Hi, I managed to complete the build of www/apache24 on pkgsrc 2017Q2: In Makefile, comment out all SunOS specifics: #CFLAGS.SunOS+=-D__EXTENSIONS__ #.if !empty(CC_VERSION:Mgcc-[7-9]*) #CFLAGS.SunOS+=-D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 #.else #CFLAGS.SunOS+=-D_XOPEN_SOURCE -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED=1 #.endif Maybe this problem is because I’m building with gcc (with ABI=32)? Configure goes further, but then I gott an error with fdpass module: checking whether CMSG_DATA is declared... no configure: WARNING: Your system does not support CMSG_DATA. checking whether to enable mod_proxy_fdpass... configure: error: mod_proxy_fdpass has been requested but can not be built due to prerequisite failures I commented out fdpass in Makefile and removed the references to it in PLIST. Now it builds and installs . Maybe the “SunOS” variable/name is not fine grained enough? and should have “SunOS10” “SunOS11” “SunOSSmartOS” differentiators? Thanks, Michel