i've spent the morning trying to install subversion from pkgsrc without no result. At first subversion ask me for apr-1.3.9 to be installed and not apr- So i uninstall everything related to apr- and then install apr-1.3.9. Now when i'm installing subversion it's saying that i need apr- Lots of people use subversion from pkgsrc without any big issues, so this should be easy to fix. By default apr1 is selected. Check your mk.conf and read the guide about options. Run the command below - it looks like you have non-default options set. gdt 3 /usr/pkgsrc/devel/subversion-base > make show-options Any of the following general options may be selected: apr1 sasl Enable SASL support. serf These options are enabled by default: apr1 These options are currently enabled: apr1 You can select which build options to use by setting PKG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS or PKG_OPTIONS.subversion.
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