_breakiterator.cxx b/i18npool/qa/cppunit/test_breakiterator.cxx
+index 0f2629fe05ec..b33466bee46d 100644
+--- i18npool/qa/cppunit/test_breakiterator.cxx
++++ i18npool/qa/cppunit/test_breakiterator.cxx
+@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ public:
+     void testLineBreaking();
+     void testWordBoundaries();
++    void testSentenceBoundaries();
+     void testGraphemeIteration();
+     void testWeak();
+     void testAsian();
+@@ -43,9 +44,18 @@ public:
+     void testJapanese();
+     void testChinese();
++    void testLegacyDictWordPrepostDash_de_DE();
++    void testLegacyDictWordPrepostDash_nds_DE();
++    void testLegacyDictWordPrepostDash_nl_NL();
++    void testLegacyDictWordPrepostDash_sv_SE();
++    void testLegacyHebrewQuoteInsideWord();
++    void testLegacySurrogatePairs();
++    void testLegacyWordCountCompat();
+     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE(TestBreakIterator);
+     CPPUNIT_TEST(testLineBreaking);
+     CPPUNIT_TEST(testWordBoundaries);
++    CPPUNIT_TEST(testSentenceBoundaries);
+     CPPUNIT_TEST(testGraphemeIteration);
+     CPPUNIT_TEST(testWeak);
+     CPPUNIT_TEST(testAsian);
+@@ -57,6 +67,13 @@ public:
+ #endif
+     CPPUNIT_TEST(testJapanese);
+     CPPUNIT_TEST(testChinese);
++    CPPUNIT_TEST(testLegacyDictWordPrepostDash_de_DE);
++    CPPUNIT_TEST(testLegacyDictWordPrepostDash_nds_DE);
++    CPPUNIT_TEST(testLegacyDictWordPrepostDash_nl_NL);
++    CPPUNIT_TEST(testLegacyDictWordPrepostDash_sv_SE);
++    CPPUNIT_TEST(testLegacyHebrewQuoteInsideWord);
++    CPPUNIT_TEST(testLegacySurrogatePairs);
++    CPPUNIT_TEST(testLegacyWordCountCompat);
+ private:
+@@ -118,6 +135,173 @@ void TestBreakIterator::testLineBreaking()
+         }
+     }
++    // i#22602: writer breaks word after dot immediately followed by a letter
++    {
++        aLocale.Language = "en";
++        aLocale.Country = "US";
++        {
++            //Here we want the line break to leave ./bar/baz clumped together on the next line
++            i18n::LineBreakResults aResult = m_xBreak->getLineBreak(
++                "foo ./bar/baz", strlen("foo ./bar/ba"), aLocale, 0, aHyphOptions, aUserOptions);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("Expected a break at the first period",
++                                         static_cast<sal_Int32>(4), aResult.breakIndex);
++        }
++    }
++    // i#81448: slash and backslash make non-breaking spaces of preceding spaces
++    {
++        aLocale.Language = "en";
++        aLocale.Country = "US";
++        {
++            // Per the bug, the line break should leave ...BE clumped together on the next line.
++            // However, the current behavior does not wrap the string at all. This test asserts the
++            // current behavior as a point of reference.
++            i18n::LineBreakResults aResult = m_xBreak->getLineBreak(
++                "THIS... ...BE", strlen("THIS... ...B"), aLocale, 0, aHyphOptions, aUserOptions);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<sal_Int32>(0), aResult.breakIndex);
++        }
++    }
++    // i#81448: slash and backslash make non-breaking spaces of preceding spaces
++    {
++        aLocale.Language = "en";
++        aLocale.Country = "US";
++        {
++            // The line break should leave /BE clumped together on the next line.
++            i18n::LineBreakResults aResult = m_xBreak->getLineBreak(
++                "THIS... /BE", strlen("THIS... /B"), aLocale, 0, aHyphOptions, aUserOptions);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<sal_Int32>(8), aResult.breakIndex);
++        }
++    }
++    // i#80548: Bad word wrap between dash and word
++    {
++        aLocale.Language = "fi";
++        aLocale.Country = "FI";
++        {
++            // Per the bug, the line break should leave -bar clumped together on the next line.
++            // However, this change was reverted at some point. This test asserts the new behavior.
++            i18n::LineBreakResults aResult = m_xBreak->getLineBreak(
++                "foo -bar", strlen("foo -ba"), aLocale, 0, aHyphOptions, aUserOptions);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("Expected a break at the first dash",
++                                         static_cast<sal_Int32>(5), aResult.breakIndex);
++        }
++    }
++    // i#80645: Line erroneously breaks at backslash
++    {
++        aLocale.Language = "en";
++        aLocale.Country = "US";
++        {
++            // Here we want the line break to leave C:\Program Files\ on the first line
++            i18n::LineBreakResults aResult = m_xBreak->getLineBreak(
++                "C:\\Program Files\\LibreOffice", strlen("C:\\Program Files\\Libre"), aLocale, 0,
++                aHyphOptions, aUserOptions);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<sal_Int32>(17), aResult.breakIndex);
++        }
++    }
++    // i#80841: Words separated by hyphens will always break to next line
++    {
++        aLocale.Language = "en";
++        aLocale.Country = "US";
++        {
++            // Here we want the line break to leave toll- on the first line
++            i18n::LineBreakResults aResult = m_xBreak->getLineBreak(
++                "toll-free", strlen("toll-fr"), aLocale, 0, aHyphOptions, aUserOptions);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<sal_Int32>(5), aResult.breakIndex);
++        }
++    }
++    // i#83464: Line break between letter and $
++    {
++        aLocale.Language = "en";
++        aLocale.Country = "US";
++        {
++            // Here we want the line break to leave US$ clumped on the next line.
++            i18n::LineBreakResults aResult = m_xBreak->getLineBreak(
++                "word US$ 123", strlen("word U"), aLocale, 0, aHyphOptions, aUserOptions);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<sal_Int32>(5), aResult.breakIndex);
++        }
++    }
++    // Unknown bug number: "fix line break problem of dot after letter and before number"
++    {
++        aLocale.Language = "en";
++        aLocale.Country = "US";
++        {
++            // Here we want the line break to leave US$ clumped on the next line.
++            i18n::LineBreakResults aResult = m_xBreak->getLineBreak(
++                "word L.5 word", strlen("word L"), aLocale, 0, aHyphOptions, aUserOptions);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<sal_Int32>(5), aResult.breakIndex);
++        }
++    }
++    // i#83229: Wrong line break when word contains a hyphen
++    {
++        aLocale.Language = "en";
++        aLocale.Country = "US";
++        {
++            // Here we want the line break to leave 100- clumped on the first line.
++            i18n::LineBreakResults aResult = m_xBreak->getLineBreak(
++                "word 100-199 word", strlen("word 100-1"), aLocale, 0, aHyphOptions, aUserOptions);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<sal_Int32>(9), aResult.breakIndex);
++        }
++    }
++    // i#83649: Line break should be between typographical quote and left bracket
++    {
++        aLocale.Language = "de";
++        aLocale.Country = "DE";
++        {
++            // Here we want the line break to leave »angetan werden« on the first line
++            const OUString str = u"»angetan werden« [Passiv]"_ustr;
++            i18n::LineBreakResults aResult = m_xBreak->getLineBreak(
++                str, strlen("Xangetan werdenX ["), aLocale, 0, aHyphOptions, aUserOptions);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<sal_Int32>(17), aResult.breakIndex);
++        }
++    }
++    // i#72868: Writer/Impress line does not break after Chinese punctuation and Latin letters
++    {
++        aLocale.Language = "zh";
++        aLocale.Country = "HK";
++        {
++            // Per the bug, this should break at the ideographic comma. However, this change has
++            // been reverted at some point. This test only verifies current behavior.
++            const OUString str = u"word word、word word"_ustr;
++            i18n::LineBreakResults aResult = m_xBreak->getLineBreak(
++                str, strlen("word wordXwor"), aLocale, 0, aHyphOptions, aUserOptions);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<sal_Int32>(13), aResult.breakIndex);
++        }
++    }
++    // i#80891: Character in the forbidden list sometimes appears at the start of line
++    {
++        aLocale.Language = "zh";
++        aLocale.Country = "HK";
++        {
++            // Per the bug, the ideographic two-dot leader should be a forbidden character. However,
++            // this change seems to have been reverted or broken at some point.
++            const OUString str = u"電話︰電話"_ustr;
++            i18n::LineBreakResults aResult
++                = m_xBreak->getLineBreak(str, 2, aLocale, 0, aHyphOptions, aUserOptions);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<sal_Int32>(2), aResult.breakIndex);
++        }
++    }
+     //See
+     {
+         aLocale.Language = "en";
+@@ -160,6 +344,20 @@ void TestBreakIterator::testLineBreaking()
+             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("Expected a break don't split the Korean word!", static_cast<sal_Int32>(5), aResult.breakIndex);
+         }
+     }
++    // i#65267: Comma is badly broken at end of line
++    // - The word should be wrapped along with the comma
++    {
++        aLocale.Language = "de";
++        aLocale.Country = "DE";
++        {
++            auto res = m_xBreak->getLineBreak("Wort -prinzessinnen, wort",
++                                              strlen("Wort -prinzessinnen,"), aLocale, 0,
++                                              aHyphOptions, aUserOptions);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32{ 6 }, res.breakIndex);
++        }
++    }
+ }
+ //See
+@@ -601,6 +799,174 @@ void TestBreakIterator::testWordBoundaries()
+         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(4), aBounds.startPos);
+         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(5), aBounds.endPos);
+     }
++    // i#55778: Words containing numbers get broken up
++    {
++        aLocale.Language = "en";
++        aLocale.Country = "US";
++        static constexpr OUString aTest = u"first i18n third"_ustr;
++        aBounds
++            = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 8, aLocale, i18n::WordType::DICTIONARY_WORD, false);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(6), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(10), aBounds.endPos);
++    }
++    // i#56347: "BreakIterator patch for Hungarian"
++    // Rules for Hungarian affixes after numbers and certain symbols
++    {
++        auto mode = i18n::WordType::DICTIONARY_WORD;
++        aLocale.Language = "hu";
++        aLocale.Country = "HU";
++        OUString aTest = u"szavak 15 15-tel 15%-kal €-val szavak"_ustr;
++        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 2, aLocale, mode, true);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(0), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(6), aBounds.endPos);
++        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 7, aLocale, mode, true);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(7), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(9), aBounds.endPos);
++        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 11, aLocale, mode, true);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(10), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(16), aBounds.endPos);
++        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 18, aLocale, mode, true);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(17), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(24), aBounds.endPos);
++        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 25, aLocale, mode, true);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(25), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(30), aBounds.endPos);
++        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 27, aLocale, mode, true);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(25), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(30), aBounds.endPos);
++        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 34, aLocale, mode, true);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(31), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(37), aBounds.endPos);
++    }
++    // i#56348: Special chars in first pos not handled by spell checking in Writer (Hungarian)
++    // Rules for Hungarian affixes after numbers and certain symbols in edit mode.
++    // The patch was merged, but the original bug was never closed and the current behavior seems
++    // identical to the ICU default behavior. Added this test to ensure that doesn't change.
++    {
++        auto mode = i18n::WordType::ANY_WORD;
++        aLocale.Language = "hu";
++        aLocale.Country = "HU";
++        OUString aTest = u"szavak 15 15-tel 15%-kal €-val szavak"_ustr;
++        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 2, aLocale, mode, true);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(0), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(6), aBounds.endPos);
++        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 7, aLocale, mode, true);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(7), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(9), aBounds.endPos);
++        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 11, aLocale, mode, true);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(10), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(12), aBounds.endPos);
++        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 11, aLocale, mode, true);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(10), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(12), aBounds.endPos);
++        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 12, aLocale, mode, true);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(12), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(13), aBounds.endPos);
++        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 13, aLocale, mode, true);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(13), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(16), aBounds.endPos);
++        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 16, aLocale, mode, true);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(16), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(17), aBounds.endPos);
++        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 17, aLocale, mode, true);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(17), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(19), aBounds.endPos);
++        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 19, aLocale, mode, true);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(19), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(20), aBounds.endPos);
++        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 20, aLocale, mode, true);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(20), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(21), aBounds.endPos);
++        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 21, aLocale, mode, true);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(21), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(24), aBounds.endPos);
++        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 24, aLocale, mode, true);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(24), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(25), aBounds.endPos);
++        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 25, aLocale, mode, true);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(25), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(26), aBounds.endPos);
++        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 26, aLocale, mode, true);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(26), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(27), aBounds.endPos);
++        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 27, aLocale, mode, true);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(27), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(30), aBounds.endPos);
++        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 30, aLocale, mode, true);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(30), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(31), aBounds.endPos);
++        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 31, aLocale, mode, true);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(31), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(37), aBounds.endPos);
++    }
++void TestBreakIterator::testSentenceBoundaries()
++    lang::Locale aLocale;
++    aLocale.Language = "en";
++    aLocale.Country = "US";
++    // Trivial characteristic test for sentence boundary detection
++    {
++        OUString aTest("This is a sentence. This is a different sentence.");
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(0), m_xBreak->beginOfSentence(aTest, 5, aLocale));
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(19), m_xBreak->endOfSentence(aTest, 5, aLocale));
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(20), m_xBreak->beginOfSentence(aTest, 31, aLocale));
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(49), m_xBreak->endOfSentence(aTest, 31, aLocale));
++    }
++    // i#24098: i18n API beginOfSentence/endOfSentence
++    // fix beginOfSentence, ... when cursor is on the beginning of the sentence
++    {
++        OUString aTest("This is a sentence. This is a different sentence.");
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(20), m_xBreak->beginOfSentence(aTest, 20, aLocale));
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(49), m_xBreak->endOfSentence(aTest, 20, aLocale));
++    }
++    // i#24098: i18n API beginOfSentence/endOfSentence
++    // "skip preceding space for beginOfSentence"
++    {
++        OUString aTest("This is a sentence.     This is a different sentence.");
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(0), m_xBreak->beginOfSentence(aTest, 20, aLocale));
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(19), m_xBreak->endOfSentence(aTest, 20, aLocale));
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(24), m_xBreak->beginOfSentence(aTest, 26, aLocale));
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(53), m_xBreak->endOfSentence(aTest, 26, aLocale));
++    }
+ }
+ //See
+@@ -1043,6 +1409,199 @@ void TestBreakIterator::testChinese()
+         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(6), aBounds.endPos);
+     }
+ }
++void TestBreakIterator::testLegacyDictWordPrepostDash_de_DE()
++    lang::Locale aLocale;
++    aLocale.Language = "de";
++    aLocale.Country = "DE";
++    {
++        auto aTest = u"Arbeits- -nehmer"_ustr;
++        i18n::Boundary aBounds
++            = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 3, aLocale, i18n::WordType::DICTIONARY_WORD, false);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(0), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(8), aBounds.endPos);
++        aBounds
++            = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 13, aLocale, i18n::WordType::DICTIONARY_WORD, false);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(9), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(16), aBounds.endPos);
++    }
++void TestBreakIterator::testLegacyDictWordPrepostDash_nds_DE()
++    lang::Locale aLocale;
++    aLocale.Language = "nds";
++    aLocale.Country = "DE";
++    {
++        auto aTest = u"Arbeits- -nehmer"_ustr;
++        i18n::Boundary aBounds
++            = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 3, aLocale, i18n::WordType::DICTIONARY_WORD, false);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(0), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(8), aBounds.endPos);
++        aBounds
++            = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 13, aLocale, i18n::WordType::DICTIONARY_WORD, false);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(9), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(16), aBounds.endPos);
++    }
++void TestBreakIterator::testLegacyDictWordPrepostDash_nl_NL()
++    lang::Locale aLocale;
++    aLocale.Language = "nl";
++    aLocale.Country = "NL";
++    {
++        auto aTest = u"Arbeits- -nehmer"_ustr;
++        i18n::Boundary aBounds
++            = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 3, aLocale, i18n::WordType::DICTIONARY_WORD, false);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(0), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(8), aBounds.endPos);
++        aBounds
++            = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 13, aLocale, i18n::WordType::DICTIONARY_WORD, false);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(9), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(16), aBounds.endPos);
++    }
++void TestBreakIterator::testLegacyDictWordPrepostDash_sv_SE()
++    lang::Locale aLocale;
++    aLocale.Language = "sv";
++    aLocale.Country = "SE";
++    {
++        auto aTest = u"Arbeits- -nehmer"_ustr;
++        i18n::Boundary aBounds
++            = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 3, aLocale, i18n::WordType::DICTIONARY_WORD, false);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(0), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(8), aBounds.endPos);
++        aBounds
++            = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 13, aLocale, i18n::WordType::DICTIONARY_WORD, false);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(9), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(16), aBounds.endPos);
++    }
++void TestBreakIterator::testLegacyHebrewQuoteInsideWord()
++    lang::Locale aLocale;
++    aLocale.Language = "he";
++    aLocale.Country = "IL";
++    {
++        auto aTest = u"פַּרְדּ״ס פַּרְדּ\"ס"_ustr;
++        i18n::Boundary aBounds
++            = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 3, aLocale, i18n::WordType::DICTIONARY_WORD, false);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(0), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(9), aBounds.endPos);
++        aBounds
++            = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 13, aLocale, i18n::WordType::DICTIONARY_WORD, false);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(10), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(19), aBounds.endPos);
++    }
++void TestBreakIterator::testLegacySurrogatePairs()
++    lang::Locale aLocale;
++    aLocale.Language = "ja";
++    aLocale.Country = "JP";
++    // i#75632: [surrogate pair] Japanese word break does not work properly for surrogate pairs.
++    // and many others to address bugs: i#75631 i#75633 i#75412 etc.
++    //
++    // BreakIterator supports surrogate pairs (UTF-16). This is a simple characteristic test.
++    {
++        const sal_Unicode buf[] = { u"X 𠮟 X" };
++        OUString aTest(buf, SAL_N_ELEMENTS(buf));
++        auto aBounds
++            = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 1, aLocale, i18n::WordType::DICTIONARY_WORD, false);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(0), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(1), aBounds.endPos);
++        aBounds
++            = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 2, aLocale, i18n::WordType::DICTIONARY_WORD, false);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(2), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(5), aBounds.endPos);
++        aBounds
++            = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 5, aLocale, i18n::WordType::DICTIONARY_WORD, false);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(5), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(6), aBounds.endPos);
++    }
++void TestBreakIterator::testLegacyWordCountCompat()
++    lang::Locale aLocale;
++    aLocale.Language = "en";
++    aLocale.Country = "US";
++    // i#80815: "Word count differs from MS Word"
++    // This is a characteristic test for word count using test data from the linked bug.
++    {
++        const OUString str = u""
++                             "test data for word count issue #80815\n"
++                             "fo\\\'sforos\n"
++                             "archipi\\\'elago\n"
++                             "do\\^me\n"
++                             "f**k\n"
++                             "\n"
++                             "battery-driven\n"
++                             "and/or\n"
++                             "apple(s)\n"
++                             "money+opportunity\n"
++                             "Micro$oft\n"
++                             "\n"
++                             "300$\n"
++                             "I(not you)\n"
++                             "a****n\n"
++                             "1+3=4\n"
++                             "\n"
++                             "aaaaaaa.aaaaaaa\n"
++                             "aaaaaaa,aaaaaaa\n"
++                             "aaaaaaa;aaaaaaa\n"_ustr;
++        int num_words = 0;
++        sal_Int32 next_pos = 0;
++        int iter_guard = 0;
++        while (true)
++        {
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Tripped infinite loop check", ++iter_guard < 100);
++            auto aBounds = m_xBreak->nextWord(str, next_pos, aLocale, i18n::WordType::WORD_COUNT);
++            if (aBounds.endPos < next_pos)
++            {
++                break;
++            }
++            next_pos = aBounds.endPos;
++            ++num_words;
++        }
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(23, num_words);
++    }
+ void TestBreakIterator::setUp()
+ {
+     BootstrapFixtureBase::setUp();
Index: pkgsrc/misc/libreoffice/patches/patch-icu75-2
diff -u /dev/null pkgsrc/misc/libreoffice/patches/patch-icu75-2:1.1
--- /dev/null   Sat Jun  1 01:32:15 2024
+++ pkgsrc/misc/libreoffice/patches/patch-icu75-2       Sat Jun  1 01:32:15 2024
@@ -0,0 +1,3620 @@
+From 5b688b03a916a0f6127c7aba891bf613cff0de0b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jonathan Clark <>
+Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 09:09:50 -0600
+Subject: [PATCH] tdf#49885 BreakIterator rule upgrades
+This change re-bases the BreakIterator rule customizations on top of a
+clean copy of the ICU 74.2 rules.
