Dennis den Brok wrote:
Huub <> schrieb:
Huub wrote:
Running NetBSD 3.1/i386, for some reason I get the message
"gnome-settings-daemon" when I start gnome or want to adjust
settings. Also, some icons have disappeared. How can I solve this?
What packages should I check with pkg_info (and how to compare
installed vs. available)?
Correction: message is "Unable to start the settings manager
Random guess: Make sure you have dbus, famd and rpcbind running.
Cf. /usr/pkg/share/examples/rc.d.
I'm seeing this problem on a clean install of NetBSD 4.0_RC5/macppc.
I searched through Google and see many Linux users complaining of this
issue over the past three years, with various suggested remedies...