On 23 January, 2020 4:18:05 PM PST, Ellenor Malik <ellenor%umbrellix.net@localhost> wrote:
I hope things are going well for the other subscribers to netbsd.org!pkgsrc-users.
If you use FreeBSD and have the pkgsrc tree cloned onto it, you may know that in the past, devel/glib2 did not link properly, having an error involving the 'environ' symbol. This problem is still manifesting for me. I've contacted the maintainer (cam.ac.uk!prlw1) and they've said to me that the change that should fix the issue (I believe it was related to PR #54752) had already been committed to the pkgsrc tree. If there's something I'm missing, please inform me at once. The way I cloned my copy of the pkgsrc tree was `cvs -danoncvs%anoncvs.netbsd.org@localhost:/cvsroot checkout pkgsrc`.
For what it's worth, the same port (as devel/glib20) doesn't link properly in HardenedBSD's ports tree either, because I have multiple of its dependencies installed from pkgsrc (nothing to do with the environ symbol).
Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read this email. I hope my "at once" in the second paragraph was not rude.
Ellenor Malik
SMTP: umbrellix.net!ellenor
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