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py-pydantic V2

Hi all,

I realize pkgsrc is only providing V1 of py-pydantic. V2 was rewritten in Rust, and this version is not yet available as a pkgsrc package. I tried to install it directly with pip, but the installation process fails with a rust compile error. Using Python 3.11, rust 1.73.0, latest pkgsrc-2023Q4 and NetBSD-10.0-RC3.

Actual goal is to get the most recent openai Python package installed on my NetBSD machine. I have an old 0.28 version from last summer successfully installed, but the upgrade to the current version now fails.

Anybody has an advice for me how to get openai-1.10.0 / pydantic-core-2.16.1 installed? Thank you so much for a hint!

This is the error I get:

% sudo pip3.11 install pydantic-core
    Compiling uuid v1.6.1
error[E0446]: crate-private type `extra::Extra<'_>` in public interface
         --> src/serializers/
      149 | /     pub fn main_to_python<'py>(
      150 | |         &self,
      151 | |         py: Python<'py>,
152 | | main_iter: impl Iterator<Item = PyResult<(&'py PyAny, &'py PyAny)>>,
      ...   |
      155 | |         extra: Extra,
      156 | |     ) -> PyResult<&'py PyDict> {
          | |______________________________^ can't leak crate-private type

error: could not compile `pydantic-core` (lib) due to 4 previous errors
      💥 maturin failed
        Caused by: Failed to build a native library through cargo
Caused by: Cargo build finished with "exit status: 101": `PYO3_ENVIRONMENT_SIGNATURE="cpython-3.11-64bit" PYO3_PYTHON="/usr/pkg/bin/python3.11" PYTHON_SYS_EXECUTABLE="/usr/pkg/bin/python3.11" "cargo" "rustc" "--features" "pyo3/extension-module" "--message-format" "json-render-diagnostics" "--manifest-path" "/tmp/pip-install-m49vnbbh/pydantic-core_0db8eac190484cb6ac1b2f706db0debb/Cargo.toml" "--release" "--lib" "--crate-type" "cdylib"` Error: command ['maturin', 'pep517', 'build-wheel', '-i', '/usr/pkg/bin/python3.11', '--compatibility', 'off'] returned non-zero exit status 1
      [end of output]

note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip.
  ERROR: Failed building wheel for pydantic-core

Best regards,

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