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ap-bandwidth: checksum mismatch

Hello all,

I am using pkgsrc-current,and I tried to make / install the package
ap-bandwidth. But right after downloading the file mod_bandwidth.c I
encounter the following error:


checksum: Checksum SHA1 mismatch for ap13-bandwidth-2.0.6/mod_bandwidth.c
ERROR: Make sure the Makefile and checksum file
ERROR: are up to date.  If you want to override this check, type
ERROR: "/usr/bin/make NO_CHECKSUM=yes [other args]".
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/www/ap-bandwidth
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/www/ap-bandwidth


I have checked the distinfo-file, which has the following content (I
have done a cvs-update twice today already, so it -is- a up-to-date


# cat /usr/pkgsrc/www/ap-bandwidth/distinfo

SHA1 (ap13-bandwidth-2.0.6/mod_bandwidth.c) =
RMD160 (ap13-bandwidth-2.0.6/mod_bandwidth.c) =
Size (ap13-bandwidth-2.0.6/mod_bandwidth.c) = 43653 bytes


When checking the downloaded file manually with sha1 and rmd160, I get
different sums, as the error already suggests. I downloaded the file
manually as well, checked that again, and the date of last change on the
ftp-server. It was somewhen around june or july 2006, half a year ago.
The sums I got from this file matched of course those of the file
downloaded by pkgsrc. The file was complete, has had the correct size as
stated in the distinfo-file, but different checksums.

Whats wrong here? Should the checksums in the distinfo-file probably be
updated? Since the date of the file on the ftp-server is quite old, and
the file size seems correct, I assume that the checksum in the distinfo
file are incorrect.

The checksum I got from the downloaded files are:


# rmd160 mod_bandwidth.c
RMD160 (mod_bandwidth.c) = a151481cb2d7d222e46de456433d95e5d5ab7f6c

# sha1 mod_bandwidth.c
SHA1 (mod_bandwidth.c) = 16cbe7c39fbe0bdd610547ca256c3718fbf9818e



MfG / best regards
        Volkmar Seifert
 "Programming today is a race between software developers, striving to
  build bigger and better idiot proof software, and the Universe, trying
  to produce bigger and better idiots.
  So far, the Universe is winning."

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