but it's not there yet. After starting 'tmesh MY-SUN4U', any command I type in (even a simple carriage return) seems to bring tme in an infinite loop. Anyone else has seen this ? Note, I built tme without gtk2 (I commented out the buildlink include in the package Makefile)
To run without gtk: comment out kbd0 ms0 cgsix0 cgsixrom0 display0 sink1 uncomment sink0 console0 Then, if you want the serial console to be the standard input/output: change the /dev/ttyr0 in the console0 line to be - add --noninteractive to the tmesh command line Or, if you want the serial console to be on /dev/ttyr0 (keeping standard input/output usable for tmesh commands), add something like: tme:dv=/dev/ptyr0:br#9600:pa=none:dc: to /etc/remote (or some other file and setenv REMOTE /some/file) and start a tip tme to connect to the serial console. -- Matt Fredette