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Re: asterisk16: build native results in broken binaries under under certain circumstances

Hi Nia,

Am 31.12.2020 um 11:29 schrieb nia:

Using -march=native is unacceptable unless the user has that in
their CFLAGS.

Yes, it needs to be disabled by default and shouldn't be an option.
It should ideally also be pulled up to the stable branch if we
can't get this in in time.

It needs to "--disable BUILD_NATIVE" using menuselect, but I don't
understand how this works. Asterisk's build system is very strange.

Thanks for your E-Mail. Actually, I just checked menuconfig manually and it looks like something like this is required:

builder91$ rcsdiff
RCS file:,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -r1.1
> PKG_SUPPORTED_OPTIONS+=               build-native
> .if empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Mbuild-native)
> .endif

Anyway, my test build is still in progress. I will give it a test drive once it is finished and get back to you.

Kind regards

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