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Re: ap2-fcgid not working

Roy Marples schrieb:
> On Sun, 2008-11-23 at 13:09 +0100, Damian Lubosch wrote:
>> Is anybody using fcgid successfully?
> I'm using it :)
> The issue is that fcgid needs to be able to write it's sockets in a
> certain way. It defaults to the log directory for apache, but the pkgsrc
> install permissions are wrong for this.

So I configured it:

LoadModule fcgid_module lib/httpd/
<IfModule mod_cgid.c>
 SocketPath /var/lib/fcgi/fcgidsockd
 SharememPath /var/lib/fcgid/fcgid_shm


<Directory "/usr/pkg/share/httpd/htdocs">
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    Options ExecCGI
    FCGIWrapper /usr/pkg/libexec/cgi-bin/php .php
    SetHandler fcgid-script
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

and chowned /var/lib/fcgid as you told

I am using following versions:

But still no success, the same error.

[Sun Nov 23 15:03:20 2008] [warn] Init: Session Cache is not configured
[hint: S
[Sun Nov 23 15:03:20 2008] [emerg] (2)No such file or directory:
mod_fcgid: Can'
t create share memory for size %zu byte

Could you give me another hint?

Thank you very much in advance!


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