Subject: audit-packages fails to make and install on Solaris SXCE b73
To: None <>
From: Gueven Bay <>
List: pkgsrc-users
Date: 10/27/2007 11:43:30
The "bmake install" process fails with the message:
===> Building for audit-packages-1.46
for f in audit-packages audit-packages.0 audit-packages.8
download-vulnerability-list; do
/bin/cp /usr/pkgsrc/security/audit-packages/files/$f
/usr/pkgsrc/security/audit-packages/work ; done
# pre-created man-pages are "mandoc" pages, these OS need "man",
# so regen the .0 page
/usr/bin/nroff -man
=> Fixing paths.
=> Unwrapping files-to-be-installed.
===> Installing for audit-packages-1.46
ERROR: audit-packages-1.46 conflicts with installed package(s):
ERROR: pkg_install-20070927
ERROR: They install the same files into the same place.
ERROR: Please remove conflicts first with pkg_delete(1).
*** Error code 1
bmake: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/security/audit-packages
*** Error code 1
bmake: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/security/audit-packages
*** Error code 1
bmake: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/security/audit-packages
on a Solaris SXCE b_73.
Is there any solution to this problem?