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Re: apache-tomcat

thus Water NB spake:

I have installed apache-tomcat and have some issues:
When I run /etc/rc.d/tomcat, it failed.

Some answer from Google tell me:
ulimit -d 262144

1) Must I add ulimit into /etc/rc.d/tomcat?
2) ulimit is command of /bin/sh, is there another equal command in csh?
3) when tomcat runs, there are more then 40 processes of java. Why so
many? every one use 34M memory, how to decrease processes?
4) /etc/rc.d/tomcat set JAVA_HOME to "", but I found that it couldn't
work unless I set it to /usr/pkg/java/sun-1.5.



copying the sample rc.d startup file which came with the tomcat package and adding the line:

ulimit -d 262144

after the "TOMCAT_LIB=/usr/pkg/tomcat" line should be sufficient.



Timo Schoeler | |
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