Hello ! I just compiled a whole gnome and friends. The pkgsrc was cvs-ed on 4-12-2009- quite recent. I have an option 'avahi' set as a default in my mk.conf. It seems that this caused errors when compiling below packages: -libgnome -libbonoboui -libgnomeui -dasher -evolution -gnome-panel -gnome-netstatus -gnome-utils -libgail-gnome -seahorse-plugins An errors looks like this: 'ld: cannot find -lavahi-glib' To fix it I manually added line '.include "../../net/avahi/buildlink3.mk" into Makefile for each of packages- that worked- I have fully working gnome now. Couldn't be that on purpose someone removed 'avahi' from these packages or is it rather my mk.conf file? (I attach). Or perhaps we quit using avahi in the future. Thank you ! Piotr.
MANINSTALL= maninstall catinstall MANZ=defined GZIP=-9 OBJHOSTNAME=work.Guusje OBJMACHINE=work.i386 PKG_SUFX= .tbz PKG_REGISTER_SHELLS= YES PREFER_NATIVE_PTHREADS= yes FAILOVER_FETCH=yes WRKOBJDIR=/usr/tmp LOCALBASE=/usr/pkg X11_TYPE=modular BSDSRCDIR=/usr/src LIBTOOLIZE_PLIST=yes PKG_SYSCONFBASE=${PREFIX}/etc RCD_SCRIPTS_DIR=/etc/rc.d PACKAGES=${PKGSRCDIR}/packages ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES+= fee-based-commercial-use no-commercial-use \ public-domain gnu-fdl-v1.1 gnu-fdl-v1.2 \ gnu-fdl-v1.3 gnu-gpl-v2 gnu-gpl-v3 gnu-lgpl-v2.1 \ gnu-lgpl-v3 original-bsd modified-bsd x11 mit \ cddl-1.0 cpl-1.0 xv-licens lame-license flash-license \ opera-850-license mplayer-codec-license sun-jre6-license skype-license sun-jdk6-license sun-jrl-16-license \ openmotif-license povray-license unrar-license \ vim-license google-earth-license scsl23-license \ sun-jdk14-license sun-jre14-license sun-jdk14-license \ openssl-patented-algorithms-nonlicense \ libdvdcss-license LINUX_LOCALES= \ af ar bg br ca cs cy da de el en eo es et eu fi fo fr ga gl \ he hr hu hy id is it ja ka kl ko lo lt lv nl no oc pl pt ro \ ru sk sl sr sv th tr uk vi wa zh MOZILLA_USE_LINUX=unset MOZILLA_USE_XFT=YES PKG_LANG=english polish french dutch russian czech PKG_JVMS_ACCEPTED=openjdk7 PKG_JVM=openjdk7 PKG_JAVA_HOME=/usr/pkg/java/openjdk7 JAVA_BINPREFIX=/usr/pkg/bin/openjdk7-java SUSE_PREFER=10.0 TEX_DEFAULT=teTeX3 PKG_OPTIONS.freetype2=truetype subpixel PKG_OPTIONS.modular-xorg-server=dri PKG_OPTIONS.gtk2=cups PKG_OPTIONS.openssl=idea mdc2 rc5 zlib PKG_OPTIONS.pulseaudio=avahi PKG_OPTIONS.openoffice3=gtk2 gnome cups lang-all PKG_OPTIONS.dbus=kqueue x11 PKG_OPTIONS.ekiga=avahi PKG_OPTIONS.epdfview=cups PKG_OPTIONS.SDL=-arts PKG_OPTIONS.gnome-vfs=fam hal PKG_OPTIONS.gnome-applets=hal PKG_OPTIONS.wine=cups opengl sane esound ldap hal ssl x11 PKG_OPTIONS.jdk15=jdk15-plugin PKG_OPTIONS.jdk16=jdk16-plugin PKG_OPTIONS.jdk14=jdk14-plugin PKG_OPTIONS.evince=dvi djvu PKG_OPTIONS.rhythmbox=hal PKG_OPTIONS.gimp=aalib gnome mng svg PKG_OPTIONS.sdl=-arts PKG_OPTIONS.mplayer=-arts -mplayer-runtime-cpudetection #-mplayer-default-cflags PKG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS=hal dbus gtk2 gnome cups firefox mysql dri opengl avahi fam java CFLAGS+=-march=prescott -s -O2 -msse3 -msse2 -msse -mmmx -mfpmath=sse CXXFLAGS+=-march=prescott -s -O2 -msse3 -msse2 -msse -mmmx -mfpmath=sse MASTER_SORT_REGEX=ftp:// .*/
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