+Change-Id: Iadcf16cab138cc6c869fac61ad64e996e65b5ae4
+ i18npool/        |   6 +-
+ i18npool/qa/cppunit/test_breakiterator.cxx    | 356 +++++----
+ .../source/breakiterator/data/dict_word.txt   | 267 ++++---
+ .../breakiterator/data/dict_word_he.txt       | 139 ----
+ .../breakiterator/data/dict_word_hu.txt       | 324 +++++----
+ .../breakiterator/data/dict_word_nodash.txt   | 147 ----
+ .../data/dict_word_prepostdash.txt            | 288 +++++---
+ .../source/breakiterator/data/edit_word.txt   | 261 ++++---
+ .../breakiterator/data/edit_word_he.txt       | 142 ----
+ .../breakiterator/data/edit_word_hu.txt       | 294 +++++---
+ i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/line.txt   | 680 ++++++------------
+ i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/sent.txt   | 128 ----
+ 12 files changed, 1307 insertions(+), 1725 deletions(-)
+ delete mode 100644 i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/dict_word_he.txt
+ delete mode 100644 i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/dict_word_nodash.txt
+ delete mode 100644 i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/edit_word_he.txt
+ delete mode 100644 i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/sent.txt
+diff --git a/i18npool/ b/i18npool/
+index 8229a5e8f314..ef951142837a 100644
+--- i18npool/
++++ i18npool/
+@@ -45,16 +45,12 @@ endif
+ i18npool_BRKTXTS := \
+     count_word.brk \
+-    $(call gb_Helper_optional_locale,he,dict_word_he.brk) \
+     $(call gb_Helper_optional_locale,hu,dict_word_hu.brk) \
+-    dict_word_nodash.brk \
+     dict_word_prepostdash.brk \
+     dict_word.brk \
+-    $(call gb_Helper_optional_locale,he,edit_word_he.brk) \
+     $(call gb_Helper_optional_locale,hu,edit_word_hu.brk) \
+     edit_word.brk \
+-    line.brk \
+-    sent.brk
++    line.brk
+ # 'gencmn', 'genbrk' and 'genccode' are tools generated and delivered by icu project to process icu breakiterator rules.
+ # The output of gencmn generates warnings under Windows. We want to minimize the patches to external tools,
+diff --git a/i18npool/qa/cppunit/test_breakiterator.cxx b/i18npool/qa/cppunit/test_breakiterator.cxx
+index b33466bee46d..2a35b2eee58f 100644
+--- i18npool/qa/cppunit/test_breakiterator.cxx
++++ i18npool/qa/cppunit/test_breakiterator.cxx
+@@ -184,11 +184,10 @@ void TestBreakIterator::testLineBreaking()
+         {
+             // Per the bug, the line break should leave -bar clumped together on the next line.
+-            // However, this change was reverted at some point. This test asserts the new behavior.
+             i18n::LineBreakResults aResult = m_xBreak->getLineBreak(
+                 "foo -bar", strlen("foo -ba"), aLocale, 0, aHyphOptions, aUserOptions);
+             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("Expected a break at the first dash",
+-                                         static_cast<sal_Int32>(5), aResult.breakIndex);
++                                         static_cast<sal_Int32>(4), aResult.breakIndex);
+         }
+     }
+@@ -198,11 +197,29 @@ void TestBreakIterator::testLineBreaking()
+         aLocale.Country = "US";
+         {
+-            // Here we want the line break to leave C:\Program Files\ on the first line
++            // Note that the current behavior deviates from the original fix for this bug.
++            //
++            // The original report was filed due to wrapping all of "\Program Files\aaaa" to the
++            // next line, even though only "aaaa" overflowed. The original fix was to simply make
++            // U+005C reverse solidus (backslash) a breaking character.
++            //
++            // However, the root cause for this bug was not the behavior of '\', but rather some
++            // other bug making all of "\Program Files\" behave like a single token, despite it
++            // even containing whitespace.
++            //
++            // Reverting to the ICU line rules fixes this root issue. Now, in the following,
++            // "C:\Program" and "Files\LibreOffice" are treated as separate tokens. This is also
++            // consistent with the behavior of other office programs.
+             i18n::LineBreakResults aResult = m_xBreak->getLineBreak(
+                 "C:\\Program Files\\LibreOffice", strlen("C:\\Program Files\\Libre"), aLocale, 0,
+                 aHyphOptions, aUserOptions);
+-            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<sal_Int32>(17), aResult.breakIndex);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<sal_Int32>(11), aResult.breakIndex);
++            // An identical result should be generated for solidus.
++            aResult = m_xBreak->getLineBreak(
++                "C:/Program Files/LibreOffice", strlen("C:/Program Files/Libre"), aLocale, 0,
++                aHyphOptions, aUserOptions);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<sal_Int32>(11), aResult.breakIndex);
+         }
+     }
+@@ -251,23 +268,125 @@ void TestBreakIterator::testLineBreaking()
+         aLocale.Country = "US";
+         {
++            // The root cause for this bug was the Unicode standard introducing special treatment
++            // for '-' in a number range context. This change makes number ranges (e.g. "100-199")
++            // behave as if they are single tokens for the purposes of line breaking. Unfortunately,
++            // this caused a significant appearance change to existing documents.
++            //
++            // Despite being a user-visible layout change, this isn't exactly a bug. Wrapping
++            // number ranges as a single token is consistent with other applications, including web
++            // browsers, and other office suites as mentioned in the bug discussion. Removing this
++            // customization seems like it would be a major change, however.
++            //
+             // Here we want the line break to leave 100- clumped on the first line.
+             i18n::LineBreakResults aResult = m_xBreak->getLineBreak(
+                 "word 100-199 word", strlen("word 100-1"), aLocale, 0, aHyphOptions, aUserOptions);
+-            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<sal_Int32>(9), aResult.breakIndex);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32{9}, aResult.breakIndex);
++        }
++        {
++            // From the same bug: "the leading minus must stay with numbers and strings"
++            i18n::LineBreakResults aResult = m_xBreak->getLineBreak(
++                    "range of -100.000 to 100.000", strlen("range of -1"), aLocale, 0,
++                    aHyphOptions, aUserOptions);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32{9}, aResult.breakIndex);
++            constexpr OUString str = u"range of \u2212100.000 to 100.000"_ustr;
++            aResult = m_xBreak->getLineBreak(
++                    str, strlen("range of -"), aLocale, 0, aHyphOptions, aUserOptions);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32{9}, aResult.breakIndex);
+         }
+-    }
+-    // i#83649: Line break should be between typographical quote and left bracket
+-    {
+         aLocale.Language = "de";
+         aLocale.Country = "DE";
+         {
+-            // Here we want the line break to leave »angetan werden« on the first line
++            // From the same bug: "the leading minus must stay with numbers and strings"
++            i18n::LineBreakResults aResult = m_xBreak->getLineBreak(
++                    "EURO is -10,50", strlen("EURO is -1"), aLocale, 0, aHyphOptions, aUserOptions);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32{8}, aResult.breakIndex);
++            // Also the mathematical minus sign:
++            constexpr OUString str = u"EURO is \u221210,50"_ustr;
++            aResult = m_xBreak->getLineBreak(
++                    str, strlen("EURO is -"), aLocale, 0, aHyphOptions, aUserOptions);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32{8}, aResult.breakIndex);
++        }
++        {
++            // From the same bug: "the leading minus must stay with numbers and strings"
++            i18n::LineBreakResults aResult = m_xBreak->getLineBreak(
++                    "und -kosten", strlen("und -ko"), aLocale, 0,
++                    aHyphOptions, aUserOptions);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32{4}, aResult.breakIndex);
++            // But not the non-breaking hyphen:
++            constexpr OUString str = u"und \u2011"_ustr;
++            aResult = m_xBreak->getLineBreak(
++                    str, strlen("und -ko"), aLocale, 0, aHyphOptions, aUserOptions);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32{5}, aResult.breakIndex);
++        }
++    }
++    // i#83649: "Line break should be between typographical quote and left bracket"
++    // - Actually: Spaces between quotation mark and opening punctuation not treated as a break.
++    // - Note that per the Unicode standard, prohibiting breaks in this context is intentional
++    // because it may cause issues in certain languages due to the various ways quotation
++    // characters are used.
++    // - We do it anyway by customizing the ICU line breaking rules.
++    {
++        {
++            // This uses the sample text provided in the bug report. Based on usage, it is assumed
++            // they were in the de_DE locale.
++            aLocale.Language = "de";
++            aLocale.Country = "DE";
++            // Per the bug report, it is expected that »angetan werden« remains on the first line.
+             const OUString str = u"»angetan werden« [Passiv]"_ustr;
+             i18n::LineBreakResults aResult = m_xBreak->getLineBreak(
+-                str, strlen("Xangetan werdenX ["), aLocale, 0, aHyphOptions, aUserOptions);
++                str, str.getLength() - 4, aLocale, 0, aHyphOptions, aUserOptions);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<sal_Int32>(17), aResult.breakIndex);
++            // The same result should be returned for this and the first case.
++            const OUString str2 = u"»angetan werden« Passiv"_ustr;
++            aResult = m_xBreak->getLineBreak(
++                str2, str2.getLength() - 4, aLocale, 0, aHyphOptions, aUserOptions);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<sal_Int32>(17), aResult.breakIndex);
++            // Under ICU rules, no amount of spaces would cause this to wrap.
++            const OUString str3 = u"»angetan werden«    [Passiv]"_ustr;
++            aResult = m_xBreak->getLineBreak(
++                str3, str3.getLength() - 4, aLocale, 0, aHyphOptions, aUserOptions);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<sal_Int32>(20), aResult.breakIndex);
++            // However, tabs will
++            const OUString str4 = u"»angetan werden«\t[Passiv]"_ustr;
++            aResult = m_xBreak->getLineBreak(
++                str4, str4.getLength() - 4, aLocale, 0, aHyphOptions, aUserOptions);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<sal_Int32>(17), aResult.breakIndex);
++        }
++        {
++            // The same behavior is seen in English
++            aLocale.Language = "en";
++            aLocale.Country = "US";
++            const OUString str = u"\"angetan werden\" [Passiv]"_ustr;
++            i18n::LineBreakResults aResult = m_xBreak->getLineBreak(
++                str, str.getLength() - 4, aLocale, 0, aHyphOptions, aUserOptions);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<sal_Int32>(17), aResult.breakIndex);
++            const OUString str2 = u"\"angetan werden\" Passiv"_ustr;
++            aResult = m_xBreak->getLineBreak(
++                str2, str2.getLength() - 4, aLocale, 0, aHyphOptions, aUserOptions);
+             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<sal_Int32>(17), aResult.breakIndex);
+         }
+     }
+@@ -355,7 +474,7 @@ void TestBreakIterator::testLineBreaking()
+             auto res = m_xBreak->getLineBreak("Wort -prinzessinnen, wort",
+                                               strlen("Wort -prinzessinnen,"), aLocale, 0,
+                                               aHyphOptions, aUserOptions);
+-            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32{ 6 }, res.breakIndex);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32{ 5 }, res.breakIndex);
+         }
+     }
+ }
+@@ -638,7 +757,8 @@ void TestBreakIterator::testWordBoundaries()
+         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size(aExpected), i);
+     }
+-    //See
++    // i#85411: ZWSP should be a word separator for spellchecking
++    // - This fix was applied to both dict and edit customizations
+     for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
+     {
+         switch (j)
+@@ -660,21 +780,23 @@ void TestBreakIterator::testWordBoundaries()
+                 break;
+         }
+-        static constexpr OUString aTest =
+-            u"I\u200Bwant\u200Bto\u200Bgo"_ustr;
++        static constexpr OUString aTest = u"I\u200Bwant\u200Bto\u200Bgo"_ustr;
+         sal_Int32 nPos = 0;
+-        sal_Int32 aExpected[] = {1, 6, 9, 12};
++        sal_Int32 aExpected[] = { 1, 6, 9, 12 };
+         size_t i = 0;
+         do
+         {
+             CPPUNIT_ASSERT(i < std::size(aExpected));
+-            nPos = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, nPos, aLocale,
+-                i18n::WordType::DICTIONARY_WORD, true).endPos;
+-            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(aExpected[i], nPos);
++            auto dwPos = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, nPos, aLocale,
++                                                   i18n::WordType::DICTIONARY_WORD, true);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(aExpected[i], dwPos.endPos);
++            auto ewPos = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, nPos, aLocale,
++                                                   i18n::WordType::ANYWORD_IGNOREWHITESPACES, true);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(aExpected[i], ewPos.endPos);
++            nPos = dwPos.endPos;
+             ++i;
+-        }
+-        while (nPos++ < aTest.getLength());
++        } while (nPos++ < aTest.getLength());
+         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size(aExpected), i);
+     }
+@@ -814,121 +936,45 @@ void TestBreakIterator::testWordBoundaries()
+     }
+     // i#56347: "BreakIterator patch for Hungarian"
+-    // Rules for Hungarian affixes after numbers and certain symbols
+-    {
+-        auto mode = i18n::WordType::DICTIONARY_WORD;
+-        aLocale.Language = "hu";
+-        aLocale.Country = "HU";
+-        OUString aTest = u"szavak 15 15-tel 15%-kal €-val szavak"_ustr;
+-        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 2, aLocale, mode, true);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(0), aBounds.startPos);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(6), aBounds.endPos);
+-        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 7, aLocale, mode, true);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(7), aBounds.startPos);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(9), aBounds.endPos);
+-        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 11, aLocale, mode, true);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(10), aBounds.startPos);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(16), aBounds.endPos);
+-        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 18, aLocale, mode, true);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(17), aBounds.startPos);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(24), aBounds.endPos);
+-        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 25, aLocale, mode, true);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(25), aBounds.startPos);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(30), aBounds.endPos);
+-        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 27, aLocale, mode, true);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(25), aBounds.startPos);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(30), aBounds.endPos);
+-        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 34, aLocale, mode, true);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(31), aBounds.startPos);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(37), aBounds.endPos);
+-    }
+     // i#56348: Special chars in first pos not handled by spell checking in Writer (Hungarian)
+-    // Rules for Hungarian affixes after numbers and certain symbols in edit mode.
+-    // The patch was merged, but the original bug was never closed and the current behavior seems
+-    // identical to the ICU default behavior. Added this test to ensure that doesn't change.
++    // Rules for Hungarian affixes after numbers and certain symbols
+     {
+-        auto mode = i18n::WordType::ANY_WORD;
+         aLocale.Language = "hu";
+         aLocale.Country = "HU";
+         OUString aTest = u"szavak 15 15-tel 15%-kal €-val szavak"_ustr;
+-        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 2, aLocale, mode, true);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(0), aBounds.startPos);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(6), aBounds.endPos);
+-        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 7, aLocale, mode, true);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(7), aBounds.startPos);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(9), aBounds.endPos);
+-        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 11, aLocale, mode, true);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(10), aBounds.startPos);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(12), aBounds.endPos);
+-        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 11, aLocale, mode, true);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(10), aBounds.startPos);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(12), aBounds.endPos);
+-        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 12, aLocale, mode, true);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(12), aBounds.startPos);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(13), aBounds.endPos);
+-        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 13, aLocale, mode, true);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(13), aBounds.startPos);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(16), aBounds.endPos);
+-        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 16, aLocale, mode, true);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(16), aBounds.startPos);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(17), aBounds.endPos);
+-        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 17, aLocale, mode, true);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(17), aBounds.startPos);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(19), aBounds.endPos);
+-        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 19, aLocale, mode, true);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(19), aBounds.startPos);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(20), aBounds.endPos);
+-        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 20, aLocale, mode, true);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(20), aBounds.startPos);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(21), aBounds.endPos);
+-        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 21, aLocale, mode, true);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(21), aBounds.startPos);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(24), aBounds.endPos);
++        for (auto mode :
++             { i18n::WordType::DICTIONARY_WORD, i18n::WordType::ANYWORD_IGNOREWHITESPACES })
++        {
++            aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 2, aLocale, mode, true);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(0), aBounds.startPos);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(6), aBounds.endPos);
+-        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 24, aLocale, mode, true);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(24), aBounds.startPos);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(25), aBounds.endPos);
++            aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 7, aLocale, mode, true);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(7), aBounds.startPos);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(9), aBounds.endPos);
+-        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 25, aLocale, mode, true);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(25), aBounds.startPos);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(26), aBounds.endPos);
++            aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 11, aLocale, mode, true);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(10), aBounds.startPos);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(16), aBounds.endPos);
+-        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 26, aLocale, mode, true);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(26), aBounds.startPos);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(27), aBounds.endPos);
++            aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 18, aLocale, mode, true);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(17), aBounds.startPos);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(24), aBounds.endPos);
+-        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 27, aLocale, mode, true);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(27), aBounds.startPos);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(30), aBounds.endPos);
++            aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 25, aLocale, mode, true);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(25), aBounds.startPos);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(30), aBounds.endPos);
+-        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 30, aLocale, mode, true);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(30), aBounds.startPos);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(31), aBounds.endPos);
++            aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 27, aLocale, mode, true);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(25), aBounds.startPos);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(30), aBounds.endPos);
+-        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 31, aLocale, mode, true);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(31), aBounds.startPos);
+-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(37), aBounds.endPos);
++            aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 34, aLocale, mode, true);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(31), aBounds.startPos);
++            CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(37), aBounds.endPos);
++        }
+     }
+ }
+@@ -967,6 +1013,56 @@ void TestBreakIterator::testSentenceBoundaries()
+         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(24), m_xBreak->beginOfSentence(aTest, 26, aLocale));
+         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(53), m_xBreak->endOfSentence(aTest, 26, aLocale));
+     }
++    // i#55063: Sentence selection in Thai should select a space-delimited phrase.
++    // - This customization broke at some point. It works in an English locale in a synthetic test
++    // like this one, but does not work in the Thai locale, nor on Thai text in practice.
++    {
++        static constexpr OUString aTest = u"ว้อย โหลยโท่ยคอร์รัปชันโอเพ่นฮอตดอก โปรโมเตอร์"_ustr;
++        aLocale.Language = "en";
++        aLocale.Country = "US";
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(0), m_xBreak->beginOfSentence(aTest, 23, aLocale));
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(46), m_xBreak->endOfSentence(aTest, 23, aLocale));
++        aLocale.Language = "th";
++        aLocale.Country = "TH";
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(0), m_xBreak->beginOfSentence(aTest, 23, aLocale));
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(46), m_xBreak->endOfSentence(aTest, 23, aLocale));
++    }
++    // i#55063: Thai phrases should delimit English sentence selection.
++    // - This customization broke at some point. It works in an English locale in a synthetic test
++    // like this one, but does not work in the Thai locale, nor on Thai text in practice.
++    {
++        static constexpr OUString aTest = u"ว้อย English usually ends with a period โปรโมเตอร์."_ustr;
++        aLocale.Language = "en";
++        aLocale.Country = "US";
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(0), m_xBreak->beginOfSentence(aTest, 23, aLocale));
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(51), m_xBreak->endOfSentence(aTest, 23, aLocale));
++        aLocale.Language = "th";
++        aLocale.Country = "TH";
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(0), m_xBreak->beginOfSentence(aTest, 23, aLocale));
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(51), m_xBreak->endOfSentence(aTest, 23, aLocale));
++    }
++    // i#55063: Characteristic test for English text delimiting Thai phrases (sentences)
++    // - English text should not delimit Thai phrases.
++    {
++        static constexpr OUString aTest = u"Englishโหลยโท่ยคอร์รัปชันโอเพ่นฮอตดอกEnglish"_ustr;
++        aLocale.Language = "en";
++        aLocale.Country = "US";
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(0), m_xBreak->beginOfSentence(aTest, 23, aLocale));
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(44), m_xBreak->endOfSentence(aTest, 23, aLocale));
++        aLocale.Language = "th";
++        aLocale.Country = "TH";
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(0), m_xBreak->beginOfSentence(aTest, 23, aLocale));
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(44), m_xBreak->endOfSentence(aTest, 23, aLocale));
++    }
+ }
+ //See
+@@ -1501,6 +1597,7 @@ void TestBreakIterator::testLegacyHebrewQuoteInsideWord()
+     aLocale.Language = "he";
+     aLocale.Country = "IL";
++    // i#51661: Add quotation mark as middle letter for Hebrew
+     {
+         auto aTest = u"פַּרְדּ״ס פַּרְדּ\"ס"_ustr;
+@@ -1514,6 +1611,21 @@ void TestBreakIterator::testLegacyHebrewQuoteInsideWord()
+         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(10), aBounds.startPos);
+         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(19), aBounds.endPos);
+     }
++    // i#51661: Add quotation mark as middle letter for Hebrew
++    {
++        auto aTest = u"פַּרְדּ״ס פַּרְדּ\"ס"_ustr;
++        i18n::Boundary aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(
++            aTest, 3, aLocale, i18n::WordType::ANYWORD_IGNOREWHITESPACES, false);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(0), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(9), aBounds.endPos);
++        aBounds = m_xBreak->getWordBoundary(aTest, 13, aLocale,
++                                            i18n::WordType::ANYWORD_IGNOREWHITESPACES, false);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(10), aBounds.startPos);
++        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sal_Int32(19), aBounds.endPos);
++    }
+ }
+ void TestBreakIterator::testLegacySurrogatePairs()
+diff --git a/i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/dict_word.txt b/i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/dict_word.txt
+index b1666f44daab..f804b0eec214 100644
+--- i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/dict_word.txt
++++ i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/dict_word.txt
+@@ -1,148 +1,199 @@
+ #
+-#   Copyright (C) 2002-2003, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
+-#       All Rights Reserved.
++# Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
++# License & terms of use:
++# Copyright (C) 2002-2016, International Business Machines Corporation
++# and others. All Rights Reserved.
