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1.5.1_BETA boot floppy?

Hi everyone,

I had no problems installing 1.5.1_BETA sets, but afterwards I get "Bad
System Call" problems at first (re)boot.  I've done some research and it
looks like it's because I'm using the 1.3 boot diskettes with the old
kernel, and I need to be booting the 1.5.1_BETA kernel.

I've since downgraded to 1.3, but I'd really like to try 1.5.1_BETA.  I
just came across some information regarding elf2pef and creating boot
floppies.  Can I create one under 1.3 with the elf 1.5.1_BETA kernel
from the snapshot?

Am I on the right track?  If not, could someone straighten me out, or
maybe put up a boot floppy image in the snapshot directory (Hi Allen!)?




I'd be glad to help out with installation documentation.

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