On Fri, 09 May 2014 08:19:48 +0900, Greg Troxel <gdt%ir.bbn.com@localhost> wrote:
I updated a soekris net6501-70 from netbsd-6 from a year ago to recent, and installed the pkgin binary package from ftp.netbsd.org. I used it to install a few other things (bash, m4, rsync) and generally all was well. But emacs-24-nox111 dumps core on startup. I have seen similar(?) behavior when changing an i386 system to an PAE kernel. So I wonder if the emacs dump/undump process bakes in some assumptions that cause the binary to be not portable. And if so, what we should do about it?
known issue, emacs for i386 built on amd64 Xen is broken? -- OBATA Akio / obata%lins.jp@localhost