Well, for what I could see, the problem with gobject-introspection and python2.7 abort (seg fault). for me seems SOLVED. I built all the system (6.1.5, 8.0) from pkgsrc -2017Q1 using gcc48 I build gcc48, perl with the base gcc, than configure /etc/mk.conf to build all using gcc48 and gcc48-libs see the /etc/mk.conf and other stuff on ftp://netbsd.k1.com.br/NetBSD/NetBSD-i386-6.1.5_PATCH/etc I built all the MATE desktop (644) packages with mate, gdm18, firefox, evolution, inkscape, mplayer, totem, gimp, geda, pcb, cups15... full functional it took me 2 weeks, the system builds and works as expected, the only issue is HAL and removable pen-drive that needs some work on loading/unloading usb stack I built the system basically on 6.1.5(i386) using VirtualBOX, and 8.0(arm RPI) bare metal. Yes, the full mate desktop on RPI2 and RPI3 (using evbarm6hf) I choose NetBSD 6.1.5 because my OLD hp zv5000 Pentium2 ONLY BOOTS on version 6.X if someone wants to test it can point the PKG_PATH to or ftp://netbsd.k1.com.br/NetBSD/NetBSD-earmv6hf-8.99.1/packages/ for RPI2 or RPI3 and pkg_add -v mate it installs all the mate desktop, make sure you have the user avahi installed... BEFORE as the script on net/avahi does not create user properly, and I will fix it later some tweeks are necessary in /etc/rc.conf dbus=YES hal=YES gdm=YES cupsd=YES and /usr/pkg/etc/gdm/custom.conf [xdmcp] Enable=True |