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Re: mktool support for fetch

On Oct 5, 18:05, pin wrote:
} On Saturday, October 5th, 2024 at 7:29 PM, nia <> wrote:
} > On Sat, Oct 05, 2024 at 03:12:12PM +0000, pin wrote:
} > 
} > > Where is democracy when the majority votes yes and the result is still no?

     There could have been messages that didn't go to the list,
i.e. you might not know what everybody said.

     Also, in NetBSD land, the active developers vote for the Board
of Directors of the Foundation.  They oversee operations and appoint
groups to handle day-to-day items.  Those groups work semi-autonomusly
(overseen by the Board when necessary).  This is no different from
how most Western countries work, where you elect politicians who
create and vote on policies (laws) amongst themselves.  Not every
issue gets put to a vote of the entire electorate.  That would be
extremely unwieldy and not practical.  This is why people are
elected to handle day-to-day operations.

} > Not every form of democracy is majoritarian - there are consent-based
} > models that use vetos in wide use in collectives like ours.

     By definition, democracy is majority rule.  However, most
democracies have limits (i.e. the Charter of Rights and Freedoms
in Canada).  Without those limits, there would be no such thing as
minority rights.  But, just because one is in a democracy does not
mean that they get to vote on everything that comes up.

     One of my favourite examples of tyranny by majority is
California.  California brought in "gay marriage".  They subsequently
had a referendum on the issue which got rid of it.  This is the
majority stepping on the rights of a minority.  Note, the US Supreme
Court subsequently ruled in favour of "gay marriage" thus settling
the issue for the entire nation (overruling the California referendum
in the process).

} You mean your vote counts more than others?
} That's called a dictatorship.

    This is grass passed through the bull!  (I did not come up with
that expression.)

} Let's vote and let everyone's voice be heard.


} I'll be the first to accept the decision if the majority says so.

     For the record, I've been meaning to chime-in.  My vote is to
keep pkgsrc infrastructure portable.  I'm not crazy about pkglint
being in Go, but at least that's only needed on development systems.
Rust is a very heavy requirement and really shouldn't be part of
every system used to build packages.  That said, mktool has
demonstrated some significant performane issues that should be
worked on.  The five times speedup of fetch is particularly
interesting as that is network-limited, not cpu-limited.

}-- End of excerpt from pin

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