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bootstrap for x86_64 on Mac M1?

Hi all,

Today I had attempted to send this as a request for one of Apple's
WWDC21 Labs but by the time I had typed everything the session timed
out and... I give up. The specific lab is "C, C++, Obj-C, compiler,
analyzer, debugger, and linker lab" and it's tomorrow afternoon.

(I had submitted a Feedback Assistant ticket a few weeks ago with no

Long story short, I'm trying to bootstrap pkgsrc for x86_64 on an M1 Mac:

    curl -O
    mkdir usr
    gunzip < pkgsrc.tar.gz | tar -f - -x -C usr
    arch -x86_64 /bin/zsh
    uname -m
    cd usr/pkgsrc/bootstrap
    ./bootstrap --unprivileged

The bootstrap process fails:

    bmake(6664,0x201240e00) malloc: can't allocate region
    :*** mach_vm_map(size=1048576, flags: 100) failed (error code=4)
    bmake(6664,0x201240e00) malloc: *** set a breakpoint in
malloc_error_break to debug
    bmake[1]: Cannot allocate memory.
    *** Error code 2

I suspect this is an Apple bug because I don't remember seeing this
with macOS 11.2 a couple months ago. Maybe someone else can get
through to Apple?

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