Subject: Re: Sun CG6, X11 and so on
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 04/28/2005 14:30:44
> Anyway, what I'm getting at is - the driver only accelerates
> screen-to-screen blits and solid fills.  I'm sure the CG6 can do a
> lot more,

It can.  It can even do a lot more that I know how to make it do. :-)

> at least mono->8bit colour expansion would be nice,

Yes, there is support designed for font drawing that can, among other
things, draw characters, either with or without filling the
character-cell background with a different colour.

> I can't really imagine Sun not adding a CPU-to-screen blitter
> interface,

If they have one I haven't found it yet.  The font stuff I refer to
above contains the equivalent, but only for 32-bit character bitmasks -
to draw anything bigger than 32x1 you have to do multiple writes.  (You
can do it either as rows, 32 pixels at a time, or as 32-pixel-wide
vertical stripes, whichever you prefer.  Most characters, of course,
are narrower than 32 pixels and hence can be done as a vertical strip.)

> So - is there any halfway decent CG6 documentation out there?

I have a number of programs that make the cg6 sit up and do tricks.
I'll see about writing up a doc file describing what I know about it,
but I don't have time to do more than scribble out this message right

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