+ #
+-#   file:  dict_word.txt   
++# file:  word.txt
+ #
+-#   ICU Word Break Rules
++# ICU Word Break Rules
+ #      See Unicode Standard Annex #29.
+-#      These rules are based on Version 4.0.0, dated 2003-04-17
++#      These rules are based on UAX #29 Revision 34 for Unicode Version 12.0
+ #
++# Note:  Updates to word.txt will usually need to be merged into
++#        word_POSIX.txt also.
+ #
+ #  Character class definitions from TR 29
+ #
+-$Katakana  = [[:Script = KATAKANA:] [:name = KATAKANA-HIRAGANA PROLONGED SOUND MARK:] 
+-                                   [:name = HALFWIDTH KATAKANA-HIRAGANA PROLONGED SOUND MARK:]
+-                                   [:name = HALFWIDTH KATAKANA VOICED SOUND MARK:]
+-                                   [:name = HALFWIDTH KATAKANA SEMI-VOICED SOUND MARK:]];
+-$Ideographic = [:Ideographic:];
+-$Hangul = [:Script = HANGUL:];
+-$ALetter   = [[:Alphabetic:] [:name= COMMERCIAL AT:] [:name= HEBREW PUNCTUATION GERESH:]
+-                           - $Ideographic
+-                           - $Katakana
+-                           - $Hangul
+-                           - [:Script = Thai:]
+-                           - [:Script = Lao:]
+-                           - [:Script = Hiragana:]];
+-$MidLetter = [[:name = APOSTROPHE:] [:name = GRAVE ACCENT:] \u0084 [:name = SOFT HYPHEN:] [:name = MIDDLE DOT:] [:name = GREEK TONOS:] [:name= FULL STOP:] 
+-              [:name = RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK:] [:name = HYPHENATION POINT:] [:name = PRIME:] 
+-              [:name = HYPHEN-MINUS:] ];
+-$SufixLetter = [:name= FULL STOP:];
+-$MidNum    = [[:LineBreak = Infix_Numeric:] [:name= COMMERCIAL AT:] \u0084 [:name = GREEK TONOS:] [:name = ARABIC DECIMAL SEPARATOR:]
+-             [:name = PRIME:]];
+-$Numeric   = [:LineBreak = Numeric:];
+-$TheZWSP = \u200b;
++### This file contains LibreOffice-specific rule customizations.
++### To aid future maintainability:
++### - The change location should be bracketed by comments of this form.
++### - The original rule should be commented out, and the modified rule placed alongside.
++### - By doing this, maintainers can more easily compare to an upstream baseline.
+ #
+ #  Character Class Definitions.
+-#    The names are those from TR29.
+ #
+-$CR         = \u000d;
+-$LF         = \u000a;
+-$Control    = [[[:Zl:] [:Zp:] [:Cc:] [:Cf:]] - $TheZWSP];
+-$Extend     = [[:Grapheme_Extend = TRUE:]]; 
++$Han                = [:Han:];
++$CR                 = [\p{Word_Break = CR}];
++$LF                 = [\p{Word_Break = LF}];
++$Newline            = [\p{Word_Break = Newline}];
++$Extend             = [\p{Word_Break = Extend}-$Han];
++$ZWJ                = [\p{Word_Break = ZWJ}];
++$Regional_Indicator = [\p{Word_Break = Regional_Indicator}];
++$Format             = [\p{Word_Break = Format}];
++$Katakana           = [\p{Word_Break = Katakana}];
++$Hebrew_Letter      = [\p{Word_Break = Hebrew_Letter}];
++$ALetter            = [\p{Word_Break = ALetter}];
++$Single_Quote       = [\p{Word_Break = Single_Quote}];
++$Double_Quote       = [\p{Word_Break = Double_Quote}];
++$MidNumLet          = [\p{Word_Break = MidNumLet}];
++$MidNum             = [\p{Word_Break = MidNum}];
++$Numeric            = [\p{Word_Break = Numeric}];
++$ExtendNumLet       = [\p{Word_Break = ExtendNumLet}];
++$WSegSpace          = [\p{Word_Break = WSegSpace}];
++$Extended_Pict      = [\p{Extended_Pictographic}];
++### Unknown issue number: Dictionary words can contain hyphens
++### tdf#49885: Sync custom BreakIterator rules with ICU originals
++### - ICU is now more permissive about punctuation inside words.
++### - For compatibility, exclude certain characters that were previously excluded.
+-#  Word Break Rules.    Definitions and Rules specific to word break begin Here. 
++$IncludedML         = [:name = HYPHEN-MINUS:];
++$ExcludedML         = [[:name = COLON:]
++                       [:name = GREEK ANO TELEIA:]
++                       [:name = PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL COLON:]
++                       [:name = SMALL COLON:]
++                       [:name = FULLWIDTH COLON:]];
+-$Format    = [[:Cf:] - $TheZWSP];
++# $MidLetter          = [\p{Word_Break = MidLetter}];
++$MidLetter          = [[\p{Word_Break = MidLetter}]-$ExcludedML $IncludedML];
++$Hiragana           = [:Hiragana:];
++$Ideographic        = [\p{Ideographic}];
+-# Rule 3:  Treat a grapheme cluster as if it were a single character.
+-#          Hangul Syllables are easier to deal with here than they are in Grapheme Clusters
+-#          because we don't need to find the boundaries between adjacent syllables -
+-#          they won't be word boundaries.
++#   Dictionary character set, for triggering language-based break engines. Currently
++#   limited to LineBreak=Complex_Context. Note that this set only works in Unicode
++#   5.0 or later as the definition of Complex_Context was corrected to include all
++#   characters requiring dictionary break.
+-#  "Extended"  definitions.  Grapheme Cluster + Format Chars, treated like the base char.
+-$ALetterEx    = $ALetter   $Extend*; 
+-$NumericEx    = $Numeric   $Extend*;
+-$MidNumEx     = $MidNum    $Extend*;
+-$MidLetterEx  = $MidLetter $Extend*;
+-$SufixLetterEx= $SufixLetter $Extend*;
+-$KatakanaEx   = $Katakana  $Extend*;
+-$IdeographicEx= $Ideographic  $Extend*;
+-$HangulEx = $Hangul  $Extend*;
+-$FormatEx     = $Format    $Extend*;
++$Control        = [\p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break = Control}];
++$HangulSyllable = [\uac00-\ud7a3];
++$ComplexContext = [:LineBreak = Complex_Context:];
++$KanaKanji      = [$Han $Hiragana $Katakana];
++$dictionaryCJK  = [$KanaKanji $HangulSyllable];
++$dictionary     = [$ComplexContext $dictionaryCJK];
++# TODO: check if handling of katakana in dictionary makes rules incorrect/void
+-#  Numbers.  Rules 8, 11, 12 form the TR.
+-$NumberSequence = $NumericEx ($FormatEx* $MidNumEx? $FormatEx* $NumericEx)*;
+-$NumberSequence {100};
++# leave CJK scripts out of ALetterPlus
++$ALetterPlus  = [$ALetter-$dictionaryCJK [$ComplexContext-$Extend-$Control]];
+-#  Words.  Alpha-numerics.  Rule 5, 6, 7, 9, 10
+-#     - must include at least one letter. 
+-#     - may include both letters and numbers.
+-#     - may include  MideLetter, MidNumber punctuation.
+-$LetterSequence = $ALetterEx ($FormatEx* $MidLetterEx? $FormatEx* $ALetterEx)*;     # rules #6, #7
+-($NumberSequence $FormatEx*)? $LetterSequence ($FormatEx* ($NumberSequence | $LetterSequence))* $SufixLetterEx? {200};
++## -------------------------------------------------
++# Rule 3 - CR x LF
+ #
+-#  Do not break between Katakana.   Rule #13.
+-$KatakanaEx ($FormatEx* $KatakanaEx)* {300};
+-[:Hiragana:] $Extend* {300};
++$CR $LF;
++# Rule 3c   Do not break within emoji zwj sequences.
++#             ZWJ ×  \p{Extended_Pictographic}.  Precedes WB4, so no intervening Extend chars allowed.
+ #
+-#  Ideographic Characters.  Stand by themselves as words.
+-#                           Separated from the "Everything Else" rule, below, only so that they
+-#                           can be tagged with a return value.   TODO:  is this what we want?
+-$IdeographicEx ($FormatEx* $IdeographicEx)* {400};
+-$HangulEx ($FormatEx* $HangulEx)* {400};
++$ZWJ $Extended_Pict;
++# Rule 3d - Keep horizontal whitespace together.
+ #
+-#  Everything Else, with no tag.
+-#                   Non-Control chars combine with $Extend (combining) chars.
+-#                   Controls are do not.
+-[^$Control [:Ideographic:]] $Extend*;
+-$CR $LF;
++$WSegSpace $WSegSpace;
++# Rule 4 - ignore Format and Extend characters, except when they appear at the beginning
++#          of a region of Text.
++$ExFm  = [$Extend $Format $ZWJ];
++^$ExFm+;            # This rule fires only when there are format or extend characters at the
++                    # start of text, or immediately following another boundary. It groups them, in
++                    # the event there are more than one.
++[^$CR $LF $Newline $ExFm] $ExFm*;   # This rule rule attaches trailing format/extends to words,
++                                    # with no special rule status value.
++$Numeric $ExFm* {100};              # This group of rules also attach trailing format/extends, but
++$ALetterPlus $ExFm* {200};          # with rule status set based on the word's final base character.
++$HangulSyllable {200};
++$Hebrew_Letter $ExFm* {200};
++$Katakana $ExFm* {400};             # note:  these status values override those from rule 5
++$Hiragana $ExFm* {400};             #        by virtue of being numerically larger.
++$Ideographic $ExFm* {400};          #
+ #
+-#  Reverse Rules.   Back up over any of the chars that can group together.
+-#                   (Reverse rules do not need to be exact; they can back up  too far,
+-#                   but must back up at least enough, and must stop on a boundary.)
++# rule 5
++#    Do not break between most letters.
+ #
++($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter) $ExFm* ($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter);
++# rule 6 and 7
++($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter)  $ExFm* ($MidLetter | $MidNumLet | $Single_Quote) $ExFm* ($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter) {200};
++# rule 7a
++$Hebrew_Letter $ExFm* $Single_Quote {200};
++# rule 7b and 7c
++$Hebrew_Letter $ExFm* $Double_Quote $ExFm* $Hebrew_Letter;
++# rule 8
++$Numeric $ExFm* $Numeric;
++# rule 9
++($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter)  $ExFm* $Numeric;
++# rule 10
++$Numeric $ExFm* ($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter);
++# rule 11 and 12
++$Numeric $ExFm* ($MidNum | $MidNumLet | $Single_Quote) $ExFm* $Numeric;
++# rule 13
++# to be consistent with $KanaKanji $KanaKanhi, changed
++# from 300 to 400.
++# See also TestRuleStatus in intltest/rbbiapts.cpp
++$Katakana $ExFm*  $Katakana {400};
++# rule 13a/b
++$ALetterPlus   $ExFm* $ExtendNumLet {200};    #  (13a)
++$Hebrew_Letter $ExFm* $ExtendNumLet {200};    #  (13a)
++$Numeric       $ExFm* $ExtendNumLet {100};    #  (13a)
++$Katakana      $ExFm* $ExtendNumLet {400};    #  (13a)
++$ExtendNumLet  $ExFm* $ExtendNumLet {200};    #  (13a)
++$ExtendNumLet  $ExFm* $ALetterPlus  {200};    #  (13b)
++$ExtendNumLet  $ExFm* $Hebrew_Letter {200};    #  (13b)
++$ExtendNumLet  $ExFm* $Numeric      {100};    #  (13b)
++$ExtendNumLet  $ExFm* $Katakana     {400};    #  (13b)
+-# NonStarters are the set of all characters that can appear at the 2nd - nth position of
+-#    a word.   (They may also be the first.)   The reverse rule skips over these, until it
+-#    reaches something that can only be the start (and probably only) char in a "word".
+-#    A space or punctuation meets the test.
++# rules 15 - 17
++#    Pairs of Regional Indicators stay together.
++#    With incoming rule chaining disabled by ^, this rule will match exactly two of them.
++#    No other rule begins with a Regional_Indicator, so chaining cannot extend the match.
+ #
+-$NonStarters = [$Numeric $ALetter $Katakana $Ideographic $Hangul [:P:] [:S:] $MidLetter $MidNum $SufixLetter $Extend $Format];
++^$Regional_Indicator $ExFm* $Regional_Indicator;
+-! ($NonStarters* | \n \r) .;
++# special handling for CJK characters: chain for later dictionary segmentation
++$HangulSyllable $HangulSyllable {200};
++$KanaKanji $KanaKanji {400}; # different rule status if both kana and kanji found
++# Rule 999
++#     Match a single code point if no other rule applies.
+diff --git a/i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/dict_word_he.txt b/i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/dict_word_he.txt
+deleted file mode 100644
+index 40197d92a431..000000000000
+--- i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/dict_word_he.txt
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
+-#   Copyright (C) 2002-2003, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
+-#       All Rights Reserved.
+-#   file:  dict_word.txt   
+-#   ICU Word Break Rules
+-#      See Unicode Standard Annex #29.
+-#      These rules are based on Version 4.0.0, dated 2003-04-17
+-#  Character class definitions from TR 29
+-$Katakana  = [[:Script = KATAKANA:] [:name = KATAKANA-HIRAGANA PROLONGED SOUND MARK:] 
+-                                   [:name = HALFWIDTH KATAKANA-HIRAGANA PROLONGED SOUND MARK:]
+-                                   [:name = HALFWIDTH KATAKANA VOICED SOUND MARK:]
+-                                   [:name = HALFWIDTH KATAKANA SEMI-VOICED SOUND MARK:]];
+-$ALetter   = [[:Alphabetic:] [:name= COMMERCIAL AT:] [:name= HEBREW PUNCTUATION GERESH:]
+-                           - $Katakana
+-                           - [:Script = Thai:]
+-                           - [:Script = Lao:]
+-                           - [:Script = Hiragana:]];
+-$MidLetter = [[:name = QUOTATION MARK:] [:name = APOSTROPHE:] [:name = GRAVE ACCENT:] \u0084 [:name = SOFT HYPHEN:] [:name = MIDDLE DOT:] [:name = GREEK TONOS:] [:name= FULL STOP:]
+-              [:name = RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK:] [:name = HYPHENATION POINT:] [:name = PRIME:] [:name = HYPHEN-MINUS:]];  
+-$SufixLetter = [:name= FULL STOP:];
+-$MidNum    = [[:LineBreak = Infix_Numeric:] [:name= COMMERCIAL AT:] \u0084 [:name = GREEK TONOS:] [:name = ARABIC DECIMAL SEPARATOR:]
+-             [:name = PRIME:]];
+-$Numeric   = [:LineBreak = Numeric:];
+-$TheZWSP = \u200b;
+-#  Character Class Definitions.
+-#    The names are those from TR29.
+-$CR         = \u000d;
+-$LF         = \u000a;
+-$Control    = [[[:Zl:] [:Zp:] [:Cc:] [:Cf:]] - $TheZWSP];
+-$Extend     = [[:Grapheme_Extend = TRUE:]]; 
+-#  Word Break Rules.    Definitions and Rules specific to word break begin Here. 
+-$Format    = [[:Cf:] - $TheZWSP];
+-# Rule 3:  Treat a grapheme cluster as if it were a single character.
+-#          Hangul Syllables are easier to deal with here than they are in Grapheme Clusters
+-#          because we don't need to find the boundaries between adjacent syllables -
+-#          they won't be word boundaries.
+-#  "Extended"  definitions.  Grapheme Cluster + Format Chars, treated like the base char.
+-$ALetterEx    = $ALetter   $Extend*; 
+-$NumericEx    = $Numeric   $Extend*;
+-$MidNumEx     = $MidNum    $Extend*;
+-$MidLetterEx  = $MidLetter $Extend*;
+-$SufixLetterEx= $SufixLetter $Extend*;
+-$KatakanaEx   = $Katakana  $Extend*;
+-$FormatEx     = $Format    $Extend*;
+-#  Numbers.  Rules 8, 11, 12 form the TR.
+-$NumberSequence = $NumericEx ($FormatEx* $MidNumEx? $FormatEx* $NumericEx)*;
+-$NumberSequence {100};
+-#  Words.  Alpha-numerics.  Rule 5, 6, 7, 9, 10
+-#     - must include at least one letter. 
+-#     - may include both letters and numbers.
+-#     - may include  MideLetter, MidNumber punctuation.
+-$LetterSequence = $ALetterEx ($FormatEx* $MidLetterEx? $FormatEx* $ALetterEx)*;     # rules #6, #7
+-($NumberSequence $FormatEx*)? $LetterSequence ($FormatEx* ($NumberSequence | $LetterSequence))* $SufixLetterEx? {200};
+-#  Do not break between Katakana.   Rule #13.
+-$KatakanaEx ($FormatEx* $KatakanaEx)* {300};
+-[:Hiragana:] $Extend* {300};
+-#  Ideographic Characters.  Stand by themselves as words.
+-#                           Separated from the "Everything Else" rule, below, only so that they
+-#                           can be tagged with a return value.   TODO:  is this what we want?
+-# [:IDEOGRAPHIC:] $Extend* {400};
+-#  Everything Else, with no tag.
+-#                   Non-Control chars combine with $Extend (combining) chars.
+-#                   Controls are do not.
+-[^$Control [:Ideographic:]] $Extend*;
+-$CR $LF;
+-#  Reverse Rules.   Back up over any of the chars that can group together.
+-#                   (Reverse rules do not need to be exact; they can back up  too far,
+-#                   but must back up at least enough, and must stop on a boundary.)
+-# NonStarters are the set of all characters that can appear at the 2nd - nth position of
+-#    a word.   (They may also be the first.)   The reverse rule skips over these, until it
+-#    reaches something that can only be the start (and probably only) char in a "word".
+-#    A space or punctuation meets the test.
+-$NonStarters = [$Numeric $ALetter $Katakana [:P:] [:S:] $MidLetter $MidNum $SufixLetter $Extend $Format];
+-! ($NonStarters* | \n \r) .;
+diff --git a/i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/dict_word_hu.txt b/i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/dict_word_hu.txt
+index b0a0276b36a8..88648e6e5716 100644
+--- i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/dict_word_hu.txt
++++ i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/dict_word_hu.txt
+@@ -1,176 +1,222 @@
+ #
+-#   Copyright (C) 2002-2003, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
+-#       All Rights Reserved.
++# Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
++# License & terms of use:
++# Copyright (C) 2002-2016, International Business Machines Corporation
++# and others. All Rights Reserved.
+ #
+-#   file:  dict_word.txt   
++# file:  word.txt
+ #
+-#   ICU Word Break Rules
++# ICU Word Break Rules
+ #      See Unicode Standard Annex #29.
+-#      These rules are based on Version 4.0.0, dated 2003-04-17
++#      These rules are based on UAX #29 Revision 34 for Unicode Version 12.0
+ #
++# Note:  Updates to word.txt will usually need to be merged into
++#        word_POSIX.txt also.
+ #
+ #  Character class definitions from TR 29
+ #
+-$Katakana  = [[:Script = KATAKANA:] [:name = KATAKANA-HIRAGANA PROLONGED SOUND MARK:] 
+-                                   [:name = HALFWIDTH KATAKANA-HIRAGANA PROLONGED SOUND MARK:]
+-                                   [:name = HALFWIDTH KATAKANA VOICED SOUND MARK:]
+-                                   [:name = HALFWIDTH KATAKANA SEMI-VOICED SOUND MARK:]];
+-$Ideographic = [:Ideographic:];
+-$Hangul = [:Script = HANGUL:];
+-# Fix spelling of a)-ban, b)-ben, when the letter is a reference
+-# resulting bad word breaking "ban" and "ben"
+-# (reference fields are not expanded in spell checking, yet, only
+-# for grammar checking).
+-$PrefixLetter = [[:name = RIGHT PARENTHESIS:]];
+-$ALetter   = [[:Alphabetic:] [:name= COMMERCIAL AT:] [:name= HEBREW PUNCTUATION GERESH:]
+-                [:name = PERCENT SIGN:] [:name = PER MILLE SIGN:] [:name = PER TEN THOUSAND SIGN:]
+-                [:name = SECTION SIGN:] [:name = DEGREE SIGN:] [:name = EURO SIGN:]
+-                [:name = HYPHEN-MINUS:] [:name = EN DASH:] [:name = EM DASH:]
+-                [:name = DIGIT ZERO:]
+-                [:name = DIGIT ONE:]
+-                [:name = DIGIT TWO:]
+-                [:name = DIGIT THREE:]
+-                [:name = DIGIT FOUR:]
+-                [:name = DIGIT FIVE:]
+-                [:name = DIGIT SIX:]
+-                [:name = DIGIT SEVEN:]
+-                [:name = DIGIT EIGHT:]
+-                [:name = DIGIT NINE:]
+-                           - $Ideographic
+-                           - $Katakana
+-                           - $Hangul
+-                           - [:Script = Thai:]
+-                           - [:Script = Lao:]
+-                           - [:Script = Hiragana:]];
+-$MidLetter = [[:name = APOSTROPHE:] [:name = GRAVE ACCENT:] \u0084 [:name = SOFT HYPHEN:] [:name = MIDDLE DOT:] [:name = GREEK TONOS:]
+-              [:name = RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK:] [:name = HYPHENATION POINT:] [:name = PRIME:] [:name = HYPHEN-MINUS:]
+-              [:name = EURO SIGN:] [:name = PERCENT SIGN:] [:name = PER MILLE SIGN:] [:name = PER TEN THOUSAND SIGN:]
+-              [:name = EN DASH:] [:name = EM DASH:]
+-              [:name = RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK:]
+-              [:name = LEFT PARENTHESIS:]
+-              [:name = RIGHT PARENTHESIS:]
+-              [:name = RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET:]
+-              [:name = EXCLAMATION MARK:]
+-              [:name = QUESTION MARK:]
+-              [:name = FULL STOP:] [:name = PERCENT SIGN:] [:name = SECTION SIGN:] [:name = DEGREE SIGN:]];  
+-$SufixLetter = [:name= FULL STOP:];
+-$MidNum    = [[:LineBreak = Infix_Numeric:] [:name= COMMERCIAL AT:] \u0084 [:name = GREEK TONOS:] [:name = ARABIC DECIMAL SEPARATOR:]
+-             [:name = PRIME:]];
+-$Numeric   = [:LineBreak = Numeric:];
+-$TheZWSP = \u200b;
++### This file contains LibreOffice-specific rule customizations.
