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Importing chat/py-sydent from wip


I have beein working on importing chat/py-sydent from wip. I upgraded
to latest upstream 2.5.6 to address the bunch of outstanding CVEs, but
I need help on a few points.

1) It requies py-confiparser. I build for python 3.9, and this package
is for pythoin 2.7 only. I had to upgrade py-confiparser. to 6.0.0 to
address this, but the new version now does not support python 2.7. 
I assume someone would be annoyed to see py-confiparser for python 2.7
vanish, how are we supposed to cope with that?

2) II have to patch sydent usage of configparser to use lower case:
-        self.cfg = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser(Sydent.CONFIG_DEFAULTS)
+        self.cfg = configparser.SafeConfigParser(Sydent.CONFIG_DEFAULTS)
Is it a mistake I did in porting py-confiparser, or is py-sydent using
it in a wrong way?

3) The program should be run as ${PYTHONBIN} -m sydent.sydent. I struggle
to maje a rc.d script that works with that. rc.D framework colokains of
any other python binary running. Any example in pkgsrc to start from?

Emmanuel Dreyfus

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