* On 2018-10-13 at 11:03 BST, Jonathan Perkin wrote:
> * On 2018-10-13 at 05:35 BST, Julien Savard wrote:
> > After some digging I came to the conclusion that pbulk.sh does not
> > use the mk-fragement when bootstraping for pbulk :
> Oh, this is during bootstrap. Yes, all that the --mk-fragment
> argument does during bootstrap is append the specified file to the
> mk.conf used _after_ bootstrap. It isn't used by the bootstrap build
> itself.
> That doesn't explain why it's still trying to use the pkgsrc directory
> to save them instead of the wrkdir, though. I'll try to get some time
> to look into why this isn't working for you next week unless someone
> beats me to it.
Ah, it's because I set PKGSRC_KEEP_BIN_PKGS=no in the bootstrap
This is probably something we should set by default in the bootstrap
script. How about something like this?
FWIW, if you are performing bulk builds, you should consider setting
PKGSRC_KEEP_BIN_PKGS=no in your mk.conf too. That way you won't have
your pristine built packages obliterated whenever you perform some
pkgsrc development with them.
Jonathan Perkin - Joyent, Inc. - www.joyent.com