++### To aid future maintainability:
++### - The change location should be bracketed by comments of this form.
++### - The original rule should be commented out, and the modified rule placed alongside.
++### - By doing this, maintainers can more easily compare to an upstream baseline.
+ #
+ #  Character Class Definitions.
+-#    The names are those from TR29.
+ #
+-$CR         = \u000d;
+-$LF         = \u000a;
+-$Control    = [[[:Zl:] [:Zp:] [:Cc:] [:Cf:]] - $TheZWSP];
+-$Extend     = [[:Grapheme_Extend = TRUE:]]; 
++$Han                = [:Han:];
++$CR                 = [\p{Word_Break = CR}];
++$LF                 = [\p{Word_Break = LF}];
++$Newline            = [\p{Word_Break = Newline}];
++$Extend             = [\p{Word_Break = Extend}-$Han];
++$ZWJ                = [\p{Word_Break = ZWJ}];
++$Regional_Indicator = [\p{Word_Break = Regional_Indicator}];
++$Format             = [\p{Word_Break = Format}];
++$Katakana           = [\p{Word_Break = Katakana}];
++$Hebrew_Letter      = [\p{Word_Break = Hebrew_Letter}];
++$Single_Quote       = [\p{Word_Break = Single_Quote}];
++$Double_Quote       = [\p{Word_Break = Double_Quote}];
++$MidNumLet          = [\p{Word_Break = MidNumLet}];
++$MidNum             = [\p{Word_Break = MidNum}];
++$Numeric            = [\p{Word_Break = Numeric}];
++$ExtendNumLet       = [\p{Word_Break = ExtendNumLet}];
++$WSegSpace          = [\p{Word_Break = WSegSpace}];
++$Extended_Pict      = [\p{Extended_Pictographic}];
++### Unknown issue number: Dictionary words can contain hyphens
++### tdf#49885: Sync custom BreakIterator rules with ICU originals
++### - ICU is now more permissive about punctuation inside words.
++### - For compatibility, exclude certain characters that were previously excluded.
++### tdf#116072: Extend MidLetter in Hungarian word breaking
++### i#56347: BreakIterator patch for Hungarian
++### i#56348: Special chars in first pos not handled by spell checking for Hungarian
++$Symbols_hu         = [[:name = PERCENT SIGN:]
++                       [:name = PER MILLE SIGN:]
++                       [:name = PER TEN THOUSAND SIGN:]
++                       [:name = SECTION SIGN:]
++                       [:name = DEGREE SIGN:]
++                       [:name = EURO SIGN:]
++                       [:name = HYPHEN-MINUS:]
++                       [:name = EN DASH:]
++                       [:name = EM DASH:]];
++#$ALetter            = [\p{Word_Break = ALetter}];
++$ALetter            = [\p{Word_Break = ALetter} $Symbols_hu];
++$IncludedML         = [:name = HYPHEN-MINUS:];
++$ExcludedML         = [[:name = COLON:]
++                       [:name = GREEK ANO TELEIA:]
++                       [:name = PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL COLON:]
++                       [:name = SMALL COLON:]
++                       [:name = FULLWIDTH COLON:]];
++$IncludedML_hu      = [[:name = RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK:]
++                       [:name = LEFT PARENTHESIS:]
++                       [:name = RIGHT PARENTHESIS:]
++                       [:name = RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET:]
++                       [:name = EXCLAMATION MARK:]
++                       [:name = QUESTION MARK:]
++                       $Symbols_hu];
++# $MidLetter          = [\p{Word_Break = MidLetter}];
++$MidLetter          = [[\p{Word_Break = MidLetter}]-$ExcludedML $IncludedML $IncludedML_hu];
++$Hiragana           = [:Hiragana:];
++$Ideographic        = [\p{Ideographic}];
++#   Dictionary character set, for triggering language-based break engines. Currently
++#   limited to LineBreak=Complex_Context. Note that this set only works in Unicode
++#   5.0 or later as the definition of Complex_Context was corrected to include all
++#   characters requiring dictionary break.
++$Control        = [\p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break = Control}];
++$HangulSyllable = [\uac00-\ud7a3];
++$ComplexContext = [:LineBreak = Complex_Context:];
++$KanaKanji      = [$Han $Hiragana $Katakana];
++$dictionaryCJK  = [$KanaKanji $HangulSyllable];
++$dictionary     = [$ComplexContext $dictionaryCJK];
++# TODO: check if handling of katakana in dictionary makes rules incorrect/void
++# leave CJK scripts out of ALetterPlus
++$ALetterPlus  = [$ALetter-$dictionaryCJK [$ComplexContext-$Extend-$Control]];
++## -------------------------------------------------
++# Rule 3 - CR x LF
++$CR $LF;
++# Rule 3c   Do not break within emoji zwj sequences.
++#             ZWJ ×  \p{Extended_Pictographic}.  Precedes WB4, so no intervening Extend chars allowed.
+ #
+-#  Word Break Rules.    Definitions and Rules specific to word break begin Here. 
++$ZWJ $Extended_Pict;
++# Rule 3d - Keep horizontal whitespace together.
+ #
++$WSegSpace $WSegSpace;
+-$Format    = [[:Cf:] - $TheZWSP];
++# Rule 4 - ignore Format and Extend characters, except when they appear at the beginning
++#          of a region of Text.
++$ExFm  = [$Extend $Format $ZWJ];
++^$ExFm+;            # This rule fires only when there are format or extend characters at the
++                    # start of text, or immediately following another boundary. It groups them, in
++                    # the event there are more than one.
+-# Rule 3:  Treat a grapheme cluster as if it were a single character.
+-#          Hangul Syllables are easier to deal with here than they are in Grapheme Clusters
+-#          because we don't need to find the boundaries between adjacent syllables -
+-#          they won't be word boundaries.
++[^$CR $LF $Newline $ExFm] $ExFm*;   # This rule rule attaches trailing format/extends to words,
++                                    # with no special rule status value.
++$Numeric $ExFm* {100};              # This group of rules also attach trailing format/extends, but
++$ALetterPlus $ExFm* {200};          # with rule status set based on the word's final base character.
++$HangulSyllable {200};
++$Hebrew_Letter $ExFm* {200};
++$Katakana $ExFm* {400};             # note:  these status values override those from rule 5
++$Hiragana $ExFm* {400};             #        by virtue of being numerically larger.
++$Ideographic $ExFm* {400};          #
+ #
+-#  "Extended"  definitions.  Grapheme Cluster + Format Chars, treated like the base char.
++# rule 5
++#    Do not break between most letters.
+ #
+-$ALetterEx    = $ALetter   $Extend*; 
+-$NumericEx    = $Numeric   $Extend*;
+-$MidNumEx     = $MidNum    $Extend*;
+-$MidLetterEx  = $MidLetter $Extend*;
+-$SufixLetterEx= $SufixLetter $Extend*;
+-$KatakanaEx   = $Katakana  $Extend*;
+-$IdeographicEx= $Ideographic  $Extend*;
+-$HangulEx = $Hangul  $Extend*;
+-$FormatEx     = $Format    $Extend*;
++($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter) $ExFm* ($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter);
++# rule 6 and 7
++($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter)  $ExFm* ($MidLetter | $MidNumLet | $Single_Quote) $ExFm* ($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter) {200};
+-#  Numbers.  Rules 8, 11, 12 form the TR.
+-$NumberSequence = $NumericEx ($FormatEx* $MidNumEx? $FormatEx* $NumericEx)*;
+-$NumberSequence {100};
++# rule 7a
++$Hebrew_Letter $ExFm* $Single_Quote {200};
+-#  Words.  Alpha-numerics.  Rule 5, 6, 7, 9, 10
+-#     - must include at least one letter. 
+-#     - may include both letters and numbers.
+-#     - may include  MideLetter, MidNumber punctuation.
+-$LetterSequence = $PrefixLetter? $ALetterEx ($FormatEx* $MidLetterEx? $FormatEx* $ALetterEx)*;     # rules #6, #7
+-($NumberSequence $FormatEx*)? $LetterSequence ($FormatEx* ($NumberSequence | $LetterSequence))* $SufixLetterEx? {200};
++# rule 7b and 7c
++$Hebrew_Letter $ExFm* $Double_Quote $ExFm* $Hebrew_Letter;
++# rule 8
+-#  Do not break between Katakana.   Rule #13.
+-$KatakanaEx ($FormatEx* $KatakanaEx)* {300};
+-[:Hiragana:] $Extend* {300};
++$Numeric $ExFm* $Numeric;
+-#  Ideographic Characters.  Stand by themselves as words.
+-#                           Separated from the "Everything Else" rule, below, only so that they
+-#                           can be tagged with a return value.   TODO:  is this what we want?
+-$IdeographicEx ($FormatEx* $IdeographicEx)* {400};
+-$HangulEx ($FormatEx* $HangulEx)* {400};
++# rule 9
+-#  Everything Else, with no tag.
+-#                   Non-Control chars combine with $Extend (combining) chars.
+-#                   Controls are do not.
+-[^$Control [:Ideographic:]] $Extend*;
+-$CR $LF;
++($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter)  $ExFm* $Numeric;
+-#  Reverse Rules.   Back up over any of the chars that can group together.
+-#                   (Reverse rules do not need to be exact; they can back up  too far,
+-#                   but must back up at least enough, and must stop on a boundary.)
++# rule 10
++$Numeric $ExFm* ($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter);
++# rule 11 and 12
++$Numeric $ExFm* ($MidNum | $MidNumLet | $Single_Quote) $ExFm* $Numeric;
++# rule 13
++# to be consistent with $KanaKanji $KanaKanhi, changed
++# from 300 to 400.
++# See also TestRuleStatus in intltest/rbbiapts.cpp
++$Katakana $ExFm*  $Katakana {400};
++# rule 13a/b
++$ALetterPlus   $ExFm* $ExtendNumLet {200};    #  (13a)
++$Hebrew_Letter $ExFm* $ExtendNumLet {200};    #  (13a)
++$Numeric       $ExFm* $ExtendNumLet {100};    #  (13a)
++$Katakana      $ExFm* $ExtendNumLet {400};    #  (13a)
++$ExtendNumLet  $ExFm* $ExtendNumLet {200};    #  (13a)
++$ExtendNumLet  $ExFm* $ALetterPlus  {200};    #  (13b)
++$ExtendNumLet  $ExFm* $Hebrew_Letter {200};    #  (13b)
++$ExtendNumLet  $ExFm* $Numeric      {100};    #  (13b)
++$ExtendNumLet  $ExFm* $Katakana     {400};    #  (13b)
+-# NonStarters are the set of all characters that can appear at the 2nd - nth position of
+-#    a word.   (They may also be the first.)   The reverse rule skips over these, until it
+-#    reaches something that can only be the start (and probably only) char in a "word".
+-#    A space or punctuation meets the test.
++# rules 15 - 17
++#    Pairs of Regional Indicators stay together.
++#    With incoming rule chaining disabled by ^, this rule will match exactly two of them.
++#    No other rule begins with a Regional_Indicator, so chaining cannot extend the match.
+ #
+-$NonStarters = [$Numeric $ALetter $Katakana $Ideographic $Hangul [:P:] [:S:] $MidLetter $MidNum $SufixLetter $Extend $Format];
++^$Regional_Indicator $ExFm* $Regional_Indicator;
+-! ($NonStarters* | \n \r) .;
++# special handling for CJK characters: chain for later dictionary segmentation
++$HangulSyllable $HangulSyllable {200};
++$KanaKanji $KanaKanji {400}; # different rule status if both kana and kanji found
++# Rule 999
++#     Match a single code point if no other rule applies.
+diff --git a/i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/dict_word_nodash.txt b/i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/dict_word_nodash.txt
+deleted file mode 100644
+index 279cc50e5b66..000000000000
+--- i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/dict_word_nodash.txt
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
+-#   Copyright (C) 2002-2003, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
+-#       All Rights Reserved.
+-#   file:  dict_word.txt   
+-#   ICU Word Break Rules
+-#      See Unicode Standard Annex #29.
+-#      These rules are based on Version 4.0.0, dated 2003-04-17
+-#  Character class definitions from TR 29
+-$Katakana  = [[:Script = KATAKANA:] [:name = KATAKANA-HIRAGANA PROLONGED SOUND MARK:] 
+-                                   [:name = HALFWIDTH KATAKANA-HIRAGANA PROLONGED SOUND MARK:]
+-                                   [:name = HALFWIDTH KATAKANA VOICED SOUND MARK:]
+-                                   [:name = HALFWIDTH KATAKANA SEMI-VOICED SOUND MARK:]];
+-$Ideographic = [:Ideographic:];
+-$Hangul = [:Script = HANGUL:];
+-$ALetter   = [[:Alphabetic:] [:name= COMMERCIAL AT:] [:name= HEBREW PUNCTUATION GERESH:]
+-                           - $Ideographic
+-                           - $Katakana
+-                           - $Hangul
+-                           - [:Script = Thai:]
+-                           - [:Script = Lao:]
+-                           - [:Script = Hiragana:]];
+-$MidLetter = [[:name = APOSTROPHE:] [:name = GRAVE ACCENT:] \u0084 [:name = SOFT HYPHEN:] [:name = MIDDLE DOT:] [:name = GREEK TONOS:] [:name= FULL STOP:] 
+-              [:name = RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK:] [:name = HYPHENATION POINT:] [:name = PRIME:] ];  
+-$SufixLetter = [:name= FULL STOP:];
+-$MidNum    = [[:LineBreak = Infix_Numeric:] [:name= COMMERCIAL AT:] \u0084 [:name = GREEK TONOS:] [:name = ARABIC DECIMAL SEPARATOR:]
+-             [:name = PRIME:]];
+-$Numeric   = [:LineBreak = Numeric:];
+-$TheZWSP = \u200b;
+-#  Character Class Definitions.
+-#    The names are those from TR29.
+-$CR         = \u000d;
+-$LF         = \u000a;
+-$Control    = [[[:Zl:] [:Zp:] [:Cc:] [:Cf:]] - $TheZWSP];
+-$Extend     = [[:Grapheme_Extend = TRUE:]]; 
+-#  Word Break Rules.    Definitions and Rules specific to word break begin Here. 
+-$Format    = [[:Cf:] - $TheZWSP];
+-# Rule 3:  Treat a grapheme cluster as if it were a single character.
+-#          Hangul Syllables are easier to deal with here than they are in Grapheme Clusters
+-#          because we don't need to find the boundaries between adjacent syllables -
+-#          they won't be word boundaries.
+-#  "Extended"  definitions.  Grapheme Cluster + Format Chars, treated like the base char.
+-$ALetterEx    = $ALetter   $Extend*; 
+-$NumericEx    = $Numeric   $Extend*;
+-$MidNumEx     = $MidNum    $Extend*;
+-$MidLetterEx  = $MidLetter $Extend*;
+-$SufixLetterEx= $SufixLetter $Extend*;
+-$KatakanaEx   = $Katakana  $Extend*;
+-$IdeographicEx= $Ideographic  $Extend*;
+-$HangulEx = $Hangul  $Extend*;
+-$FormatEx     = $Format    $Extend*;
+-#  Numbers.  Rules 8, 11, 12 form the TR.
+-$NumberSequence = $NumericEx ($FormatEx* $MidNumEx? $FormatEx* $NumericEx)*;
+-$NumberSequence {100};
+-#  Words.  Alpha-numerics.  Rule 5, 6, 7, 9, 10
+-#     - must include at least one letter. 
+-#     - may include both letters and numbers.
+-#     - may include  MideLetter, MidNumber punctuation.
+-$LetterSequence = $ALetterEx ($FormatEx* $MidLetterEx? $FormatEx* $ALetterEx)*;     # rules #6, #7
+-($NumberSequence $FormatEx*)? $LetterSequence ($FormatEx* ($NumberSequence | $LetterSequence))* $SufixLetterEx? {200};
+-#  Do not break between Katakana.   Rule #13.
+-$KatakanaEx ($FormatEx* $KatakanaEx)* {300};
+-[:Hiragana:] $Extend* {300};
+-#  Ideographic Characters.  Stand by themselves as words.
+-#                           Separated from the "Everything Else" rule, below, only so that they
+-#                           can be tagged with a return value.   TODO:  is this what we want?
+-$IdeographicEx ($FormatEx* $IdeographicEx)* {400};
+-$HangulEx ($FormatEx* $HangulEx)* {400};
+-#  Everything Else, with no tag.
+-#                   Non-Control chars combine with $Extend (combining) chars.
+-#                   Controls are do not.
+-[^$Control [:Ideographic:]] $Extend*;
+-$CR $LF;
+-#  Reverse Rules.   Back up over any of the chars that can group together.
+-#                   (Reverse rules do not need to be exact; they can back up  too far,
+-#                   but must back up at least enough, and must stop on a boundary.)
+-# NonStarters are the set of all characters that can appear at the 2nd - nth position of
+-#    a word.   (They may also be the first.)   The reverse rule skips over these, until it
+-#    reaches something that can only be the start (and probably only) char in a "word".
+-#    A space or punctuation meets the test.
+-$NonStarters = [$Numeric $ALetter $Katakana $Ideographic $Hangul [:P:] [:S:] $MidLetter $MidNum $SufixLetter $Extend $Format];
+-! ($NonStarters* | \n \r) .;
+diff --git a/i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/dict_word_prepostdash.txt b/i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/dict_word_prepostdash.txt
+index fb29b478af21..b39503d1b405 100644
+--- i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/dict_word_prepostdash.txt
++++ i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/dict_word_prepostdash.txt
+@@ -1,157 +1,221 @@
+ #
+-#   Copyright (C) 2002-2003, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
+-#       All Rights Reserved.
++# Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
++# License & terms of use:
++# Copyright (C) 2002-2016, International Business Machines Corporation
++# and others. All Rights Reserved.
+ #
+-#   file:  dict_word.txt   
++# file:  word.txt
+ #
+-#   ICU Word Break Rules
++# ICU Word Break Rules
+ #      See Unicode Standard Annex #29.
+-#      These rules are based on Version 4.0.0, dated 2003-04-17
++#      These rules are based on UAX #29 Revision 34 for Unicode Version 12.0
+ #
++# Note:  Updates to word.txt will usually need to be merged into
++#        word_POSIX.txt also.
+ #
+ #  Character class definitions from TR 29
+ #
+-$Katakana  = [[:Script = KATAKANA:] [:name = KATAKANA-HIRAGANA PROLONGED SOUND MARK:] 
+-                                   [:name = HALFWIDTH KATAKANA-HIRAGANA PROLONGED SOUND MARK:]
+-                                   [:name = HALFWIDTH KATAKANA VOICED SOUND MARK:]
+-                                   [:name = HALFWIDTH KATAKANA SEMI-VOICED SOUND MARK:]];
+-$Ideographic = [:Ideographic:];
+-$Hangul = [:Script = HANGUL:];
++### This file contains LibreOffice-specific rule customizations.
++### To aid future maintainability:
++### - The change location should be bracketed by comments of this form.
++### - The original rule should be commented out, and the modified rule placed alongside.
++### - By doing this, maintainers can more easily compare to an upstream baseline.
+-# list of dashes or hyphens that should be accepted as part of the word if a single one of these
+-# pre- or postfixes a word. E.g. in German: "Arbeits-" or "-nehmer" where that hyphen needs to
+-# be part of the word in order to have it properly spell checked etc.
+-$PrePostDashHyphen = [ [:name = HYPHEN-MINUS:] ];
+-$ALetter   = [[:Alphabetic:] [:name= COMMERCIAL AT:] [:name= HEBREW PUNCTUATION GERESH:]
+-                           - $Ideographic
+-                           - $Katakana
+-                           - $Hangul
+-                           - [:Script = Thai:]
+-                           - [:Script = Lao:]
+-                           - [:Script = Hiragana:]];
+-$MidLetter = [[:name = APOSTROPHE:] [:name = GRAVE ACCENT:] \u0084 [:name = SOFT HYPHEN:] [:name = MIDDLE DOT:] [:name = GREEK TONOS:] [:name= FULL STOP:] 
+-              [:name = RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK:] [:name = HYPHENATION POINT:] [:name = PRIME:] 
+-              [:name = HYPHEN-MINUS:] ];
++#  Character Class Definitions.
