Subject: goes to debug on boot up
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Dave Clarke x8048 <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/28/1996 08:30:48
Hi ,
	Well after some time trying to install all the bits of netbsd,I think,
I finally got round to booting up the system from disk. Unfortunately, it got as far as:-
setting tty flags
/: bad dir ino 1280 at offset 2080: i_size too small
panic bad dir
		other messages appear and then then the db> prompt appears.

I followed Gunnar's install FAQ with the following setup:-
uVAXII/GPX in a BA123 with 9MB, 2 RD53's and 2 RX33's (one is 3.5") on a RQDX3,
The first RD53 is split for partition a (15840), b (20160), d rest of disk.
The second RD53 is set for the whole as partition e.
After installing all the bits of the system,made the devices, I mounted the miniroot as suggested write access and used ed to create /mnt/etc/fstab as follows:-
   /dev/ra0a  /  ffs  rw 1 1
   /dev/ra1e  /usr  ffs  rw 1 3
I double checked that it had written these files and proceeded to boot from DUA0:

Have I missed something out ?

Also, I have an RZ23-E, I found a disktab listing for this in the DECstation directory. The problem is which is the correct entry for this drive RZ23 or RZ23L ? Is there an obvious distinction between the two types ?

Many thanks,