Subject: re: The dreaded thread bug [was Re: Stable again?]
To: None <>
From: matthew green <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 10/27/2006 10:44:16
The issue here is how the SPARC handles traps/faults/interrupts/etc.
Rather than pushing a lot of machine state on some kind of kernel
stack, the way a lot of machines do, the SPARC just does a window save,
but it ignores the window-invalid mask (%wim) when doing so. This
[ ... ]
this is how it works on SPARC <v9.
on v9 there is no %wim (the kernel-level handling of register windows
is entirely different) and the double-fault thing is somewhat lessened
by the multiple trap levels available, but otherwise what der Mouse
wrote in the previous message still basically applies.