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Re: ...or not

On Thu, Feb 01, 2001 at 11:58:48PM -0800, Donn Cave wrote:
> Right, it should.  My floppy drive light looks about the same as
> yours, takes less than a minute loading from the floppy drive and
> then the light goes off.  At that moment the monitor resets and
> I get the usual NetBSD boot screen, black and white, green and
> white and then back to black and white.

OK.  I built a floppy with a current kernel & boot stuff from the
instructions off the port page.  I couldn't get it to work with
CONS_VGA, but CONS_BE flipped into text mode and then wedged after
printing a '7' after the "Boot: " prompt.  Maybe a bad keyboard?
So there appear to be a couple of issues here.  Using the serial
console, though, appears to be working and I'm working on getting
a -current kernel to boot happily for me.

I have sort of hacked around a problem with the system running
out of space in the kernel_map during boot.

I see a couple of reasons why SCSI isn't working yet--they're
actually related to something else that I'm working on.  So, I'll
come back to that later.  In the meantime, I think I can boot
this diskless and at least get it up and running that way.


 Allen Briggs                     briggs%wasabisystems.com@localhost
 http://www.wasabisystems.com/    Quality NetBSD CDs, Sales, Support, Service

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