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Re: is NetBSD SPARC64 pure 64bit kernel and userspace?

sorry forgot to mention: im using qemu sparc64 (qemus SPARC 32/64bit translation is much slower - 32bit NetBSD userspace would explain the extreme slowdown on my x86_64 host)

Am 17.08.2015 um 10:02 schrieb matthew green:
i have never noticed any real difference in running GCC on sparc
32 vs 64 bit being particularly different.

it's been quite a while since i ran numbers, but back then it was
largely irrelevant.

the 32/64 bit translation layer is pretty minimal, it shouldn't
really affect any real program (and this matches my experience
with sparc and x86.)

by default, netbsd/sparc64 is "pure 64 bit".


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