On Sat, Jun 03, 2006 at 04:33:49PM +0400, Rakhesh Sasidharan wrote: > Assuming "WRKOBJDIR=/somewhere/else/pkgsrc-obj" and pkgsrc tree is > writeable, then "/somewhere/else/pkgsrc-obj/mail/spamassassin/work/" > will be a symbolic link to "/path/to/pkgsrc/mail/spamassassin/work/" > eh? So if pkgsrc is writeable, then there's no real advantage of > setting WRKOBJDIR ... There is. E.g. my /tmp filesystem is on tmpfs (NetBSD-current) and I have WRKOBJDIR=/tmp/work, which is much more efficient.
If "/tmp/work" points to "/path/to/pkgsrc/editors/nano/work", then what advantage do we have if "/tmp" is on tmpfs? I'd have assumed all the actual work happens in "/path/to/pkgsrc/editors/nano/work" and so "/tmp" shouldn't make any difference .... am I understanding something wrong here? :-S Thanks, Rakhesh -- NetBSD/i386 3.0 | Bluewall GNU/ Linux 1.2.2 | Toshiba Satellite L10-102 http://search.gmane.org/?query=&group=gmane.os.netbsd.* (netbsd archives) http://man.netbsd.org/ (netbsd manpages)