On 2020-02-21 06:22, Tom H wrote:
I noticed the list of prerequisite packages for debian-world systems, am not familiar with most of those packages by the names in that list.https://wiki.netbsd.org/pkgsrc/how_to_use_pkgsrc_on_linux/ has gcc (and libstdc++) libncurses-devel zlib and zlib-devel openssl-devel libudev-dev They're a mix Debian and RHEL names.
I always begin with CentOS-minimal, and install only these via yum: gcc-gfortran gcc-c++ gcc openjdkThis minimal set is the basis for the bulk builds I alluded to in my last message.
pkgsrc provides everything else for itself.The fewer Linux-native packages are installed, the fewer leakage issues you'll have building in pkgsrc.
On systems where I have to install a lot of software from yum, I mostly use binary packages from my bulk builds (done in a pristine minimal chroot) rather than build from source and risk leakage-related failures. Leakage only tends to occur during build. The use of rpath mostly protects against it at run-time.