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Re: USE_DESTDIR=yes and PKG_DEVELOPER=yes -> shlibs check failure

 >>     ERROR: 
 >> /tmp/obj_pkgsrc-unpriv-current/graphics/libungif/work/.destdir/home/cheusov/pkg/bin/gif2epsn:
 >>       -lungif.4 => not found
 >>     ...

 >> How this can be fixed?

> One possible way would be to have the test use "chrpath -l" from
> devel/chrpath to sanity check run paths. Another would be to
> add some kind of DESTDIR awareness to the runtime loader, but
> that's not very portable.

So, this means that DESTDIR support _currently_ doesn't work with
PKG_DEVELOPER=yes and the latter should be disabled. Right?

P.S.  Packages that are distributed as a binaries (SUN's jre and sdk,
acroread etc.) should probably be postprocessed by chrpath too.
They fail the same way at "shlibs" stage.

Best regards, Aleksey Cheusov.

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