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Re: wip/oksh committer request

Kevin Bloom <> writes:

> I've updated shell/oksh in wip/oksh, if anyone could look it over
> and potentially commit it to -current.
> It's extremely boring and there are no changes other than the
> version.

I went to do this, but found that there was not COMMIT_MSG file with an
already-written commit message.  I didn't find upstream NEWS in the
unpacked distfile from which I could cut and paste in under a minute.

pkgsrc expects a summary of upstream changes, basically what upstream
should have put in NEWS (following the GNU standards).  Yes, this runs
into the same issue as upstreams that think they don't need releases.
Some upstreams think they don't need NEWS, but they are wrong about that
too :-)  This can be non-obvious, but usually someone familiar with a
package and caring about it can extract what NEWS should have been in a
few minutes, even if it is skimming `git log --oneline v1..v2` to be
able to write `Upstream NEWS content: bugfixes and minor improvements`.
But often there are API/ABI breaks and other things of significance.

This upstream also lacks NEWS content at the release page.   I let them
know about this :-)

The request for COMMIT_MSG is explained in

which I agree is a little buried, and I just made the top-level wip page
louder about it.  I also added the idea of attributing the wip
committer, which is something I've been trying to do when hoisting
package from wip to main pkgsrc.

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