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Re: Firefox 54.0 (pkgsrc-HEAD) vs. gtk2

On Sat, 17 Jun 2017, Benny Siegert wrote:

> It does sound like gtk2 is out, from the options it gives.
> As an aside, why are you against gtk3?

My preferred graphical environment is not gtkX+-based, so does not provide
any means of configuring the various visual elements of gtkX+-enabled

Most surprising was gtk3+-enabled firefox (52.x from pkgsrc-2017Q1) on
my laptop which has only a 1024x768 display.  The "Save file" dialog
opened up larger than the display with the window borders (and hence
the sizing gadgets and even the Cancel/Save buttons) off the display.
Had my window manager not shown the window border/title bar in the
adjacent workspace, I would have lost control of firefox entirely.

Rebuilt with only gtk2+ support, firefox and its Save file dialog
behaved reasonably.

I seem to recall another thread describing a similar problem, but I've
not been able to find it.  I think it made references to tools for
configuring gtkX+ elements when one's GUI environment doesn't provide
such an interface.

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