+-$SufixLetter = [:name= FULL STOP:];
++$Han                = [:Han:];
+-$MidNum    = [[:LineBreak = Infix_Numeric:] [:name= COMMERCIAL AT:] \u0084 [:name = GREEK TONOS:] [:name = ARABIC DECIMAL SEPARATOR:]
+-             [:name = PRIME:]];
+-$Numeric   = [:LineBreak = Numeric:];
++$CR                 = [\p{Word_Break = CR}];
++$LF                 = [\p{Word_Break = LF}];
++$Newline            = [\p{Word_Break = Newline}];
++$Extend             = [\p{Word_Break = Extend}-$Han];
++$ZWJ                = [\p{Word_Break = ZWJ}];
++$Regional_Indicator = [\p{Word_Break = Regional_Indicator}];
++$Format             = [\p{Word_Break = Format}];
++$Katakana           = [\p{Word_Break = Katakana}];
++$Hebrew_Letter      = [\p{Word_Break = Hebrew_Letter}];
++$ALetter            = [\p{Word_Break = ALetter}];
++$Single_Quote       = [\p{Word_Break = Single_Quote}];
++$Double_Quote       = [\p{Word_Break = Double_Quote}];
++$MidNumLet          = [\p{Word_Break = MidNumLet}];
++$MidNum             = [\p{Word_Break = MidNum}];
++$Numeric            = [\p{Word_Break = Numeric}];
++$ExtendNumLet       = [\p{Word_Break = ExtendNumLet}];
++$WSegSpace          = [\p{Word_Break = WSegSpace}];
++$Extended_Pict      = [\p{Extended_Pictographic}];
++### Unknown issue number: Dictionary words can contain hyphens
++### tdf#49885: Sync custom BreakIterator rules with ICU originals
++### - ICU is now more permissive about punctuation inside words.
++### - For compatibility, exclude certain characters that were previously excluded.
+-$TheZWSP = \u200b;
++$IncludedML         = [:name = HYPHEN-MINUS:];
++$ExcludedML         = [[:name = COLON:]
++                       [:name = GREEK ANO TELEIA:]
++                       [:name = PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL COLON:]
++                       [:name = SMALL COLON:]
++                       [:name = FULLWIDTH COLON:]];
+-#  Character Class Definitions.
+-#    The names are those from TR29.
+-$CR         = \u000d;
+-$LF         = \u000a;
+-$Control    = [[[:Zl:] [:Zp:] [:Cc:] [:Cf:]] - $TheZWSP];
+-$Extend     = [[:Grapheme_Extend = TRUE:]]; 
++# $MidLetter          = [\p{Word_Break = MidLetter}];
++$MidLetter          = [[\p{Word_Break = MidLetter}]-$ExcludedML $IncludedML];
++### Unknown issue number: Allow leading and trailing hyphens in certain languages
++### This part of the customization does not replace any rules.
++$PrePostHyphen      = [:name = HYPHEN-MINUS:];
+-#  Word Break Rules.    Definitions and Rules specific to word break begin Here. 
+-$Format    = [[:Cf:] - $TheZWSP];
++$Hiragana           = [:Hiragana:];
++$Ideographic        = [\p{Ideographic}];
++#   Dictionary character set, for triggering language-based break engines. Currently
++#   limited to LineBreak=Complex_Context. Note that this set only works in Unicode
++#   5.0 or later as the definition of Complex_Context was corrected to include all
++#   characters requiring dictionary break.
+-# Rule 3:  Treat a grapheme cluster as if it were a single character.
+-#          Hangul Syllables are easier to deal with here than they are in Grapheme Clusters
+-#          because we don't need to find the boundaries between adjacent syllables -
+-#          they won't be word boundaries.
++$Control        = [\p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break = Control}];
++$HangulSyllable = [\uac00-\ud7a3];
++$ComplexContext = [:LineBreak = Complex_Context:];
++$KanaKanji      = [$Han $Hiragana $Katakana];
++$dictionaryCJK  = [$KanaKanji $HangulSyllable];
++$dictionary     = [$ComplexContext $dictionaryCJK];
++# TODO: check if handling of katakana in dictionary makes rules incorrect/void
+-#  "Extended"  definitions.  Grapheme Cluster + Format Chars, treated like the base char.
+-$ALetterEx    = $ALetter   $Extend*; 
+-$NumericEx    = $Numeric   $Extend*;
+-$MidNumEx     = $MidNum    $Extend*;
+-$MidLetterEx  = $MidLetter $Extend*;
+-$SufixLetterEx= $SufixLetter $Extend*;
+-$KatakanaEx   = $Katakana  $Extend*;
+-$IdeographicEx= $Ideographic  $Extend*;
+-$HangulEx = $Hangul  $Extend*;
+-$FormatEx     = $Format    $Extend*;
++# leave CJK scripts out of ALetterPlus
++$ALetterPlus  = [$ALetter-$dictionaryCJK [$ComplexContext-$Extend-$Control]];
++## -------------------------------------------------
++# Rule 3 - CR x LF
+ #
+-#  Numbers.  Rules 8, 11, 12 form the TR.
+-$NumberSequence = $NumericEx ($FormatEx* $MidNumEx? $FormatEx* $NumericEx)*;
+-$NumberSequence {100};
++$CR $LF;
++# Rule 3c   Do not break within emoji zwj sequences.
++#             ZWJ ×  \p{Extended_Pictographic}.  Precedes WB4, so no intervening Extend chars allowed.
+ #
+-#  Words.  Alpha-numerics.  Rule 5, 6, 7, 9, 10
+-#     - must include at least one letter. 
+-#     - may include both letters and numbers.
+-#     - may include  MideLetter, MidNumber punctuation.
++$ZWJ $Extended_Pict;
++# Rule 3d - Keep horizontal whitespace together.
+ #
+-# At most one leading or trailing dash/hyphen should be accepted as well.
+-# E.g. in German: "Arbeits-" or "-nehmer" where that hyphen needs to
+-# be part of the word in order to have it properly spell checked etc.
+-$LetterSequence = $PrePostDashHyphen? $ALetterEx ($FormatEx* $MidLetterEx? $FormatEx* $ALetterEx)* $PrePostDashHyphen?;     # rules #6, #7
+-($NumberSequence $FormatEx*)? $LetterSequence ($FormatEx* ($NumberSequence | $LetterSequence))* $SufixLetterEx? {200};
++$WSegSpace $WSegSpace;
++# Rule 4 - ignore Format and Extend characters, except when they appear at the beginning
++#          of a region of Text.
+-#  Do not break between Katakana.   Rule #13.
+-$KatakanaEx ($FormatEx* $KatakanaEx)* {300};
+-[:Hiragana:] $Extend* {300};
++$ExFm  = [$Extend $Format $ZWJ];
+-#  Ideographic Characters.  Stand by themselves as words.
+-#                           Separated from the "Everything Else" rule, below, only so that they
+-#                           can be tagged with a return value.   TODO:  is this what we want?
+-$IdeographicEx ($FormatEx* $IdeographicEx)* {400};
+-$HangulEx ($FormatEx* $HangulEx)* {400};
++^$ExFm+;            # This rule fires only when there are format or extend characters at the
++                    # start of text, or immediately following another boundary. It groups them, in
++                    # the event there are more than one.
+-#  Everything Else, with no tag.
+-#                   Non-Control chars combine with $Extend (combining) chars.
+-#                   Controls are do not.
+-[^$Control [:Ideographic:]] $Extend*;
+-$CR $LF;
++[^$CR $LF $Newline $ExFm] $ExFm*;   # This rule rule attaches trailing format/extends to words,
++                                    # with no special rule status value.
++$Numeric $ExFm* {100};              # This group of rules also attach trailing format/extends, but
++$ALetterPlus $ExFm* {200};          # with rule status set based on the word's final base character.
++$HangulSyllable {200};
++$Hebrew_Letter $ExFm* {200};
++$Katakana $ExFm* {400};             # note:  these status values override those from rule 5
++$Hiragana $ExFm* {400};             #        by virtue of being numerically larger.
++$Ideographic $ExFm* {400};          #
+ #
+-#  Reverse Rules.   Back up over any of the chars that can group together.
+-#                   (Reverse rules do not need to be exact; they can back up  too far,
+-#                   but must back up at least enough, and must stop on a boundary.)
++# rule 5
++#    Do not break between most letters.
+ #
+-# NonStarters are the set of all characters that can appear at the 2nd - nth position of
+-#    a word.   (They may also be the first.)   The reverse rule skips over these, until it
+-#    reaches something that can only be the start (and probably only) char in a "word".
+-#    A space or punctuation meets the test.
++### Unknown issue number: Allow leading and trailing hyphens in certain languages
++# ($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter) $ExFm* ($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter);
++($PrePostHyphen) ? ($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter) $ExFm* ($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter) ($PrePostHyphen)?;
++# rule 6 and 7
++### Unknown issue number: Allow leading and trailing hyphens in certain languages
++# ($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter)  $ExFm* ($MidLetter | $MidNumLet | $Single_Quote) $ExFm* ($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter) {200};
++($PrePostHyphen)? ($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter)  $ExFm* ($MidLetter | $MidNumLet | $Single_Quote) $ExFm* ($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter) ($PrePostHyphen)? {200};
++# rule 7a
++$Hebrew_Letter $ExFm* $Single_Quote {200};
++# rule 7b and 7c
++$Hebrew_Letter $ExFm* $Double_Quote $ExFm* $Hebrew_Letter;
++# rule 8
++$Numeric $ExFm* $Numeric;
++# rule 9
++($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter)  $ExFm* $Numeric;
++# rule 10
++$Numeric $ExFm* ($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter);
++# rule 11 and 12
++$Numeric $ExFm* ($MidNum | $MidNumLet | $Single_Quote) $ExFm* $Numeric;
++# rule 13
++# to be consistent with $KanaKanji $KanaKanhi, changed
++# from 300 to 400.
++# See also TestRuleStatus in intltest/rbbiapts.cpp
++$Katakana $ExFm*  $Katakana {400};
++# rule 13a/b
++$ALetterPlus   $ExFm* $ExtendNumLet {200};    #  (13a)
++$Hebrew_Letter $ExFm* $ExtendNumLet {200};    #  (13a)
++$Numeric       $ExFm* $ExtendNumLet {100};    #  (13a)
++$Katakana      $ExFm* $ExtendNumLet {400};    #  (13a)
++$ExtendNumLet  $ExFm* $ExtendNumLet {200};    #  (13a)
++$ExtendNumLet  $ExFm* $ALetterPlus  {200};    #  (13b)
++$ExtendNumLet  $ExFm* $Hebrew_Letter {200};    #  (13b)
++$ExtendNumLet  $ExFm* $Numeric      {100};    #  (13b)
++$ExtendNumLet  $ExFm* $Katakana     {400};    #  (13b)
++# rules 15 - 17
++#    Pairs of Regional Indicators stay together.
++#    With incoming rule chaining disabled by ^, this rule will match exactly two of them.
++#    No other rule begins with a Regional_Indicator, so chaining cannot extend the match.
+ #
+-$NonStarters = [$Numeric $ALetter $Katakana $Ideographic $Hangul [:P:] [:S:] $MidLetter $MidNum $SufixLetter $Extend $Format];
++^$Regional_Indicator $ExFm* $Regional_Indicator;
+-! ($NonStarters* | \n \r) .;
++# special handling for CJK characters: chain for later dictionary segmentation
++$HangulSyllable $HangulSyllable {200};
++$KanaKanji $KanaKanji {400}; # different rule status if both kana and kanji found
++# Rule 999
++#     Match a single code point if no other rule applies.
+diff --git a/i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/edit_word.txt b/i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/edit_word.txt
+index 92b344c19d41..14fc221aa96e 100644
+--- i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/edit_word.txt
++++ i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/edit_word.txt
+@@ -1,142 +1,199 @@
+ #
+-#   Copyright (C) 2002-2003, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
+-#       All Rights Reserved.
++# Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
++# License & terms of use:
++# Copyright (C) 2002-2016, International Business Machines Corporation
++# and others. All Rights Reserved.
+ #
+-#   file:  edit_word.txt   
++# file:  word.txt
+ #
+-#   ICU Word Break Rules
++# ICU Word Break Rules
+ #      See Unicode Standard Annex #29.
+-#      These rules are based on Version 4.0.0, dated 2003-04-17
++#      These rules are based on UAX #29 Revision 34 for Unicode Version 12.0
+ #
++# Note:  Updates to word.txt will usually need to be merged into
++#        word_POSIX.txt also.
+ #
+ #  Character class definitions from TR 29
+ #
+-$Katakana  = [[:Script = KATAKANA:] [:name = KATAKANA-HIRAGANA PROLONGED SOUND MARK:] 
+-                                   [:name = HALFWIDTH KATAKANA-HIRAGANA PROLONGED SOUND MARK:]
+-                                   [:name = HALFWIDTH KATAKANA VOICED SOUND MARK:]
+-                                   [:name = HALFWIDTH KATAKANA SEMI-VOICED SOUND MARK:]];
+-$Ideographic = [:Ideographic:];
+-$Hangul = [:Script = HANGUL:];
+-$ALetter   = [[:Alphabetic:] [:name= NO-BREAK SPACE:] [:name= HEBREW PUNCTUATION GERESH:] 
+-                           - $Ideographic
+-                           - $Katakana
+-                           - $Hangul
+-                           - [:Script = Thai:]
+-                           - [:Script = Lao:]
+-                           - [:Script = Hiragana:]];
+-$MidLetter = [[:name = APOSTROPHE:] [:name = MIDDLE DOT:]  [:name = HEBREW PUNCTUATION GERSHAYIM:]
+-              [:name = RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK:] [:name = HYPHENATION POINT:]];  
+-$MidNum    = [[:LineBreak = Infix_Numeric:] - [:name = FULL STOP:]];
+-$Numeric   = [:LineBreak = Numeric:];
+-$TheZWSP = \u200b;
++### This file contains LibreOffice-specific rule customizations.
++### To aid future maintainability:
++### - The change location should be bracketed by comments of this form.
++### - The original rule should be commented out, and the modified rule placed alongside.
++### - By doing this, maintainers can more easily compare to an upstream baseline.
+ #
+ #  Character Class Definitions.
+-#    The names are those from TR29.
+ #
+-$CR         = \u000d;
+-$LF         = \u000a;
+-$Control    = [[[:Zl:] [:Zp:] [:Cc:] [:Cf:]] - $TheZWSP];
+-$Extend     = [[:Grapheme_Extend = TRUE:]]; 
++$Han                = [:Han:];
++$CR                 = [\p{Word_Break = CR}];
++$LF                 = [\p{Word_Break = LF}];
++$Newline            = [\p{Word_Break = Newline}];
++$Extend             = [\p{Word_Break = Extend}-$Han];
++$ZWJ                = [\p{Word_Break = ZWJ}];
++$Regional_Indicator = [\p{Word_Break = Regional_Indicator}];
++$Format             = [\p{Word_Break = Format}];
++$Katakana           = [\p{Word_Break = Katakana}];
++$Hebrew_Letter      = [\p{Word_Break = Hebrew_Letter}];
++$ALetter            = [\p{Word_Break = ALetter}];
++$Single_Quote       = [\p{Word_Break = Single_Quote}];
++$Double_Quote       = [\p{Word_Break = Double_Quote}];
++$MidLetter          = [\p{Word_Break = MidLetter}];
++$MidNum             = [\p{Word_Break = MidNum}];
++$Numeric            = [\p{Word_Break = Numeric}];
++$WSegSpace          = [\p{Word_Break = WSegSpace}];
++$Extended_Pict      = [\p{Extended_Pictographic}];
++### i#13494: For the purposes of editing, standalone punctuation should be treated as a word.
++### This change subtracts undesired characters from the above families
+-#  Word Break Rules.    Definitions and Rules specific to word break begin Here. 
++# $MidNumLet          = [\p{Word_Break = MidNumLet}];
++$MidNumLet          = [\p{Word_Break = MidNumLet}-[:name= FULL STOP:]];
+-$Format    = [[:Cf:] - $TheZWSP];
++# $ExtendNumLet       = [\p{Word_Break = ExtendNumLet}];
++$ExtendNumLet       = [\p{Word_Break = ExtendNumLet}-[:name= LOW LINE:]];
++$Hiragana           = [:Hiragana:];
++$Ideographic        = [\p{Ideographic}];
+-# Rule 3:  Treat a grapheme cluster as if it were a single character.
+-#          Hangul Syllables are easier to deal with here than they are in Grapheme Clusters
+-#          because we don't need to find the boundaries between adjacent syllables -
+-#          they won't be word boundaries.
++#   Dictionary character set, for triggering language-based break engines. Currently
++#   limited to LineBreak=Complex_Context. Note that this set only works in Unicode
++#   5.0 or later as the definition of Complex_Context was corrected to include all
++#   characters requiring dictionary break.
+-#  "Extended"  definitions.  Grapheme Cluster + Format Chars, treated like the base char.
+-$ALetterEx    = $ALetter   $Extend*; 
+-$NumericEx    = $Numeric   $Extend*;
+-$MidNumEx     = $MidNum    $Extend*;
+-$MidLetterEx  = $MidLetter $Extend*;
+-$KatakanaEx   = $Katakana  $Extend*;
+-$IdeographicEx= $Ideographic  $Extend*;
+-$HangulEx = $Hangul  $Extend*;
+-$FormatEx     = $Format    $Extend*;
++$Control        = [\p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break = Control}];
++$HangulSyllable = [\uac00-\ud7a3];
++$ComplexContext = [:LineBreak = Complex_Context:];
++$KanaKanji      = [$Han $Hiragana $Katakana];
++$dictionaryCJK  = [$KanaKanji $HangulSyllable];
++$dictionary     = [$ComplexContext $dictionaryCJK];
++# TODO: check if handling of katakana in dictionary makes rules incorrect/void
+-#  Numbers.  Rules 8, 11, 12 form the TR.
+-$NumberSequence = $NumericEx ($FormatEx* $MidNumEx? $FormatEx* $NumericEx)*;
+-$NumberSequence {100};
++# leave CJK scripts out of ALetterPlus
++$ALetterPlus  = [$ALetter-$dictionaryCJK [$ComplexContext-$Extend-$Control]];
+-#  Words.  Alpha-numerics.  Rule 5, 6, 7, 9, 10
+-#     - must include at least one letter. 
+-#     - may include both letters and numbers.
+-#     - may include  MideLetter, MidNumber punctuation.
+-$LetterSequence = $ALetterEx ($FormatEx* $MidLetterEx? $FormatEx* $ALetterEx)*;     # rules #6, #7
+-($NumberSequence $FormatEx*)? $LetterSequence ($FormatEx* ($NumberSequence | $LetterSequence))* {200};
+-# Punctuations by themselves
+-[[:P:][:S:]-[:name = FULL STOP:]]*;
+-[[:name = FULL STOP:]]*;
++## -------------------------------------------------
++# Rule 3 - CR x LF
+ #
+-#  Do not break between Katakana.   Rule #13.
+-$KatakanaEx ($FormatEx* $KatakanaEx)* {300};
+-[:Hiragana:] $Extend* {300};
++$CR $LF;
++# Rule 3c   Do not break within emoji zwj sequences.
++#             ZWJ ×  \p{Extended_Pictographic}.  Precedes WB4, so no intervening Extend chars allowed.
+ #
+-#  Ideographic Characters.  Stand by themselves as words.
+-#                           Separated from the "Everything Else" rule, below, only so that they
+-#                           can be tagged with a return value.   TODO:  is this what we want?
+-$IdeographicEx ($FormatEx* $IdeographicEx)* {400};
+-$HangulEx ($FormatEx* $HangulEx)* {400};
++$ZWJ $Extended_Pict;
++# Rule 3d - Keep horizontal whitespace together.
+ #
+-#  Everything Else, with no tag.
+-#                   Non-Control chars combine with $Extend (combining) chars.
+-#                   Controls are do not.
+-[^$Control [:Ideographic:]] $Extend*;
+-$CR $LF;
++$WSegSpace $WSegSpace;
++# Rule 4 - ignore Format and Extend characters, except when they appear at the beginning
++#          of a region of Text.
++$ExFm  = [$Extend $Format $ZWJ];
++^$ExFm+;            # This rule fires only when there are format or extend characters at the
++                    # start of text, or immediately following another boundary. It groups them, in
++                    # the event there are more than one.
++[^$CR $LF $Newline $ExFm] $ExFm*;   # This rule rule attaches trailing format/extends to words,
++                                    # with no special rule status value.
++$Numeric $ExFm* {100};              # This group of rules also attach trailing format/extends, but
++$ALetterPlus $ExFm* {200};          # with rule status set based on the word's final base character.
++$HangulSyllable {200};
++$Hebrew_Letter $ExFm* {200};
++$Katakana $ExFm* {400};             # note:  these status values override those from rule 5
++$Hiragana $ExFm* {400};             #        by virtue of being numerically larger.
