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Re: cups dependencies question

Gergely Gábor <> writes:

> i have noticed that cups has a dependency on mDNSresponder, if the
> option dnssd is on. The same functionality is also provided by avahi,
> that is gaining more and more support, and i wonder if the package
> could be modified, to also support avahi, possibly on an OR-OR basis
> with mDNSresponder.
> I don't know if there is a policy on globally seleceting a multicast
> dns stack, but avahi does have a compatibility layer for
> mDNSresponder.

I don't think we have any policy.

If cups can build against avahi, then one option is to add an avahi
option to cups and let people use that if they want.

Another option is to build avahi with the mDNSresponder compat layer (if
not already), and add a /usr/pkgsrc/mk/ and have that select a

If avahi has all the mindshare, and mDNSresponder is going away, then
maybe having an mk file is not worth the effort.


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