[ As I don't have any solution, just a quick private reply ... ]
* Dennis den Brok <d.den.brok%uni-bonn.de@localhost> [2007-03-23 22:21]:
Opera 9.01 and 9.10 under linux emulation from NetBSD 3.1, 4.99.3 and
4.0_BETA2 (SuSE10*) with native XF4.5 and modular x.org from pkgsrc do
strange things: some UI texts aren't displayed, for instance those
indicating download progress in the download manager, and menus
when others, e.g. sub-menus, are closed. I've been seeing this for a
time and now increasingly wonder whether I'm the only one.
I've never seen menus disappearing, but I have the same problem with
regard to text not being displayed within the download manager; and
sometimes also for web content, at least if I use Bitstream Vera (Xft)
fonts. It seems to be somehow related to the handling of certain fonts
and/or font sizes or whatever. The really odd thing is that the problem
is often solved by restarting Opera.