Am 24.12.2021 um 00:57 schrieb manphiz:
Hi, AIUI pbulk will clean the logs of successfully built packages automatically. I wonder whether there is an option to let pbulk keep the build logs, or better, the build logs of specific ports? I'm asking this as some of the successfully built ports are having runtime issues[1] and saving the build logs may help debugging. At the end of that file, you can comment out the very last line, which currently says "rm -R ${bulklog}/${pkgname}". To keep only certain build logs, you can wrap this command in a 'case' statement: case ${pkgname} in gnupg-*) # keep the log files ;; *) rm -R ${bulklog}/${pkgname} ;; esac In the function 'cleanup', you can see that there is a configuration option named 'keep_wrkdir'. That's for extreme cases where the build.log is not enough. After editing this file, re-build pkgtools/pbulk. Roland