Subject: amaya without accents
To: None <>
From: David Aubril <>
List: pkgsrc-users
Date: 07/11/2006 10:13:30
Hi everyone.
I like netbsd and want to use it as desktop. It works great, but I
am annoyed by a couple of small problems.
Since netbsd is such a great system, pkgsrc such a wonderful
concept, and the users of both so nice and so genius, I thought that
maybe someone could find an answer to those little problems.
For example, I built amaya with X11_TYPE=xorg ( pkgsrc 2006Q2,
netbsd 3.0 ), but there isn't any accents in the graphical interface.
Even the buttons where there is text with accents disappear. And, of
course, when I try to write with an accent, it doesn't work. When I try
to write ù it writes Ã, etc.
I might have already asked these questions, but maybe I wasn't nice
Could someone *please* help me out ?
Thank you very much. And sorry for being so insistent.