Subject: Re: any volunteer to make a simple pkgsrc man page?
To: Jason White <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: pkgsrc-users
Date: 02/24/2006 14:37:38
On Fri, 24 Feb 2006, Jason White wrote:
> An initial attempt, cobbled from bits of a couple of the pkgsrc web pages:
Awesome. Thank you.
I have a few comments.
- maybe make "currently containing over" its own sentence.
- also it works fine with commercial software -- so "freely available" is
not accurate.
- "Support for binary-only distributions ... NetBSD emulated platforms"
sentence is unclear to me.
- in your "The installation prefix," sentence maybe add "configuration
file locations, " also.
- normally man pages are sorted first by section and then alphabetically
for your SEE ALSO section.
And as a roff style rule we attempt to follow:
each new sentence in your roff source start on a new line -- it will
render the same, but easier to read and edit the roff source itself.
For example, move "It is" to a new line (and reformat as appropriate).
(Including your ".It" entries for manpages, put on multiple lines.)
Also mention two items (in my opinion):
- many packages provide start up scripts and default and example
configurations and your custom configurations are not removed nor
overwritten on deinstalls or installs.
- Most of pkgsrc can be used to install and use software without any root
Thanks again.
Jeremy C. Reed
technical support & remote administration