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Loading the kernel from floppy disk


here is the next status report, after fixing mkbootimage to create a working
BeOS boot file system.

Loading the kernel from two floppy disks doesn't work, unfortunately.

Either my floppy disk drive is defect or there are still problems in the
floppy driver. It looks like this:

Boot: Loading /dev/disk/floppy:netbsd
       func: F_READ
        st0 = 0x44
        st1 = 0x4
        st2 = 0x10
          c = 0x3
          h = 0x1
          r = 0x3
          n = 0x2
fdc0: unit0 fdReadWrite error [READ]
4064476       func: F_READ
        st0 = 0x40
        st1 = 0x20
        st2 = 0x20
          c = 0x2
          h = 0x0
          r = 0x7
          n = 0x2
fdc0: unit0 fdReadWrite error [READ]
@       func: F_READ
        st0 = 0x44
        st1 = 0x20
        st2 = 0x20
          c = 0xb
          h = 0x1
          r = 0x12
          n = 0x2
fdc0: unit0 fdReadWrite error [READ]
@fdc: DMA transfer Timeout
fdc0: unit0 fdReadWrite error [READ]
@fdc_out: timeout  status = 0xd0
fdc_out: timeout  status = 0xd0
fdc_out: timeout  status = 0xd0
fdc_out: timeout  status = 0xd0
fdc_out: timeout  status = 0xd0

As I can verify on other systems that the contents of the disks is correct,
and regarding the fact that the read-errors and DMA timeouts are completely
random each time I try, I would suspect a problem in the driver... :|

I noticed that the NetBSD boot-loader seems to rely on the MMU setup of
the BeOS Boot ROM. Is there any at all? Is it known what the Boot ROM

Maybe we have to set up some BAT mapping and fix I/O register access?

Frank Wille

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