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Re: ham/dpbox trying to build this unstripped, no joy

Chris Maness <> writes:

> I am trying to get some backtrace on dpbox with gdb, but gdb says
> "there are no debugging symbols found".  I tried a few things
> documented here:
> I hit a dead end in r/NetBSD, so I am here.

Well, I am not sure you will find support for reddit not being useful!

But seriously you didn't explain much about what you are doing.

See doc/pkgsrc.txt and fine the line

  % env CFLAGS=-g INSTALL_UNSTRIPPED=yes make replace

except you may not want replace, and you should make clean first.
Also, you may want to set PKG_DEBUG_LEVEL=1 and save the output.

73 de n1dam

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