++$Ideographic $ExFm* {400};          #
+ #
+-#  Reverse Rules.   Back up over any of the chars that can group together.
+-#                   (Reverse rules do not need to be exact; they can back up  too far,
+-#                   but must back up at least enough, and must stop on a boundary.)
++# rule 5
++#    Do not break between most letters.
+ #
++($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter) $ExFm* ($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter);
++# rule 6 and 7
++($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter)  $ExFm* ($MidLetter | $MidNumLet | $Single_Quote) $ExFm* ($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter) {200};
++# rule 7a
++$Hebrew_Letter $ExFm* $Single_Quote {200};
++# rule 7b and 7c
++$Hebrew_Letter $ExFm* $Double_Quote $ExFm* $Hebrew_Letter;
++# rule 8
++$Numeric $ExFm* $Numeric;
++# rule 9
++($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter)  $ExFm* $Numeric;
+-# NonStarters are the set of all characters that can appear at the 2nd - nth position of
+-#    a word.   (They may also be the first.)   The reverse rule skips over these, until it
+-#    reaches something that can only be the start (and probably only) char in a "word".
+-#    A space or punctuation meets the test.
++# rule 10
++$Numeric $ExFm* ($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter);
++# rule 11 and 12
++$Numeric $ExFm* ($MidNum | $MidNumLet | $Single_Quote) $ExFm* $Numeric;
++# rule 13
++# to be consistent with $KanaKanji $KanaKanhi, changed
++# from 300 to 400.
++# See also TestRuleStatus in intltest/rbbiapts.cpp
++$Katakana $ExFm*  $Katakana {400};
++# rule 13a/b
++$ALetterPlus   $ExFm* $ExtendNumLet {200};    #  (13a)
++$Hebrew_Letter $ExFm* $ExtendNumLet {200};    #  (13a)
++$Numeric       $ExFm* $ExtendNumLet {100};    #  (13a)
++$Katakana      $ExFm* $ExtendNumLet {400};    #  (13a)
++$ExtendNumLet  $ExFm* $ExtendNumLet {200};    #  (13a)
++$ExtendNumLet  $ExFm* $ALetterPlus  {200};    #  (13b)
++$ExtendNumLet  $ExFm* $Hebrew_Letter {200};    #  (13b)
++$ExtendNumLet  $ExFm* $Numeric      {100};    #  (13b)
++$ExtendNumLet  $ExFm* $Katakana     {400};    #  (13b)
++# rules 15 - 17
++#    Pairs of Regional Indicators stay together.
++#    With incoming rule chaining disabled by ^, this rule will match exactly two of them.
++#    No other rule begins with a Regional_Indicator, so chaining cannot extend the match.
+ #
+-$NonStarters = [$Numeric $ALetter $Katakana $Ideographic $Hangul [:P:] [:S:] $MidLetter $MidNum $Extend $Format];
++^$Regional_Indicator $ExFm* $Regional_Indicator;
+-! ($NonStarters* | \n \r) .;
++# special handling for CJK characters: chain for later dictionary segmentation
++$HangulSyllable $HangulSyllable {200};
++$KanaKanji $KanaKanji {400}; # different rule status if both kana and kanji found
++### i#13494: For the purposes of editing, standalone punctuation should be treated as a word.
++### This customization does not replace any rules.
++[[:P:][:S:]-[:name = FULL STOP:]]*
++[[:name = FULL STOP:]]*;
++# Rule 999
++#     Match a single code point if no other rule applies.
+diff --git a/i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/edit_word_he.txt b/i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/edit_word_he.txt
+deleted file mode 100644
+index 0b5908814e08..000000000000
+--- i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/edit_word_he.txt
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
+-#   Copyright (C) 2002-2003, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
+-#       All Rights Reserved.
+-#   file:  edit_word.txt   
+-#   ICU Word Break Rules
+-#      See Unicode Standard Annex #29.
+-#      These rules are based on Version 4.0.0, dated 2003-04-17
+-#  Character class definitions from TR 29
+-$Katakana  = [[:Script = KATAKANA:] [:name = KATAKANA-HIRAGANA PROLONGED SOUND MARK:] 
+-                                   [:name = HALFWIDTH KATAKANA-HIRAGANA PROLONGED SOUND MARK:]
+-                                   [:name = HALFWIDTH KATAKANA VOICED SOUND MARK:]
+-                                   [:name = HALFWIDTH KATAKANA SEMI-VOICED SOUND MARK:]];
+-$Ideographic = [:Ideographic:];
+-$Hangul = [:Script = HANGUL:];
+-$ALetter   = [[:Alphabetic:] [:name= NO-BREAK SPACE:] [:name= HEBREW PUNCTUATION GERESH:] 
+-                           - $Ideographic
+-                           - $Katakana
+-                           - $Hangul
+-                           - [:Script = Thai:]
+-                           - [:Script = Lao:]
+-                           - [:Script = Hiragana:]];
+-$MidLetter = [[:name = QUOTATION MARK:] [:name = APOSTROPHE:] [:name = MIDDLE DOT:] [:name = HEBREW PUNCTUATION GERSHAYIM:]
+-              [:name = RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK:] [:name = HYPHENATION POINT:]];  
+-$MidNum    = [[:LineBreak = Infix_Numeric:] - [:name = FULL STOP:]];
+-$Numeric   = [:LineBreak = Numeric:];
+-$TheZWSP = \u200b;
+-#  Character Class Definitions.
+-#    The names are those from TR29.
+-$CR         = \u000d;
+-$LF         = \u000a;
+-$Control    = [[[:Zl:] [:Zp:] [:Cc:] [:Cf:]] - $TheZWSP];
+-$Extend     = [[:Grapheme_Extend = TRUE:]]; 
+-#  Word Break Rules.    Definitions and Rules specific to word break begin Here. 
+-$Format    = [[:Cf:] - $TheZWSP];
+-# Rule 3:  Treat a grapheme cluster as if it were a single character.
+-#          Hangul Syllables are easier to deal with here than they are in Grapheme Clusters
+-#          because we don't need to find the boundaries between adjacent syllables -
+-#          they won't be word boundaries.
+-#  "Extended"  definitions.  Grapheme Cluster + Format Chars, treated like the base char.
+-$ALetterEx    = $ALetter   $Extend*; 
+-$NumericEx    = $Numeric   $Extend*;
+-$MidNumEx     = $MidNum    $Extend*;
+-$MidLetterEx  = $MidLetter $Extend*;
+-$KatakanaEx   = $Katakana  $Extend*;
+-$IdeographicEx= $Ideographic  $Extend*;
+-$HangulEx = $Hangul  $Extend*;
+-$FormatEx     = $Format    $Extend*;
+-#  Numbers.  Rules 8, 11, 12 form the TR.
+-$NumberSequence = $NumericEx ($FormatEx* $MidNumEx? $FormatEx* $NumericEx)*;
+-$NumberSequence {100};
+-#  Words.  Alpha-numerics.  Rule 5, 6, 7, 9, 10
+-#     - must include at least one letter. 
+-#     - may include both letters and numbers.
+-#     - may include  MideLetter, MidNumber punctuation.
+-$LetterSequence = $ALetterEx ($FormatEx* $MidLetterEx? $FormatEx* $ALetterEx)*;     # rules #6, #7
+-($NumberSequence $FormatEx*)? $LetterSequence ($FormatEx* ($NumberSequence | $LetterSequence))* {200};
+-# Punctuations by themselves
+-[[:P:][:S:]-[:name = FULL STOP:]]*;
+-[[:name = FULL STOP:]]*;
+-#  Do not break between Katakana.   Rule #13.
+-$KatakanaEx ($FormatEx* $KatakanaEx)* {300};
+-[:Hiragana:] $Extend* {300};
+-#  Ideographic Characters.  Stand by themselves as words.
+-#                           Separated from the "Everything Else" rule, below, only so that they
+-#                           can be tagged with a return value.   TODO:  is this what we want?
+-$IdeographicEx ($FormatEx* $IdeographicEx)* {400};
+-$HangulEx ($FormatEx* $HangulEx)* {400};
+-#  Everything Else, with no tag.
+-#                   Non-Control chars combine with $Extend (combining) chars.
+-#                   Controls are do not.
+-[^$Control [:Ideographic:]] $Extend*;
+-$CR $LF;
+-#  Reverse Rules.   Back up over any of the chars that can group together.
+-#                   (Reverse rules do not need to be exact; they can back up  too far,
+-#                   but must back up at least enough, and must stop on a boundary.)
+-# NonStarters are the set of all characters that can appear at the 2nd - nth position of
+-#    a word.   (They may also be the first.)   The reverse rule skips over these, until it
+-#    reaches something that can only be the start (and probably only) char in a "word".
+-#    A space or punctuation meets the test.
+-$NonStarters = [$Numeric $ALetter $Katakana $Ideographic $Hangul [:P:] [:S:] $MidLetter $MidNum $Extend $Format];
+-! ($NonStarters* | \n \r) .;
+diff --git a/i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/edit_word_hu.txt b/i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/edit_word_hu.txt
+index 4a08acab0029..389ad2bacc13 100644
+--- i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/edit_word_hu.txt
++++ i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/edit_word_hu.txt
+@@ -1,159 +1,215 @@
+ #
+-#   Copyright (C) 2002-2003, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
+-#       All Rights Reserved.
++# Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
++# License & terms of use:
++# Copyright (C) 2002-2016, International Business Machines Corporation
++# and others. All Rights Reserved.
+ #
+-#   file:  edit_word.txt   
++# file:  word.txt
+ #
+-#   ICU Word Break Rules
++# ICU Word Break Rules
+ #      See Unicode Standard Annex #29.
+-#      These rules are based on Version 4.0.0, dated 2003-04-17
++#      These rules are based on UAX #29 Revision 34 for Unicode Version 12.0
+ #
++# Note:  Updates to word.txt will usually need to be merged into
++#        word_POSIX.txt also.
+ #
+ #  Character class definitions from TR 29
+ #
+-$Katakana  = [[:Script = KATAKANA:] [:name = KATAKANA-HIRAGANA PROLONGED SOUND MARK:] 
+-                                   [:name = HALFWIDTH KATAKANA-HIRAGANA PROLONGED SOUND MARK:]
+-                                   [:name = HALFWIDTH KATAKANA VOICED SOUND MARK:]
+-                                   [:name = HALFWIDTH KATAKANA SEMI-VOICED SOUND MARK:]];
+-$Ideographic = [:Ideographic:];
+-$Hangul = [:Script = HANGUL:];
+-$ALetter   = [[:Alphabetic:] [:name= NO-BREAK SPACE:] [:name= HEBREW PUNCTUATION GERESH:] 
+-                [:name = PERCENT SIGN:] [:name = PER MILLE SIGN:] [:name = PER TEN THOUSAND SIGN:]
+-                [:name = SECTION SIGN:] [:name = DEGREE SIGN:] [:name = EURO SIGN:]
+-                [:name = HYPHEN-MINUS:] [:name = EN DASH:] [:name = EM DASH:]
+-                [:name = DIGIT ZERO:]
+-                [:name = DIGIT ONE:]
+-                [:name = DIGIT TWO:]
+-                [:name = DIGIT THREE:]
+-                [:name = DIGIT FOUR:]
+-                [:name = DIGIT FIVE:]
+-                [:name = DIGIT SIX:]
+-                [:name = DIGIT SEVEN:]
+-                [:name = DIGIT EIGHT:]
+-                [:name = DIGIT NINE:]
+-                           - $Ideographic
+-                           - $Katakana
+-                           - $Hangul
+-                           - [:Script = Thai:]
+-                           - [:Script = Lao:]
+-                           - [:Script = Hiragana:]];
+-$MidLetter = [[:name = APOSTROPHE:] [:name = MIDDLE DOT:]  [:name = HEBREW PUNCTUATION GERSHAYIM:]
+-              [:name = RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK:] [:name = HYPHENATION POINT:]  
+-              [:name = HYPHEN-MINUS:] [:name = EURO SIGN:] [:name = PERCENT SIGN:] 
+-              [:name = PER MILLE SIGN:] [:name = PER TEN THOUSAND SIGN:]
+-              [:name = EN DASH:] [:name = EM DASH:]
+-              [:name = PERCENT SIGN:] [:name = SECTION SIGN:] [:name = DEGREE SIGN:]];
+-$MidNum    = [[:LineBreak = Infix_Numeric:] - [:name = FULL STOP:]];
+-$Numeric   = [:LineBreak = Numeric:];
+-$TheZWSP = \u200b;
++### This file contains LibreOffice-specific rule customizations.
++### To aid future maintainability:
++### - The change location should be bracketed by comments of this form.
++### - The original rule should be commented out, and the modified rule placed alongside.
++### - By doing this, maintainers can more easily compare to an upstream baseline.
+ #
+ #  Character Class Definitions.
+-#    The names are those from TR29.
+ #
+-$CR         = \u000d;
+-$LF         = \u000a;
+-$Control    = [[[:Zl:] [:Zp:] [:Cc:] [:Cf:]] - $TheZWSP];
+-$Extend     = [[:Grapheme_Extend = TRUE:]]; 
++$Han                = [:Han:];
++$CR                 = [\p{Word_Break = CR}];
++$LF                 = [\p{Word_Break = LF}];
++$Newline            = [\p{Word_Break = Newline}];
++$Extend             = [\p{Word_Break = Extend}-$Han];
++$ZWJ                = [\p{Word_Break = ZWJ}];
++$Regional_Indicator = [\p{Word_Break = Regional_Indicator}];
++$Format             = [\p{Word_Break = Format}];
++$Katakana           = [\p{Word_Break = Katakana}];
++$Hebrew_Letter      = [\p{Word_Break = Hebrew_Letter}];
++$Single_Quote       = [\p{Word_Break = Single_Quote}];
++$Double_Quote       = [\p{Word_Break = Double_Quote}];
++$MidNum             = [\p{Word_Break = MidNum}];
++$Numeric            = [\p{Word_Break = Numeric}];
++$WSegSpace          = [\p{Word_Break = WSegSpace}];
++$Extended_Pict      = [\p{Extended_Pictographic}];
++### i#13494: For the purposes of editing, standalone punctuation should be treated as a word.
++### This change subtracts undesired characters from the above families
++### i#56347: BreakIterator patch for Hungarian
++### i#56348: Special chars in first pos not handled by spell checking for Hungarian
+-#  Word Break Rules.    Definitions and Rules specific to word break begin Here. 
++$Symbols_hu         = [[:name = PERCENT SIGN:]
++                       [:name = PER MILLE SIGN:]
++                       [:name = PER TEN THOUSAND SIGN:]
++                       [:name = SECTION SIGN:]
++                       [:name = DEGREE SIGN:]
++                       [:name = EURO SIGN:]
++                       [:name = HYPHEN-MINUS:]
++                       [:name = EN DASH:]
++                       [:name = EM DASH:]];
+-$Format    = [[:Cf:] - $TheZWSP];
++# $ALetter            = [\p{Word_Break = ALetter}];
++$ALetter            = [\p{Word_Break = ALetter} $Symbols_hu];
++# $MidLetter          = [\p{Word_Break = MidLetter}];
++$MidLetter          = [\p{Word_Break = MidLetter} $Symbols_hu];
++# $MidNumLet          = [\p{Word_Break = MidNumLet}];
++$MidNumLet          = [\p{Word_Break = MidNumLet}-[:name= FULL STOP:]];
+-# Rule 3:  Treat a grapheme cluster as if it were a single character.
+-#          Hangul Syllables are easier to deal with here than they are in Grapheme Clusters
+-#          because we don't need to find the boundaries between adjacent syllables -
+-#          they won't be word boundaries.
++# $ExtendNumLet       = [\p{Word_Break = ExtendNumLet}];
++$ExtendNumLet       = [\p{Word_Break = ExtendNumLet}-[:name= LOW LINE:]];
+-#  "Extended"  definitions.  Grapheme Cluster + Format Chars, treated like the base char.
+-$ALetterEx    = $ALetter   $Extend*; 
+-$NumericEx    = $Numeric   $Extend*;
+-$MidNumEx     = $MidNum    $Extend*;
+-$MidLetterEx  = $MidLetter $Extend*;
+-$KatakanaEx   = $Katakana  $Extend*;
+-$IdeographicEx= $Ideographic  $Extend*;
+-$HangulEx = $Hangul  $Extend*;
+-$FormatEx     = $Format    $Extend*;
++$Hiragana           = [:Hiragana:];
++$Ideographic        = [\p{Ideographic}];
+-#  Numbers.  Rules 8, 11, 12 form the TR.
+-$NumberSequence = $NumericEx ($FormatEx* $MidNumEx? $FormatEx* $NumericEx)*;
+-$NumberSequence {100};
++#   Dictionary character set, for triggering language-based break engines. Currently
++#   limited to LineBreak=Complex_Context. Note that this set only works in Unicode
++#   5.0 or later as the definition of Complex_Context was corrected to include all
++#   characters requiring dictionary break.
+-#  Words.  Alpha-numerics.  Rule 5, 6, 7, 9, 10
+-#     - must include at least one letter. 
+-#     - may include both letters and numbers.
+-#     - may include  MideLetter, MidNumber punctuation.
+-$LetterSequence = $ALetterEx ($FormatEx* $MidLetterEx? $FormatEx* $ALetterEx)*;     # rules #6, #7
+-($NumberSequence $FormatEx*)? $LetterSequence ($FormatEx* ($NumberSequence | $LetterSequence))* {200};
++$Control        = [\p{Grapheme_Cluster_Break = Control}];
++$HangulSyllable = [\uac00-\ud7a3];
++$ComplexContext = [:LineBreak = Complex_Context:];
++$KanaKanji      = [$Han $Hiragana $Katakana];
++$dictionaryCJK  = [$KanaKanji $HangulSyllable];
++$dictionary     = [$ComplexContext $dictionaryCJK];
+-# Punctuations by themselves
+-[[:P:][:S:]-[:name = FULL STOP:]]*;
+-[[:name = FULL STOP:]]*;
++# TODO: check if handling of katakana in dictionary makes rules incorrect/void
+-#  Do not break between Katakana.   Rule #13.
+-$KatakanaEx ($FormatEx* $KatakanaEx)* {300};
+-[:Hiragana:] $Extend* {300};
++# leave CJK scripts out of ALetterPlus
++$ALetterPlus  = [$ALetter-$dictionaryCJK [$ComplexContext-$Extend-$Control]];
++## -------------------------------------------------
++# Rule 3 - CR x LF
+ #
+-#  Ideographic Characters.  Stand by themselves as words.
+-#                           Separated from the "Everything Else" rule, below, only so that they
+-#                           can be tagged with a return value.   TODO:  is this what we want?
+-$IdeographicEx ($FormatEx* $IdeographicEx)* {400};
+-$HangulEx ($FormatEx* $HangulEx)* {400};
++$CR $LF;
++# Rule 3c   Do not break within emoji zwj sequences.
++#             ZWJ ×  \p{Extended_Pictographic}.  Precedes WB4, so no intervening Extend chars allowed.
+ #
+-#  Everything Else, with no tag.
+-#                   Non-Control chars combine with $Extend (combining) chars.
+-#                   Controls are do not.
++$ZWJ $Extended_Pict;
++# Rule 3d - Keep horizontal whitespace together.
+ #
+-[^$Control [:Ideographic:]] $Extend*;
+-$CR $LF;
++$WSegSpace $WSegSpace;
++# Rule 4 - ignore Format and Extend characters, except when they appear at the beginning
++#          of a region of Text.
++$ExFm  = [$Extend $Format $ZWJ];
++^$ExFm+;            # This rule fires only when there are format or extend characters at the
++                    # start of text, or immediately following another boundary. It groups them, in
++                    # the event there are more than one.
++[^$CR $LF $Newline $ExFm] $ExFm*;   # This rule rule attaches trailing format/extends to words,
++                                    # with no special rule status value.
++$Numeric $ExFm* {100};              # This group of rules also attach trailing format/extends, but
++$ALetterPlus $ExFm* {200};          # with rule status set based on the word's final base character.
++$HangulSyllable {200};
++$Hebrew_Letter $ExFm* {200};
++$Katakana $ExFm* {400};             # note:  these status values override those from rule 5
++$Hiragana $ExFm* {400};             #        by virtue of being numerically larger.
++$Ideographic $ExFm* {400};          #
+ #
+-#  Reverse Rules.   Back up over any of the chars that can group together.
+-#                   (Reverse rules do not need to be exact; they can back up  too far,
+-#                   but must back up at least enough, and must stop on a boundary.)
++# rule 5
++#    Do not break between most letters.
+ #
++($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter) $ExFm* ($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter);
++# rule 6 and 7
++($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter)  $ExFm* ($MidLetter | $MidNumLet | $Single_Quote) $ExFm* ($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter) {200};
++# rule 7a
++$Hebrew_Letter $ExFm* $Single_Quote {200};
++# rule 7b and 7c
++$Hebrew_Letter $ExFm* $Double_Quote $ExFm* $Hebrew_Letter;
++# rule 8
++$Numeric $ExFm* $Numeric;
++# rule 9
+-# NonStarters are the set of all characters that can appear at the 2nd - nth position of
+-#    a word.   (They may also be the first.)   The reverse rule skips over these, until it
+-#    reaches something that can only be the start (and probably only) char in a "word".
