Subject: Re: new laptop drive
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: Greywolf <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/28/2002 12:51:01
On Tue, 28 May 2002, Jonathan Stone wrote:

# I think David meant: at install time, have the install kernel detect
# whether the BIOS supports int13 extensions. If it does, then install
# the LBA bootblocks; otherwise install the non-LBA bootblocks.

This is the fine art of fixing something that isn't really broken, though.
What happens if you need to transport the disk?  Granted, the
circumstances would be rather extreme, i.e. disk is going to a machine
that DOESN'T support int13 AND DOESN'T have a way of booting from another
drive (which is why you need this drive to begin with) AND has no floppy
AND cannot netboot AND....

But the point's still there.  The current scheme works; are we really at
that much of a loss of features in our bootblock that we need to rip out
what's there and strip it down to make room?

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