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Re: Testers Wanted - New UML modeling package

On Fri, 13 Oct 2006 00:01:52 -0500, Kenneth Freidank wrote:
> If anyone has a way to test for the definition of QTDIR in a way better 
> than what I have, please let me know!
> (Thanks Obata Akio for telling me to set c++ as the required compiler to 
> get libtool to work!)

In x11/qt3-libs/,
    QTDIR=  ${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.qt3-libs}/qt3
    MAKE_ENV+=              QTDIR=${QTDIR:Q}
so, user don't need to define QTDIR.

Why BUILD_DEPENDS+= qt3-tools-3*:../../x11/qt3-tools ?
In x11/qt3-tools/buildlink3,
    BUILDLINK_DEPMETHOD.qt3-tools?= build
so, you may simply include qt3-tools' file.
And if include that file,
    MAKE_ENV+=              QMAKE="${QTDIR}/bin/qmake"
so, user don't need to add ${QTDIR}/bin to PATH environment,
and in patch-aa,
    -QMAKE = qmake
    +QMAKE = ${QTDIR}/bin/qmake
simply to 
    -QMAKE = qmake
and instead of
    +all: compile
you can add `BUILID_TARGET=compile' to pkgsrc's Makefile.

"Of course I love NetBSD":-)
OBATA Akio /

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