On Fri, 3 Aug 2007, Mehul N. Sanghvi wrote:
What would be the quickest way to build all Perl module in pkgsrc/net and
pkgsrc/www without building each one manually ?
I didn't test this much but this got me somewhere so you can make a
ls -d www/p5-* net/p5-* | while read line ; do echo HERE $line ; test -d
$line && cd $line && make show-var VARNAME=PKGNAME && cd - ; done | tee ~/abc
cat ~/abc | egrep 'HERE|[0-9]' | sed 's,HERE ,,' | while read line ; do
read line2 ; line3=`echo $line2 | sed 's,^\(.*\)-[0-9].*$,\1,'` ; echo
DEPENDS+=${line3}"-*":../../${line} ; done
Jeremy C. Reed