+-#    A space or punctuation meets the test.
++($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter)  $ExFm* $Numeric;
++# rule 10
++$Numeric $ExFm* ($ALetterPlus | $Hebrew_Letter);
++# rule 11 and 12
++$Numeric $ExFm* ($MidNum | $MidNumLet | $Single_Quote) $ExFm* $Numeric;
++# rule 13
++# to be consistent with $KanaKanji $KanaKanhi, changed
++# from 300 to 400.
++# See also TestRuleStatus in intltest/rbbiapts.cpp
++$Katakana $ExFm*  $Katakana {400};
++# rule 13a/b
++$ALetterPlus   $ExFm* $ExtendNumLet {200};    #  (13a)
++$Hebrew_Letter $ExFm* $ExtendNumLet {200};    #  (13a)
++$Numeric       $ExFm* $ExtendNumLet {100};    #  (13a)
++$Katakana      $ExFm* $ExtendNumLet {400};    #  (13a)
++$ExtendNumLet  $ExFm* $ExtendNumLet {200};    #  (13a)
++$ExtendNumLet  $ExFm* $ALetterPlus  {200};    #  (13b)
++$ExtendNumLet  $ExFm* $Hebrew_Letter {200};    #  (13b)
++$ExtendNumLet  $ExFm* $Numeric      {100};    #  (13b)
++$ExtendNumLet  $ExFm* $Katakana     {400};    #  (13b)
++# rules 15 - 17
++#    Pairs of Regional Indicators stay together.
++#    With incoming rule chaining disabled by ^, this rule will match exactly two of them.
++#    No other rule begins with a Regional_Indicator, so chaining cannot extend the match.
+ #
+-$NonStarters = [$Numeric $ALetter $Katakana $Ideographic $Hangul [:P:] [:S:] $MidLetter $MidNum $Extend $Format];
++^$Regional_Indicator $ExFm* $Regional_Indicator;
+-! ($NonStarters* | \n \r) .;
++# special handling for CJK characters: chain for later dictionary segmentation
++$HangulSyllable $HangulSyllable {200};
++$KanaKanji $KanaKanji {400}; # different rule status if both kana and kanji found
++### i#13494: For the purposes of editing, standalone punctuation should be treated as a word.
++### This customization does not replace any rules.
++[[:P:][:S:]-[:name = FULL STOP:]]*
++[[:name = FULL STOP:]]*;
++# Rule 999
++#     Match a single code point if no other rule applies.
+diff --git a/i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/line.txt b/i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/line.txt
+index ff3f3eafc42e..46a618c63cae 100644
+--- i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/line.txt
++++ i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/line.txt
+@@ -1,176 +1,116 @@
+-# Copyright (c) 2002-2006  International Business Machines Corporation and
++# Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
++# License & terms of use:
++# Copyright (c) 2002-2016  International Business Machines Corporation and
+ # others. All Rights Reserved.
+ #
+ #  file:  line.txt
+ #
+ #         Line Breaking Rules
+-#         Implement default line breaking as defined by Unicode Standard Annex #14 version 5.0.0
++#         Implement default line breaking as defined by
++#         Unicode Standard Annex #14 (
++#         for Unicode 14.0, with the following modification:
++#         Boundaries between hyphens and following letters are suppressed when
++#         there is a boundary preceding the hyphen. See rule 20.9
++#         This corresponds to CSS line-break=strict (BCP47 -u-lb-strict).
++#         It sets characters of class CJ to behave like NS.
+ #
+ #  Character Classes defined by TR 14.
+ #
++### This file contains LibreOffice-specific rule customizations.
++### To aid future maintainability:
++### - The change location should be bracketed by comments of this form.
++### - The original rule should be commented out, and the modified rule placed alongside.
++### - By doing this, maintainers can more easily compare to an upstream baseline.
+-#  !!lookAheadHardBreak    Described here because it is (as yet) undocumented elsewhere
+-#                          and only used for the line break rules.
+-#           It is used in the implementation of the incredibly annoying rule LB 10
+-#           which says to treat any combining mark that is not attached to a base
+-#           character as if it were of class AL  (alphabetic).
+-#           The problem occurs in the reverse rules.
+-#           Consider a sequence like, with correct breaks as shown
+-#               LF  ID  CM  AL  AL
+-#                  ^       ^       ^
+-#           Then consider the sequence without the initial ID (ideographic)
+-#                 LF  CM  AL  AL
+-#                    ^           ^
+-#           Our CM, which in the first example was attached to the ideograph,
+-#           is now unattached, becomes an alpha, and joins in with the other
+-#           alphas.
+-#           When iterating forwards, these sequences do not present any problems
+-#           When iterating backwards, we need to look ahead when encountering
+-#           a CM to see whether it attaches to something further on or not.
+-#           (Look-ahead in a reverse rule is looking towards the start)
+-#           If the CM is unattached, we need to force a break.
+-#           !!lookAheadHardBreak forces the run time state machine to
+-#           stop immediately when a look ahead rule ( '/' operator) matches,
+-#           and set the match position to that of the look-ahead operator,
+-#           no matter what other rules may be in play at the time.
+-#           See rule LB 19 for an example.
+ $AI = [:LineBreak =  Ambiguous:];
+-$DG = \u00B0;
+-$AL = [[:LineBreak =  Alphabetic:] $DG];
++$AL = [:LineBreak =  Alphabetic:];
+ $BA = [:LineBreak =  Break_After:];
++$HH = [\u2010];     # \u2010 is HYPHEN, default line break is BA.
+ $BB = [:LineBreak =  Break_Before:];
+ $BK = [:LineBreak =  Mandatory_Break:];
+ $B2 = [:LineBreak =  Break_Both:];
+ $CB = [:LineBreak =  Contingent_Break:];
+ $CJ = [:LineBreak =  Conditional_Japanese_Starter:];
+-$CL = [[:LineBreak =  Close_Punctuation:] [:LineBreak = Close_Parenthesis:]]; # tdf#31271
+-$CM = [:LineBreak =  Combining_Mark:];
++$CL = [:LineBreak =  Close_Punctuation:];
++# $CM = [:LineBreak =  Combining_Mark:];
++$CP = [:LineBreak =  Close_Parenthesis:];
+ $CR = [:LineBreak =  Carriage_Return:];
++$EB = [:LineBreak =  EB:];
++$EM = [:LineBreak =  EM:];
+ $EX = [:LineBreak =  Exclamation:];
+ $GL = [:LineBreak =  Glue:];
+ $HL = [:LineBreak =  Hebrew_Letter:];
+ $HY = [:LineBreak =  Hyphen:];
+ $H2 = [:LineBreak =  H2:];
+ $H3 = [:LineBreak =  H3:];
+-$ID = [[:LineBreak =  Ideographic:] - [\ufe30]];
+-$IN = [:LineBreak =  Inseparable:];
+-$IS = [[:LineBreak =  Infix_Numeric:] [\ufe30]];
++$ID = [:LineBreak =  Ideographic:];
++$IN = [:LineBreak =  Inseperable:];
++$IS = [:LineBreak =  Infix_Numeric:];
+ $JL = [:LineBreak =  JL:];
+ $JV = [:LineBreak =  JV:];
+ $JT = [:LineBreak =  JT:];
+ $LF = [:LineBreak =  Line_Feed:];
+ $NL = [:LineBreak =  Next_Line:];
++# NS includes CJ for CSS strict line breaking.
+ $NS = [[:LineBreak =  Nonstarter:] $CJ];
+ $NU = [:LineBreak =  Numeric:];
+-$OP = [[:LineBreak =  Open_Punctuation:] - $DG];
++$OP = [:LineBreak =  Open_Punctuation:];
+ $PO = [:LineBreak =  Postfix_Numeric:];
+-$BS = \u005C;
+-$PR = [[:LineBreak =  Prefix_Numeric:] - $BS];
++$PR = [:LineBreak =  Prefix_Numeric:];
+ $QU = [:LineBreak =  Quotation:];
++$RI = [:LineBreak =  Regional_Indicator:];
+ $SA = [:LineBreak =  Complex_Context:];
+ $SG = [:LineBreak =  Surrogate:];
+ $SP = [:LineBreak =  Space:];
+-$SY = [[:LineBreak =  Break_Symbols:] $BS];
++$SY = [:LineBreak =  Break_Symbols:];
+ $WJ = [:LineBreak =  Word_Joiner:];
+ $XX = [:LineBreak =  Unknown:];
+ $ZW = [:LineBreak =  ZWSpace:];
++$ZWJ = [:LineBreak = ZWJ:];
++# OP30 and CP30 are variants of OP and CP that appear in-line in rule LB30 from UAX 14,
++# without a formal name. Because ICU rules require multiple uses of the expressions,
++# give them a single definition with a name
++$OP30 = [$OP - [\p{ea=F}\p{ea=W}\p{ea=H}]];
++$CP30 = [$CP - [\p{ea=F}\p{ea=W}\p{ea=H}]];
++$ExtPictUnassigned = [\p{Extended_Pictographic} & \p{Cn}];
++# By LB9, a ZWJ also behaves as a CM. Including it in the definition of CM avoids having to explicitly
++#         list it in the numerous rules that use CM.
++# By LB1, SA characters with general categor of Mn or Mc also resolve to CM.
++$CM = [[:LineBreak = Combining_Mark:] $ZWJ [$SA & [[:Mn:][:Mc:]]]];
++$CMX = [[$CM] - [$ZWJ]];
+ #   Dictionary character set, for triggering language-based break engines. Currently
+-#   limited to LineBreak=Complex_Context. Note that this set only works in Unicode
+-#   5.0 or later as the definition of Complex_Context was corrected to include all
+-#   characters requiring dictionary break.
++#   limited to LineBreak=Complex_Context (SA).
+-$dictionary = [:LineBreak = Complex_Context:];
++$dictionary = [$SA];
+ #
+ #  Rule LB1.  By default, treat AI  (characters with ambiguous east Asian width),
+-#                               SA  (South East Asian: Thai, Lao, Khmer)
++#                               SA  (Dictionary chars, excluding Mn and Mc)
+ #                               SG  (Unpaired Surrogates)
+ #                               XX  (Unknown, unassigned)
+ #                         as $AL  (Alphabetic)
+ #
+-$ALPlus = [$AL $AI $SA $SG $XX];
+-#  Combining Marks.   X $CM*  behaves as if it were X.  Rule LB6.
+-$ALcm = $ALPlus $CM*;
+-$BAcm = $BA $CM*;
+-$BBcm = $BB $CM*;
+-$B2cm = $B2 $CM*;
+-$CLcm = $CL $CM*;
+-$EXcm = $EX $CM*;
+-$GLcm = $GL $CM*;
+-$HLcm = $HL $CM*;
+-$HYcm = $HY $CM*;
+-$H2cm = $H2 $CM*;
+-$H3cm = $H3 $CM*;
+-$IDcm = $ID $CM*;
+-$INcm = $IN $CM*;
+-$IScm = $IS $CM*;
+-$JLcm = $JL $CM*;
+-$JVcm = $JV $CM*;
+-$JTcm = $JT $CM*;
+-$NScm = $NS $CM*;
+-$NUcm = $NU $CM*;
+-$OPcm = $OP $CM*;
+-$POcm = $PO $CM*;
+-$PRcm = $PR $CM*;
+-$QUcm = $QU $CM*;
+-$SYcm = $SY $CM*;
+-$WJcm = $WJ $CM*;
++$ALPlus = [$AL $AI $SG $XX [$SA-[[:Mn:][:Mc:]]]];
+-## -------------------------------------------------
+-#  Each class of character can stand by itself as an unbroken token, with trailing combining stuff
+-$ALPlus $CM+;
+-$BA $CM+;
+-$BB $CM+;
+-$B2 $CM+;
+-$CL $CM+;
+-$EX $CM+;
+-$GL $CM+;
+-$HL $CM+;
+-$HY $CM+;
+-$H2 $CM+;
+-$H3 $CM+;
+-$ID $CM+;
+-$IN $CM+;
+-$IS $CM+;
+-$JL $CM+;
+-$JV $CM+;
+-$JT $CM+;
+-$NS $CM+;
+-$NU $CM+;
+-$OP $CM+;
+-$PO $CM+;
+-$PR $CM+;
+-$QU $CM+;
+-$SY $CM+;
+-$WJ $CM+;
++## -------------------------------------------------
+ #
+ # CAN_CM  is the set of characters that may combine with CM combining chars.
+@@ -186,19 +126,15 @@ $CANT_CM = [ $SP $BK $CR $LF $NL $ZW $CM];       # Bases that can't take CMs
+ #
+ # AL_FOLLOW  set of chars that can unconditionally follow an AL
+ #            Needed in rules where stand-alone $CM s are treated as AL.
+-#            Chaining is disabled with CM because it causes other failures,
+-#            so for this one case we need to manually list out longer sequences.
+ #
+-$AL_FOLLOW_CM   = [$CL $EX $HL $IS $SY $WJ $GL $QU $BA $HY $NS $IN $NU $ALPlus $OP];
++$AL_FOLLOW      = [$BK $CR $LF $NL $ZW $SP $CL $CP $EX $HL $IS $SY $WJ $GL $OP30 $QU $BA $HY $NS $IN $NU $PR $PO $ALPlus];
+ #
+ #  Rule LB 4, 5    Mandatory (Hard) breaks.
+ #
+ $LB4Breaks    = [$BK $CR $LF $NL];
+-$LB4NonBreaks = [^$BK $CR $LF $NL];
++$LB4NonBreaks = [^$BK $CR $LF $NL $CM];
+ $CR $LF {100};
+ #
+@@ -206,91 +142,124 @@ $CR $LF {100};
+ #
+ $LB4NonBreaks?  $LB4Breaks {100};    # LB 5  do not break before hard breaks.
+ $CAN_CM $CM*    $LB4Breaks {100};
+-$CM+            $LB4Breaks {100};
++^$CM+           $LB4Breaks {100};
+ # LB 7         x SP
+ #              x ZW
+ $LB4NonBreaks [$SP $ZW];
+ $CAN_CM $CM*  [$SP $ZW];
+-$CM+          [$SP $ZW];
++^$CM+         [$SP $ZW];
+ #
+ # LB 8         Break after zero width space
++#              ZW SP* ÷
+ #
+ $LB8Breaks    = [$LB4Breaks $ZW];
+ $LB8NonBreaks = [[$LB4NonBreaks] - [$ZW]];
++$ZW $SP* / [^$SP $ZW $LB4Breaks];
++# LB 8a        ZWJ x            Do not break Emoji ZWJ sequences.
++$ZWJ [^$CM];
+-# LB 9     Combining marks.      X   $CM needs to behave like X, where X is not $SP, $BK $CR $LF $NL 
+-#                                $CM not covered by the above needs to behave like $AL   
++# LB 9     Combining marks.      X   $CM needs to behave like X, where X is not $SP, $BK $CR $LF $NL
++#                                $CM not covered by the above needs to behave like $AL
+ #                                See definition of $CAN_CM.
+ $CAN_CM $CM+;                   #  Stick together any combining sequences that don't match other rules.
+ #
+ # LB 11  Do not break before or after WORD JOINER & related characters.
+ #
+-$CAN_CM $CM*  $WJcm;
+-$LB8NonBreaks $WJcm;
+-$CM+          $WJcm;
++$CAN_CM $CM*  $WJ;
++$LB8NonBreaks $WJ;
++^$CM+         $WJ;
+-$WJcm [^$CAN_CM];
+-$WJcm $CAN_CM $CM*;
++$WJ $CM* .;
+ #
+-# LB 12  Do not break before or after NBSP and related characters.
++# LB 12  Do not break after NBSP and related characters.
++#         GL  x
+ #
+-#         (!SP) x GL
+-[$LB8NonBreaks-$SP] $CM* $GLcm;
+-$CM+               $GLcm;
++$GL $CM* .;
+-#         GL  x
+-$GLcm ($LB8Breaks | $SP);
+-$GLcm [$LB8NonBreaks-$SP] $CM*;     # Don't let a combining mark go onto $CR, $BK, etc.
+-                              #  TODO:  I don't think we need this rule.
+-                              #         All but $CM will chain off of preceding rule.
+-                              #         $GLcm will pick up the CM case by itself.
++# LB 12a  Do not break before NBSP and related characters ...
++#            [^SP BA HY] x GL
++[[$LB8NonBreaks] - [$SP $BA $HY]] $CM* $GL;
++^$CM+ $GL;
+-# LB 13   Don't break before ']' or '!' or ';' or '/', even after spaces.
++# LB 13   Don't break before ']' or '!' or '/', even after spaces.
+ #
+ $LB8NonBreaks $CL;
+ $CAN_CM $CM*  $CL;
+-$CM+          $CL;              # by rule 10, stand-alone CM behaves as AL
++^$CM+         $CL;              # by rule 10, stand-alone CM behaves as AL
++$LB8NonBreaks $CP;
++$CAN_CM $CM*  $CP;
++^$CM+         $CP;              # by rule 10, stand-alone CM behaves as AL
+ $LB8NonBreaks $EX;
+ $CAN_CM $CM*  $EX;
+-$CM+          $EX;              # by rule 10, stand-alone CM behaves as AL
+-$LB8NonBreaks $IS;
+-$CAN_CM $CM*  $IS;
+-$CM+          $IS;              # by rule 10, stand-alone CM behaves as AL
++^$CM+         $EX;              # by rule 10, stand-alone CM behaves as AL
+ $LB8NonBreaks $SY;
+ $CAN_CM $CM*  $SY;
+-$CM+          $SY;              # by rule 10, stand-alone CM behaves as AL
++^$CM+         $SY;              # by rule 10, stand-alone CM behaves as AL
+ #
+-# LB 14  Do not break after OP, even after spaced
++# LB 14  Do not break after OP, even after spaces
++#        Note subtle interaction with "SP IS /" rules in LB14a.
++#        This rule consumes the SP, chaining happens on the IS, effectivley overriding the  SP IS rules,
++#        which is the desired behavior.
++$OP $CM* $SP* .;
++$OP $CM* $SP+ $CM+ $AL_FOLLOW?;    # by rule 10, stand-alone CM behaves as AL
++                                   # by rule 8, CM following a SP is stand-alone.
++# LB 14a Force a break before start of a number with a leading decimal pt, e.g. " .23"
++#        Note: would be simpler to express as "$SP / $IS $CM* $NU;", but ICU rules have limitations.
++#        See issue ICU-20303
++$CanFollowIS = [$BK $CR $LF $NL $SP $ZW $WJ $GL $CL $CP $EX $IS $SY $QU $BA $HY $NS $ALPlus $HL $IN];
++$SP $IS           / [^ $CanFollowIS $NU $CM];
++$SP $IS $CM* $CMX / [^ $CanFollowIS $NU $CM];
+ #
+-$OPcm $SP* $CAN_CM $CM*;
+-$OPcm $SP* $CANT_CM;
++# LB 14b Do not break before numeric separators (IS), even after spaces.
++[$LB8NonBreaks - $SP] $IS;
++$SP $IS $CM* [$CanFollowIS {eof}];
++$SP $IS $CM* $ZWJ [^$CM $NU];
++$CAN_CM $CM*  $IS;
++^$CM+         $IS;              # by rule 10, stand-alone CM behaves as AL
+-$OPcm $SP+ $CM+ $AL_FOLLOW?;    # by rule 10, stand-alone CM behaves as AL
+ # LB 15
+-# $QUcm $SP* $OPcm;
++### i#83649: Allow line break between quote and opening punctuation.
++### This customization simply disables rule LB 15.
++# $QU $CM* $SP* $OP;
+ # LB 16
+-$CLcm $SP* $NScm;
++($CL | $CP) $CM* $SP* $NS;
+ # LB 17
+-$B2cm $SP* $B2cm;
++$B2 $CM* $SP* $B2;
+ #
+ # LB 18  Break after spaces.
+@@ -301,347 +270,134 @@ $LB18Breaks    = [$LB8Breaks $SP];
+ # LB 19
+ #         x QU
+-$LB18NonBreaks $CM* $QUcm;
+-$CM+                $QUcm;
++$LB18NonBreaks $CM* $QU;
++^$CM+               $QU;
+ #         QU  x
+-$QUcm .?;
+-$QUcm $LB18NonBreaks $CM*;    # Don't let a combining mark go onto $CR, $BK, etc.
+-                              #  TODO:  I don't think this rule is needed.
++$QU $CM* .;
+ # LB 20
+ #        <break>  $CB
+ #        $CB   <break>
+ $LB20NonBreaks = [$LB18NonBreaks - $CB];
++# LB 20.09    Don't break between Hyphens and Letters when there is a break preceding the hyphen.
++#             Originally added as a Finnish tailoring, now promoted to default ICU behavior.
++#             Note: this is not default UAX-14 behaviour. See issue ICU-8151.
