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Re: native openoffice on amd64?


At Wed, 15 Oct 2008 23:50:13 +0200,
Geert Hendrickx wrote:
> I've built pkgsrc/misc/openoffice2 and now also openoffice3 on NetBSD/amd64
> 4.99.72.  They both build and package fine,  and do start up,  but run very
> unstable.  An easily reproducible crash is to open an empty spreadsheet (or
> any spreadsheet), and hit "Delete" on any cell in it -> OpenOffice restarts
> immediatly into document recovery mode.  No error is shown, also not in the
> xterm I started soffice from.

I'm sorry, CDEFS was incorrect on NetBSD/amd64.  I've corrected it.
The crash should be fixed in openoffice2-2.4.1nb5 and

best regards.
 Kouichirou Hiratsuka

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