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Re: Versioned package name change?

On 1/19/24 00:50, Greg Troxel wrote:
Despite SUPERCEDES working for pkgin, it doesn't work for the people
that use make replace.    So I would lean to

   Don't rename it, because the name being off is not terrible.  It's
   especially not terrible for an old version that probably people should
   be trying to transition away from.  (But the DESCR are bad; that is
   not manifest.)

A bit of background: Netatalk 3 discontinued ddp protocol support, cutting off file and print services for most of the pre-Darwin Macintoshes. That is why there are two Netatalk packages.

A few years ago, I pushed upstream those of the netatalk-22 patches accumulated that were of general interest, and got them accepted, resulting in a minor update on the supposedly-dead Netatalk 2 branch.

Eventually, a growing Apple II and Mac retro community set their eyes on file server support. There were forks of Netatalk 2, attempting to fix issues and support more (older) protocol versions. At some point, Daniel stepped up, worked with Netatalk upstream to integrate those fixes into both branches, and became a developer.

Since Netatalk 3 too has become legacy with Apple's decision to phase out AppleShare in favour of SMB3, there is the idea of merging ddp support back into the mainline. But that is some way off; the cleanup and deprecation of old platform support in 2.3 may be part of re-aligning the branches.

   Take this as a lesson that when naming a package for a version, to
   think about the likely trajectory of versions and what does and does
   not need to be versioned.

At the time, my crystal ball was away for re-polishing, and there was virtually no perspective for another Netatalk 2 release. ;)

"netatalk-ddp" might have been a better package name, yes.

   The real bug is that upstreams should be good
   enough about compatibility that there is essentially no desire to have
   multiple versions of a pacakge in the first place.

Upstream "moving forward" deprecated a feature that enough people found they still wanted. In hindsight, that was premature, yes.

Bottom line: As a regular user of pkg_rolling-replace, I'll just stick with "netatalk22".


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