It would be wrong many times, I'm sorry. :-(
2013/9/23 OBATA Akio <obache%netbsd.org@localhost>:
Create a patch, and I have attached.
I have tested a minimum. I made sure that the usage to work.(
http://quickml.com/usage.html )
safe_unlink has been removed from the File.
It is an error if the encoding of the code of quickml and encoding
specified in the messages are different.
to_a has been removed from the String.
Previous patchset contains patch-lib_quickml_server_lib.rb,
for using FilUtils.safeunlink instead of removed File.safeunlink.
Isn't it still required?
patch-lib_quickml_server_lib.rb is required.
I have attached only the files that have changed in the previous mail.
I've attached paches directory properly this time.