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Re: Further updates to audio/musicpd

Hi Guillaume - said:
> I forgot to verify the other pkg depending on libshout  were not
> broken.

I've checked the two or three pkgs which pull in libshout
and they were OK so I've committed your patches.

> Command-line client of choice is audio/ncmpc

I meant the client which plays the audio stream to the soundcard...
(I don't run X on the box where the big speakers are connected to,
usually I use mpg123 there, or esound.)
mplayer does it, but it is still quite fat for the purpose.
Here is something which does it:
gst-launch-0.10 playbin2 uri=http://zelz26:8000/mpd

> I used this documentation (in French, not sure it's useful)

While I don't speak much french I could make some sense of
the text and configured things as described there.
Found that with vorbis format both mpd and icecast need a
visible share of CPU time. mp3 is friendlier in this respect.
There are perhaps some sample format conversions which can be
avoided (seems that something assumes 24-bit samples with
vorbis although I specified 44100:16:2), or someone should
have a look at the vorbis libraries whether they are built
with all applicable optimization.

> In case, I can provide my config files on Sunday, when I got home.

Would still be nice, while mpd.conf is well documented there
are just too many options for a beginner.

best regards

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