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Re: removing www/paros?

On Sun, Dec 08, 2013 at 03:51:55PM +0900, OBATA Akio wrote:
 > >Because he hasn't committed to pkgsrc in quite a while. I did contact
 > >him.
 > No upstream update, so no need to commit related to this package.

...that or anything else; he's not an active developer.

 > > > (written by Java, sun-jre? is Linux binary...?)
 > >
 > >The distribution contains Linux .so files.
 > I want to say that JNI binary format must be same as Java binary one.

They are Linux .so files linked against They might run with
COMPAT_LINUX, but the package doesn't use the compat framework.

 > Anyway...
 > Have you really confirmed that such binaries are required to run
 > for all platforms?
 > From cvs log of upstream, "Support native browser to view HTML in History."
 > I don't know how to use this package well, but at least, just start paros,
 > GUI window appeared, and no errors.

I have no idea. All I know is that this package has been failing to
"build" for a year and a half because of this issue, I'm tired of
seeing it in the failure logs, and because it's binary-only it isn't
fixable and its value seems questionable.

David A. Holland

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