Subject: Re: Not that I haven't tried...
To: None <,>
From: None <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 02/05/2001 21:49:04
How can I install NetBSD on my Ultra10? I have commercial NetBSD CD's and
have printed off the Readme and followed it verbatim ('cept where it would
not apply ;) )
I'm sure we all know what a 'fun' time it is to install Solaris, so after
reading the sparc64 readme and doing the # dd if=miniroot.fs
of=/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s1 bs=4k conv=sync command.. although I do have to say
that in the sparc64/installation dir there is no installation dir like there
is for sparc and in the sparc/installtion/miniroot/ there is a
miniroot.fs.gz ... this is the file that I used (after I untar'd/compressed
it - if this is what I did wrong this would be my problem but if not...)
Obviously, as you have found out, the sparc miniroot will not work
on a sparcv9 machine. The bootblock, secondary bootloader, and the
kernel on that image will not work on 64-bit machines. You could
try to replace them with the 32-bit sparc64 versions so you can
run on a 32-bit kernel, or you could netboot a 32-bit kernel.
Instead, it's much easier to grab:
and use that as the miniroot and run in 64-bit mode.