Subject: new laptop drive
To: None <>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/24/2002 21:27:30
my current laptop drive is dying (which is not to say that ide is bad,
or laptops...i doubt a scsi drive would do that much better in a
laptop).  two years ain't all that bad for a laptop (i got the laptop
a little over two years ago) i carry around all the time.

i got a new one.  the old one is 11.5 gigs.  the new one is 40.  two
things come to mind.

(1) i had planned on simply expanding inflating the size of the
partitions currently allocated to all operating systems (win98 came
with the laptop, freebsd is good to play with occasionally, and
netbsd) from what they get now (out of 11) to something larger all
around.  suppose i move my netbsd partition to something a little
beyond the 10 gig mark (with / occupying ~3-400 megs at the
front)...will netbsd still be able to boot (using mbr_bootsel and

(2) to move the win98 partition, i had planned on simply allocating
it, newfs'ing it (for msdos) and tarring/untarring the current file
system.  is that likely to work, or not to work?

any help or advice will be appreciated.

|-----< "CODE WARRIOR" >-----|             * "ah!  i see you have the internet (Andrew Brown)                that goes *ping*!"       * "information is power -- share the wealth."