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pending/recent geo package changes, especially proj

tl;dr: If you depend on proj with any software that isn't actively
maintained, please test wip/proj and let me know what you are using.

Long ago, proj (library for projections and datum transforms) had a
release with very significant API withdrawals, and it took some
proj-depending packages a long time to adapt and have releases.
Basically, the proj-using community and the proj-maintaining community
have seen the reasonableness of these withdrawals differently.  I have
yet updated proj past the withdrawal because it would have caused
trouble that I didn't want to own.  proj is at 7.2.1.

I feel that we have arrived at "packages that do not have a formal
release that builds with modern proj are woefully unmaintained", and
that thus if a proj update breaks something, that's ok, compared to
holding others back, or the pain of versioning.

I had been using proj 8.2.1 from wip, and apparently flipped back to
7.2.1, and I just rebuilt with 8.2.1.  Specifically with qgis and
postgis, I have noticed no issues.  osm2pgsql and vtk both build.
Therefore I'm going to upgrade main pkgsrc proj to 8.2.1 (and
proj-data), and then upgrade wip to something more recent.

(I expect to upgrade pkgsrc to the newer proj version at some point, but
not until after 2024Q2.  Perhaps soon after, though.)

So, if you use something that depends on proj, that is not depended on
by qgis, please install proj from wip and test if you'd like to avoid
breakage.  I'll wait until Thursday 12Z to commit the update.

I will soon be commiting a change to gdal to use cmake, which is
necessary for updating gdal to more recent versions, which dropped
autoconf support.  Then I'll be updating gdal to the current release.  I
do not expect real trouble, merely perhaps hiccups that can be fixed

qgis is now at 3.34, and some of the new point cloud features might be a
little off as there are some new deps not in pkgsrc, simply omitted for
now.  But the things that used to work in 3.28 seem fine.

There's some chance qgis will end up tracking every release instead of
LTR; please let me know if you have an opinion (other than that you can
see it both ways and you're not sure which is better :-).  The question
is really about the balance of new features, stability, and interop with
others using qgis not from pkgsrc as qgis is not good about editing old
versions without upgrading the file format schema.

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