++^($HY | $HH) $CM* $ALPlus;
+ # LB 21        x   (BA | HY | NS)
+ #           BB x
+ #
+-$LB20NonBreaks $CM* ($BAcm | $HYcm | $NScm); 
++$LB20NonBreaks $CM* ($BA | $HY | $NS);
+-$BBcm [^$CB];                                  #  $BB  x
+-$BBcm $LB20NonBreaks $CM*;
+-# LB 21a Don't break after Hebrew + Hyphen
+-#   HL (HY | BA) x
+-$HLcm ($HYcm | $BAcm) [^$CB]?;
++^$CM+ ($BA | $HY | $NS);
+-# LB 22
+-($ALcm | $HLcm) $INcm;
+-$CM+     $INcm;     #  by rule 10, any otherwise unattached CM behaves as AL
+-$IDcm    $INcm;
+-$INcm    $INcm;
+-$NUcm    $INcm;
++$BB $CM* [^$CB];                                  #  $BB  x
++$BB $CM* $LB20NonBreaks;
+-# $LB 23
+-$IDcm  $POcm;
+-$ALcm  $NUcm;       # includes $LB19
+-$HLcm  $NUcm;
+-$CM+   $NUcm;       # Rule 10, any otherwise unattached CM behaves as AL
+-$NUcm  $ALcm;
+-$NUcm  $HLcm;
+-# LB 24
+-$PRcm $IDcm;
+-$ALcm $PRcm;
+-$PRcm ($ALcm | $HLcm);
+-$POcm ($ALcm | $HLcm);
+-# LB 25   Numbers.
+-($PRcm | $POcm)? ($OPcm)? $NUcm ($NUcm | $SYcm | $IScm)* $CLcm? ($PRcm | $POcm)?;
+-# LB 26  Do not break a Korean syllable
++# LB 21a Don't break after Hebrew + Hyphen
++#   HL (HY | BA) x
+ #
+-$JLcm ($JLcm | $JVcm | $H2cm | $H3cm);
+-($JVcm | $H2cm) ($JVcm | $JTcm);
+-($JTcm | $H3cm) $JTcm;
+-# LB 27  Treat korean Syllable Block the same as ID  (don't break it)
+-($JLcm | $JVcm | $JTcm | $H2cm | $H3cm) $INcm;
+-($JLcm | $JVcm | $JTcm | $H2cm | $H3cm) $POcm;
+-$PRcm ($JLcm | $JVcm | $JTcm | $H2cm | $H3cm);
++$HL $CM* ($HY | $BA) $CM* [^$CB]?;
++# LB 21b (forward) Don't break between SY and HL
++# (break between HL and SY already disallowed by LB 13 above)
++$SY $CM* $HL;
+-# LB 28   Do not break between alphabetics
++# LB 22  Do not break before ellipses
+ #
+-($ALcm | $HLcm) ($ALcm | $HLcm);
+-$CM+ ($ALcm | $HLcm);      # The $CM+ is from rule 10, an unattached CM is treated as AL
++$LB20NonBreaks $CM*    $IN;
++^$CM+ $IN;
+-# LB 29
+-$IScm ($ALcm | $NUcm);
++# LB 23
+ #
+-# Rule 30   Do not break between letters, numbers or ordinary symbols
+-#           and opening or closing punctuation
+-($ALcm | $HLcm | $NUcm) $OPcm;
+-$CM+ $OPcm;
+-$CLcm ($ALcm | $HLcm | $NUcm);
++($ALPlus | $HL) $CM* $NU;
++^$CM+  $NU;       # Rule 10, any otherwise unattached CM behaves as AL
++$NU $CM* ($ALPlus | $HL);
++# LB 23a
+ #
+-#  Reverse Rules.
+-## -------------------------------------------------
++$PR $CM* ($ID | $EB | $EM);
++($ID | $EB | $EM) $CM*  $PO;
+-$CM+ $ALPlus;
+-$CM+ $BA;
+-$CM+ $BB;
+-$CM+ $B2;
+-$CM+ $CL;
+-$CM+ $EX;
+-$CM+ $GL;
+-$CM+ $HL;
+-$CM+ $HY;
+-$CM+ $H2;
+-$CM+ $H3;
+-$CM+ $ID;
+-$CM+ $IN;
+-$CM+ $IS;
+-$CM+ $JL;
+-$CM+ $JV;
+-$CM+ $JT;
+-$CM+ $NS;
+-$CM+ $NU;
+-$CM+ $OP;
+-$CM+ $PO;
+-$CM+ $PR;
+-$CM+ $QU;
+-$CM+ $SY;
+-$CM+ $WJ;
+-#  Sequences of the form  (shown forwards)
+-#      [CANT_CM]  <break>  [CM]  [whatever]
+-#  The CM needs to behave as an AL
+-$AL_FOLLOW $CM+ / (
+-          [$BK $CR $LF $NL $ZW {eof}] |
+-          $SP+ $CM+ $SP |
+-          $SP+ $CM* ([^$OP $CM $SP] | [$AL {eof}]));   # if LB 14 will match, need to suppress this break.
+-                                               #  LB14 says    OP SP* x .        
+-                                               #    becomes    OP SP* x AL
+-                                               #    becomes    OP SP* x CM+ AL_FOLLOW
+-                                               #
+-                                               # Further note:  the $AL in [$AL {eof}] is only to work around
+-                                               #                a rule compiler bug which complains about
+-                                               #                empty sets otherwise.
+-#  Sequences of the form  (shown forwards)
+-#      [CANT_CM]  <break> [CM]  <break>  [PR]
+-#  The CM needs to behave as an AL
+-#  This rule is concerned about getting the second of the two <breaks> in place.
+-[$PR   ] / $CM+ [$BK $CR $LF $NL $ZW $SP {eof}];
+-# LB 4, 5, 5
+-$LB4Breaks [$LB4NonBreaks-$CM];
+-$LB4Breaks $CM+ $CAN_CM;
+-$LF $CR;
+-# LB 7         x SP
+-#              x ZW
+-[$SP $ZW] [$LB4NonBreaks-$CM];
+-[$SP $ZW] $CM+ $CAN_CM;
+-# LB 8 Break after zero width space
+-# LB 9,10  Combining marks.
+-#    X   $CM needs to behave like X, where X is not $SP or controls.
+-#    $CM not covered by the above needs to behave like $AL
+-# Stick together any combining sequences that don't match other rules.
+-$CM+ $CAN_CM;
+-# LB 11
+-$CM* $WJ $CM* $CAN_CM;
+-$CM* $WJ      [$LB8NonBreaks-$CM];
+-     $CANT_CM $CM* $WJ;
+-$CM* $CAN_CM  $CM* $WJ;
+-# LB 12
+-#         x GL
+ #
+-$CM* $GL $CM* [$LB8NonBreaks-$CM-$SP];
++# LB 24
++($PR | $PO) $CM* ($ALPlus | $HL);
++($ALPlus | $HL) $CM* ($PR | $PO);
++^$CM+ ($PR | $PO);       # Rule 10, any otherwise unattached CM behaves as AL
+ #
+-#     GL  x
++# LB 25   Numbers.
+ #
+-$CANT_CM $CM* $GL;
+-$CM* $CAN_CM $CM* $GL;
++(($PR | $PO) $CM*)? (($OP | $HY) $CM*)? ($IS $CM*)? $NU ($CM* ($NU | $SY | $IS))*
++    ($CM* ($CL | $CP))? ($CM* ($PR | $PO))?;
++### i#83229: Allow line break after hyphen in number range context.
++### The default ICU rules treat number ranges (e.g. 100-199) as a single token. This change forces
++### a break opportunity after the embedded '-', but only if followed by another numeral.
++### This customization does not replace any existing rule.
++### Maintainers: note that this rule should consist of two instances of the LB 25 numbers rule,
++### separated by a hyphen and an explicit break.
+-# LB 13
+-$CL $CM+ $CAN_CM;
+-$EX $CM+ $CAN_CM;
+-$IS $CM+ $CAN_CM;
+-$SY $CM+ $CAN_CM;
++((($PR | $PO) $CM*)? (($OP | $HY) $CM*)? ($IS $CM*)? $NU ($CM* ($NU | $SY | $IS))*
++    ($CM* ($CL | $CP))? ($CM* ($PR | $PO))?)
++    ($HY $CM*) /
++((($PR | $PO) $CM*)? (($OP | $HY) $CM*)? ($IS $CM*)? $NU ($CM* ($NU | $SY | $IS))*
++    ($CM* ($CL | $CP))? ($CM* ($PR | $PO))?);
+-$CL [$LB8NonBreaks-$CM];
+-$EX [$LB8NonBreaks-$CM];
+-$IS [$LB8NonBreaks-$CM];
+-$SY [$LB8NonBreaks-$CM];
+-# Rule 13 & 14 taken together for an edge case.
+-#   Match this, shown forward
+-#     OP SP+  ($CM+ behaving as $AL) (CL | EX | IS | IY)
+-#   This really wants to chain at the $CM+ (which is acting as an $AL)
+-#   except for $CM chaining being disabled.
+-[$CL $EX $IS $SY] $CM+ $SP+ $CM* $OP;  
++### TODO
++### ((PrefixNumeric | PostfixNumeric) CombMark*) ? ((OpenPunc | Hyphen) CombMark*)?
++###    (InfixNumeric CombMark*)? Numeric (CombMark* (Numeric | BreakSym | InfixNumeric))*
++###    (CombMark* (ClosePunc | CloseParen))? (CombMark* (PrefixNumeric | PostfixNumeric))?
+-# LB 14    OP SP* x
++# LB 26  Do not break a Korean syllable
+ #
+-$CM* $CAN_CM    $SP* $CM* $OP;
+-     $CANT_CM   $SP* $CM* $OP;
+-$AL_FOLLOW? $CM+  $SP $SP* $CM* $OP;     #  by LB 10, behaves like $AL_FOLLOW? $AL $SP* $CM* $OP
+-     $AL_FOLLOW_NOCM $CM+ $SP+ $CM* $OP;
+-$CM* $AL_FOLLOW_CM   $CM+ $SP+ $CM* $OP;
+-$SY $CM $SP+ $OP;   # TODO:  Experiment.  Remove.
+-# LB 15
+-# $CM* $OP $SP* $CM* $QU;
+-# LB 16
+-$CM* $NS $SP* $CM* $CL;
++$JL $CM* ($JL | $JV | $H2 | $H3);
++($JV | $H2) $CM* ($JV | $JT);
++($JT | $H3) $CM* $JT;
+-# LB 17
+-$CM* $B2 $SP* $CM* $B2;
+-# LB 18  break after spaces
+-#        Nothing explicit needed here.
+-# LB 19
+-$CM* $QU $CM* $CAN_CM;                                #   . x QU
+-$CM* $QU      $LB18NonBreaks;
++# LB 27  Treat korean Syllable Block the same as ID  (don't break it)
++($JL | $JV | $JT | $H2 | $H3) $CM* $PO;
++$PR $CM* ($JL | $JV | $JT | $H2 | $H3);
+-$CM* $CAN_CM  $CM* $QU;                               #   QU x .
+-     $CANT_CM $CM* $QU;
+-#  LB 20  Break before and after CB.
+-#         nothing needed here.
++# LB 28   Do not break between alphabetics
+ #
+-# LB 21
+-$CM* ($BA | $HY | $NS) $CM* [$LB20NonBreaks-$CM];     #  . x (BA | HY | NS)
+-$CM* [$LB20NonBreaks-$CM] $CM* $BB;                   #  BB x .
+-[^$CB] $CM* $BB;                                      # 
+-# LB21a
+-[^$CB] $CM* ($HY | $BA) $CM* $HL;
+-# LB 22
+-$CM* $IN $CM* ($ALPlus | $HL);
+-$CM* $IN $CM* $ID;
+-$CM* $IN $CM* $IN;
+-$CM* $IN $CM* $NU;
+-# LB 23
+-$CM* $PO $CM* $ID;
+-$CM* $NU $CM* ($ALPlus | $HL);
+-$CM* ($ALPlus | $HL) $CM* $NU;
+-# LB 24
+-$CM* $ID $CM* $PR;
+-$CM* $PR $CM* $ALPlus;
+-$CM* ($ALPlus | $HL) $CM* $PR;
+-$CM* ($ALPlus | $HL) $CM* $PO;
+-$CM* $ALPlus $CM* ($IS | $SY | $HY)+ / $SP;
+-$CM* $NU+ $CM* $HY+ / $SP;
+-# LB 25
+-($CM* ($PR | $PO))? ($CM* $CL)? ($CM* ($NU | $IS | $SY))* $CM* $NU ($CM* ($OP))? ($CM* ($PR | $PO))?;
+-# LB 26
+-$CM* ($H3 | $H2 | $JV | $JL) $CM* $JL;
+-$CM* ($JT | $JV) $CM* ($H2 | $JV);
+-$CM* $JT $CM* ($H3 | $JT);
+-# LB 27
+-$CM* $IN $CM* ($H3 | $H2 | $JT | $JV | $JL);
+-$CM* $PO $CM* ($H3 | $H2 | $JT | $JV | $JL);
+-$CM* ($H3 | $H2 | $JT | $JV | $JL) $CM* $PR;
+-# LB 28
+-$CM* ($ALPlus | $HL) $CM* ($ALPlus | $HL);
++($ALPlus | $HL) $CM* ($ALPlus | $HL);
++^$CM+ ($ALPlus | $HL);      # The $CM+ is from rule 10, an unattached CM is treated as AL
+ # LB 29
+-$CM* ($NU | $ALPlus) $CM* $IS+ [^$SP];
++$IS $CM* ($ALPlus | $HL);
+ # LB 30
+-$CM* $OP $CM* ($ALPlus | $HL | $NU);
+-$CM* ($ALPlus | $HL | $NU) $CM* ($CL | $SY)+ [^$SP];
+-## -------------------------------------------------
+-# LB 7
+-$CM+ [^$CM $BK $CR $LF $NL $ZW $SP];
+-$CM+ $SP / .;
+-# LB 9
+-$SP+ $CM* $OP;
+-# LB 10
+-$SP+ $CM* $QU;
+-# LB 11
+-$SP+ $CM* $CL;
+-$SP+ $CM* $B2;
+-# LB 21
+-$CM* ($HY | $BA) $CM* $HL;
+-# LB 18
+-($CM* ($IS | $SY))+ $CM* $NU;
+-$CL $CM* ($NU | $IS | $SY);
+-# For dictionary-based break
+-$dictionary $dictionary;
+-## -------------------------------------------------
+-# Skip forward over all character classes that are involved in
+-#   rules containing patterns with possibly more than one char
+-#   of context.
+-#  It might be slightly more efficient to have specific rules
+-#  instead of one generic one, but only if we could
+-#  turn off rule chaining.  We don't want to move more
+-#  than necessary.
+-[$CM $OP $QU $CL $B2 $PR $HY $BA $SP $dictionary]+ [^$CM $OP $QU $CL $B2 $PR $HY $BA $dictionary];
+-$dictionary $dictionary;
++($ALPlus | $HL | $NU) $CM* $OP30;
++^$CM+ $OP30;         # The $CM+ is from rule 10, an unattached CM is treated as AL.
++$CP30 $CM* ($ALPlus | $HL | $NU);
++# LB 30a  Do not break between regional indicators. Break after pairs of them.
++#         Tricky interaction with LB8a: ZWJ x .   together with ZWJ acting like a CM.
++$RI $CM* $RI                 / [[^$BK $CR $LF $NL $SP $ZW $WJ $CL $CP $EX $IS $SY $GL $QU $BA $HY $NS $IN $CM]];
++$RI $CM* $RI $CM* [$CM-$ZWJ] / [[^$BK $CR $LF $NL $SP $ZW $WJ $CL $CP $EX $IS $SY $GL $QU $BA $HY $NS $IN $CM]];
++$RI $CM* $RI $CM* [$BK $CR $LF $NL $SP $ZW $WJ $CL $CP $EX $IS $SY $GL $QU $BA $HY $NS $IN $ZWJ {eof}];
++# note: the preceding rule includes {eof} rather than having the last [set] term qualified with '?'
++#       because of the chain-out behavior difference. The rule must chain out only from the [set characters],
++#       not from the preceding $RI or $CM, which it would be able to do if the set were optional.
++# LB30b Do not break between an emoji base (or potential emoji) and an emoji modifier.
++$EB $CM* $EM;
++$ExtPictUnassigned $CM* $EM;
++# LB 31 Break everywhere else.
++#       Match a single code point if no other rule applies.
+diff --git a/i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/sent.txt b/i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/sent.txt
+deleted file mode 100644
+index 7fada89e6278..000000000000
+--- i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/sent.txt
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
+-#   Copyright (C) 2002-2006, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
+-#       All Rights Reserved.
+-#   file:  sent.txt
+-#   ICU Sentence Break Rules
+-#      See Unicode Standard Annex #29.
+-#      These rules are based on SA 29 version 5.0.0
+-#      Includes post 5.0 changes to treat Japanese half width voicing marks
+-#        as Grapheme Extend.
+-$VoiceMarks   = [\uff9e\uff9f];
+-$Thai         = [:Script = Thai:];
+-# Character categories as defined in TR 29
+-$Sep       = [\p{Sentence_Break = Sep}];
+-$Format    = [\p{Sentence_Break = Format}];
+-$Sp        = [\p{Sentence_Break = Sp}];
+-$Lower     = [\p{Sentence_Break = Lower}];
+-$Upper     = [\p{Sentence_Break = Upper}];
+-$OLetter   = [\p{Sentence_Break = OLetter}-$VoiceMarks];
+-$Numeric   = [\p{Sentence_Break = Numeric}];
+-$ATerm     = [\p{Sentence_Break = ATerm}];
+-$STerm     = [\p{Sentence_Break = STerm}];
+-$Close     = [\p{Sentence_Break = Close}];
+-# Define extended forms of the character classes,
+-#   incorporate grapheme cluster + format chars.
+-#   Rules 4 and 5.  
+-$CR         = \u000d;
+-$LF         = \u000a;
+-$Extend     = [[:Grapheme_Extend = TRUE:]$VoiceMarks];
+-$SpEx       = $Sp      ($Extend | $Format)*;
+-$LowerEx    = $Lower   ($Extend | $Format)*;
+-$UpperEx    = $Upper   ($Extend | $Format)*;
+-$OLetterEx  = $OLetter ($Extend | $Format)*;
+-$NumericEx  = $Numeric ($Extend | $Format)*;
+-$ATermEx    = $ATerm   ($Extend | $Format)*;
+-$STermEx    = $STerm   ($Extend | $Format)*;
+-$CloseEx    = $Close   ($Extend | $Format)*;
+-## -------------------------------------------------
+-# Rule 3 - break after separators.  Keep CR/LF together.
+-$CR $LF;
+-$LettersEx = [$OLetter $Upper $Lower $Numeric $Close $STerm] ($Extend | $Format)*;
+-$LettersEx* $Thai $LettersEx* ($ATermEx | $SpEx)*;
+-# Rule 4 - Break after $Sep.
+-# Rule 5 - Ignore $Format and $Extend
+-[^$Sep]? ($Extend | $Format)*;
+-# Rule 6
+-$ATermEx $NumericEx;
+-# Rule 7
+-$UpperEx $ATermEx $UpperEx;
+-#Rule 8
+-#  Note:  follows errata for Unicode 5.0 boundary rules.
+-$NotLettersEx = [^$OLetter $Upper $Lower $Sep $ATerm $STerm] ($Extend | $Format)*;
+-$ATermEx $CloseEx* $SpEx* $NotLettersEx* $Lower;
+-# Rule 8a
+-($STermEx | $ATermEx) $CloseEx* $SpEx* ($STermEx | $ATermEx);
+-#Rule 9, 10, 11
+-($STermEx | $ATermEx) $CloseEx* $SpEx* $Sep?;
+-#Rule 12
+-[[^$STerm $ATerm $Close $Sp $Sep $Format $Extend $Thai]{bof}] ($Extend | $Format | $Close | $Sp)* [^$Thai];
+-[[^$STerm $ATerm $Close $Sp $Sep $Format $Extend]{bof}] ($Extend | $Format | $Close | $Sp)* ([$Sep{eof}] | $CR $LF){100};
+-## -------------------------------------------------
+-$SpEx_R       = ($Extend | $Format)* $Sp;
+-$ATermEx_R    = ($Extend | $Format)* $ATerm;
+-$STermEx_R    = ($Extend | $Format)* $STerm;
+-$CloseEx_R    = ($Extend | $Format)* $Close;
+-#  Reverse rules.
+-#     For now, use the old style inexact reverse rules, which are easier
+-#     to write, but less efficient.
+-#     TODO:  exact reverse rules.  It appears that exact reverse rules
+-#            may require improving support for look-ahead breaks in the
+-#            builder.  Needs more investigation.
+-[{bof}] (.? | $LF $CR) [^$Sep]* [$Sep {eof}] ($SpEx_R* $CloseEx_R* ($STermEx_R | $ATermEx_R))*;
+-# Explanation for this rule:
+-#    It needs to back over
+-#        The $Sep at which we probably begin
+-#        All of the non $Sep chars leading to the preceding $Sep
+-#        The preceding $Sep, which will be the second one that the rule matches.
+-#        Any immediately preceding STerm or ATerm sequences.  We need to see these
+-#              to get the correct rule status when moving forwards again.
+-# [{bof}]           inhibit rule chaining.  Without this, rule would loop on itself and match
+-#                   the entire string.
+-# (.? | $LF $CR)    Match one $Sep instance.  Use .? rather than $Sep because position might be
+-#                   at the beginning of the string at this point, and we don't want to fail.
+-#                   Can only use {eof} once, and it is used later.

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