Subject: Re: X 4.2.0
To: None <>
From: Mario Kemper <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/18/2002 10:08:58 writes:

> Well, I got myself a new video card, a nice Radeon 7000 PCI, but I 
> had to upgrade X, because the old version didn't support it.  So I 
> compiled it just fine, and it seemed to work, except that when I 
> switch back to my console, it changes all the colors to a dark 
> greyscale.  Anybody know a fix for it?
Same here with a Radeon8500. The funny thing is, that a friend with
the exact same setup (same board, same card) doesn't have this problem.
My guess is a leftover from an old X11 installation as my friend
did a complete celanup of /uxr/X11R6 before installing, or some
configuration issues.
Mario Kemper