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Re: CVS commit: pkgsrc/converters/php-iconv

>> # Hack: allow building on Darwin without Command Line Tools.
>> +.  if ${OPSYS} == "Darwin" && !exists(/usr/include/iconv.h)
>> CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-iconv=shared,${OSX_SDK_PATH:Q}/${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.iconv}
> I don't understand this change.  The whole section is wrapped in
> "${USE_BUILTIN.iconv:U:tl} == no", so now even though I'm using libiconv from pkgsrc, it's going to hardcode iconv to use some non-existent path, in my case:
>  /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX12.3.sdk//opt/pkg
> which is almost certainly going to fail.
> It would really help to have some decent comments explaining what the actual problem is here and what we are actually trying to fix, because these commits just appear to be breaking things and I 
> don't understand why.

You are right. I will try to come up with a better solution.


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